< Revelation 13 >

1 And I stood on the sea sand. And I saw a beast rise out of the sea, hauing seuen heads, and ten hornes, and vpon his hornes were ten crownes, and vpon his heads the name of blasphemie.
Ba biwame bi tono ikiki, aje uraba udang. Mi be ma iri binama bi buri unnu suro anyimo uraba udang ba zi inna hure ukirau nan na ce usunare. Asesere ahira me ina ukirau ya cikin, aseser ako niya nice niza ni zenzen na rani.
2 And the beast which I sawe, was like a Leopard, and his feete like a beares, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gaue him his power and his throne, and great authoritie.
Binama bi buri sa ma iri ba zi kasi bikpe. Tibuna me kasi ti buna ti binama ba iro, ayome gu anyo udaru. Bi nama ba iro bi dandang ba nya me in kara nimeme, nan tigomo timeme ma canti anabu.
3 And I sawe one of his heads as it were wounded to death, but his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondred and folowed the beast.
Kasi nice ni bire bi nama bi buru me sa a hu, senke unuru me wa huma. Anu manyaga me vat wa kunna biyau unnu tarsa ubibama bi buri me.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gaue power vnto the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like vnto the beast! who is able to warre with him!
Wa kuri wa nonzo bi nama ba iro bi dandang me barki ma nya bi nama bi buri me nikara, waa nonzo bini cangi innu gusa, ''aveni mazi gu bi nama ba iro me, aveni mada ke ma wuzi tikara nan hu?' nan aveni madi wuzi ti kara nan bi nama bi buri me?''
5 And there was giuen vnto him a mouth, that spake great things and blasphemies, and power was giuen vnto him, to doe two and fourtie moneths.
A nya binama biburu me a nyo barki ma bu utize tizenzen. A nya bini nikara tipe akuri anazi nan tire.
6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemie against God, to blaspheme his Name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heauen.
Bi nama biburu me ba poki anyo unice zogizo Asere uchara niza ni me ahira sa ma cikin, nan nanu sa wa ciki anyimo Asere.
7 And it was giuen vnto him to make warre with the Saints, and to ouercome them, and power was giuen him ouer euery kinred, and tongue, and nation.
A nya binama bi dandang nikara barki bi wuzi nikono nan na bi, biri we inni kono. Akuri a nya bini ni kara asesere a ko niya nilem, anabu nan ti hira.
8 Therefore all that dwell vpon the earth, shall worship him, whose names are not written in the booke of life of that Lambe, which was slaine from the beginning of the world.
Vat anu sa wa ciki unee me wadi nonzo bini unu ge sa da a nyettike niza nimeme dati ubara unee me, anyimo utakarda iai, u bitam sa a weki.
9 If any man haue an eare, let him heare.
Unu uge sa mazin ti ttoi na ma kunna.
10 If any leade into captiuitie, hee shall go into captiuitie: if any kill with a sword, he must be killed by a sword: here is the patience and the faith of the Saints.
Inka adi ziki uye uhana ani rere, anyimo ani rere madi dusa. Inka adi hu uye innu kasagali, unnu kasagali uni adi hu. In tisa shi barki iwu iriba ishew nan anu sa wazi lau.
11 And I beheld another beast comming vp out of the earth, which had two hornes like the Lambe, but he spake like the dragon.
Ma kuri in iri bire bi nama biburu unnu suro anyimo unee me. Bi zi inna hure are gu a bitam, bi boo gu bi nama bi dandag.
12 And he did all that the first beast could doe before him, and he caused the earth, and them which dwell therein, to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Ba wuzi katuma inni kara ni bi nama ba iro bi dandang bi tuba aje abini, ba kuri bi wu anu wa nonzo bi tuba me, bi gesa unuru me wa huma.
13 And he did great wonders, so that hee made fire to come downe from heauen on the earth, in the sight of men,
Ba wuzi timumum ti biyau. Ba hunguko urah asesere u rizi unee aje anu.
14 And deceiued them that dwell on the earth by the signes, which were permitted to him to doe in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make the image of the beast, which had the wound of a sword, and did liue.
Bi bezi be zisa bi wuzi, ba rangi anu sa wa ciki unee me. Ba gu in we wa barka ire imum ciki u nonzo ubi nama bi buri me sa ba innu nuru senke ma daza chai.
15 And it was permitted to him to giue a spirit vnto the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast should speake, and should cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast, should be killed.
A nya bini nikara nu nya ivai ubi nama bi buri me barki bi boo tize bi wu anu sa nyari u nonzo ubini a hu we.
16 And he made all, both small and great, rich and poore, free and bond, to receiue a marke in their right hand or in their foreheads,
Bi kuri bi wu anu inni kara, sa a kunna in we nan na dandang, anu ikirfi nan nu udira, afang nan arere, wa kabi bihori u binama bi buri a tari tinare nani abitini.
17 And that no man might buy or sell, saue hee that had the marke, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Daki uye mabari makpi nani ma zizi senke wa zi in tikama tibi nama bi buru me, ubassa uniza me nini.
18 Here is wisdome. Let him that hath wit, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is sixe hundreth threescore and sixe.
Utisa uni barki ugamara utize. Vat unu ge sa ma hira anyimo na ma basa ulamba ubi noma bi buri me. Ukamba wa nanu uni, unee ini 666.

< Revelation 13 >