< Psalms 89 >
1 A Psalme to give instruction, of Ethan the Ezrahite. I will sing the mercies of the Lord for euer: with my mouth will I declare thy trueth from generation to generation.
Anigu weligayba waxaan ku gabyi doonaa Rabbiga waxyaalihiisa naxariista leh, Oo aaminnimadaadana afkaygaan ka ab ka ab ku ogeysiinayaa.
2 For I said, Mercie shalbe set vp for euer: thy trueth shalt thou stablish in ye very heauens.
Waayo, waxaan idhi, Naxariistu weligeedba way dhisnaan doontaa, Oo aaminnimadaadana waxaad ku adkayn doontaa samooyinka qudhooda.
3 I haue made a couenant with my chosen: I haue sworne to Dauid my seruant,
Axdi baan la dhigtay kii aan doortay, Oo waxaan u dhaartay addoonkaygii Daa'uud, oo ku idhi,
4 Thy seede will I stablish for euer, and set vp thy throne from generation to generation. (Selah)
Farcankaaga weligayba waan sii adkayn doonaa, Oo carshigaaguna wuu dhisnaan doonaa tan iyo ka ab ka ab. (Selaah)
5 O Lord, euen the heauens shall prayse thy wonderous worke: yea, thy trueth in the Congregation of the Saints.
Rabbiyow, samooyinku waxay ammaani doonaan yaababkaaga, Oo weliba aaminnimadaadana waxaa laga dhex sheegi doonaa shirka kuwa quduuska ah.
6 For who is equall to the Lord in the heauen? and who is like the Lord among the sonnes of the gods?
Waayo, bal yaa cirka ku jira oo Rabbiga lala simi karaa? Bal yaase ku dhex jira wiilasha kuwa xoogga badan oo Rabbiga la mid ah,
7 God is very terrible in the assemblie of the Saints, and to be reuerenced aboue all, that are about him.
Kaas oo ah Ilaaha ugu cabsida badan guddiga kuwa quduuska ah, Oo waajibka tahay in kuwa hareerihiisa ku wareegsan oo dhammu ay ka cabsadaan.
8 O Lord God of hostes, who is like vnto thee, which art a mightie Lord, and thy trueth is about thee?
Rabbiyow Ilaaha ciidammadow, Bal yaa sidaada u xoog badan, Rabbiyow? Aaminnimadaadu hareerahaagay ku wareegsan tahay.
9 Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waues thereof arise, thou stillest them.
Adigaa u taliya badda kibirkeeda, Oo markii hirarkeedu kacaan adigaa dejiya.
10 Thou hast beaten downe Rahab as a man slaine: thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy mightie arme.
Rahab waxaad u kala burburisay sidii mid la dilay, Oo cadaawayaashaadiina waxaad ku kala firdhisay gacanta xooggaaga.
11 The heauens are thine, the earth also is thine: thou hast layde the foundation of the world, and all that therein is.
Samooyinka adigaa iska leh, dhulkana adigaa iska leh, Dunida iyo waxaa ka buuxana adigaa aasaasay.
12 Thou hast created the North and the South: Tabor and Hermon shall reioyce in thy Name.
Woqooyi iyo koonfurba adigaa abuuray, Taaboor iyo Xermoonba magacaagay ku reyreeyaan.
13 Thou hast a mightie arme: strong is thine hand, and high is thy right hand.
Adigu waxaad leedahay dhudhun itaal weyn, Gacantaaduna way xoog badan tahay, midigtaaduna way sarraysaa.
14 Righteousnesse and equitie are the stablishment of thy throne: mercy and trueth goe before thy face.
Carshigaaga aasaaskiisu waxa weeye xaq iyo caddaalad, Oo naxariista iyo runtuna way ku hor socdaan.
15 Blessed is the people, that can reioyce in thee: they shall walke in the light of thy countenance, O Lord.
Waxaa barakaysan dadka yaqaan dhawaaqa farxadda leh, Rabbiyow, waxay ku socdaan wejigaaga iftiinkiisa,
16 They shall reioyce continually in thy Name, and in thy righteousnes shall they exalt them selues.
Maalinta oo dhan waxay ku reyreeyaan magacaaga, Oo waxay ku sara marayaan xaqnimadaada.
17 For thou art the glory of their strength, and by thy fauour our hornes shall be exalted.
Waayo, waxaad tahay ammaantii xooggooda, Oo raallinimadaada daraaddeed ayaa geeskayaga kor loogu sarraysiin doonaa.
18 For our shield apperteineth to the Lord, and our King to the holy one of Israel.
Waayo, gaashaankayaga waxaa iska leh Rabbiga, Oo boqorkayagana waxaa iska leh Kan quduuska ah oo reer binu Israa'iil.
19 Thou spakest then in a vision vnto thine Holy one, and saydest, I haue layde helpe vpon one that is mightie: I haue exalted one chosen out of the people.
Markaas quduusiintaada waxaad kula hadashay muuqasho, Oo waxaad ku tidhi, Waxaan caawimaad kor saaray mid xoog badan, Oo waxaan sarraysiiyey mid dadka laga doortay.
20 I haue found Dauid my seruant: with mine holy oyle haue I anoynted him.
Waxaan helay addoonkaygii Daa'uud ahaa, Oo waxaan ku subkay saliiddaydii quduuska ahayd,
21 Therefore mine hande shall be established with him, and mine arme shall strengthen him.
Oo gacantaydu isagay la jiri doontaa, Dhudhunkayguna isaguu xoogayn doonaa.
22 The enemie shall not oppresse him, neither shall the wicked hurt him.
Cadowgu ma dulmi doono, Wiilka sharnimaduna ma dhibi doono.
23 But I will destroy his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him.
Oo cadaawayaashiisa hortiisaan ku wada burburin doonaa, Oo kuwa isaga necebna waan layn doonaa.
24 My trueth also and my mercie shall be with him, and in my Name shall his horne be exalted.
Laakiinse aaminnimadayda iyo naxariistaydu isagay la jiri doonaan, Oo geeskiisana waxaa lagu sarraysiin doonaa magacayga.
25 I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the floods.
Oo weliba gacantiisa waxaan ka sarraysiin doonaa badda, Midigtiisana webiyaasha.
26 He shall cry vnto mee, Thou art my Father, my God and the rocke of my saluation.
Aniguu ii qayshan doonaa, oo wuxuu odhan doonaa, Adigu waxaad tahay aabbahay, Iyo Ilaahay, iyo dhagaxii weynaa oo badbaadadayda.
27 Also I wil make him my first borne, higher then the Kings of the earth.
Oo weliba waxaan isaga ka dhigi doonaa curadkayga, Oo wuxuu ahaan doonaa boqorrada dunida kan ugu wada sarreeya.
28 My mercie will I keepe for him for euermore, and my couenant shall stande fast with him.
Weligayba waxaan isaga u hayn doonaa naxariistayda, Oo axdigayguna isaguu ku sii adkaan doona.
29 His seede also will I make to endure for euer, and his throne as the dayes of heauen.
Oo weliba farcankiisana waxaan ka dhigi doonaa mid weligiis waara, Carshigiisana sida wakhtiga samada.
30 But if his children forsake my Lawe, and walke not in my iudgements:
Carruurtiisu hadday sharcigayga ka tagaan, Oo aanay ku socon xukummadayda,
31 If they breake my statutes, and keepe not my commandements:
Hadday qaynuunnadayda jebiyaan, Oo aanay amarradayda dhawrin,
32 Then will I visite their transgression with the rod, and their iniquitie with strokes.
Markaas xadgudubkooda waxaan kaga abaalmarin doonaa ul, Xumaantoodana jeedal.
33 Yet my louing kindnesse will I not take from him, neither will I falsifie my trueth.
Laakiinse naxariistayda oo dhan kama wada qaadi doono, Aaminnimadayduna inay isaga gabto uma oggolaan doono.
34 My couenant wil I not breake, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
Axdigayga ma jebin doono, Oo wixii afkayga ka soo baxayna ma beddeli doono.
35 I haue sworne once by mine holines, that I will not fayle Dauid, saying,
Mar baan waxaan ku dhaartay quduusnimadayda, Oo Daa'uud been uma sheegi doono,
36 His seede shall endure for euer, and his throne shalbe as the sunne before me.
Farcankiisu weligiisuu waari doonaa, Carshigiisuna wuxuu u waari doonaa sida qorraxda hortayda ka ifaysa.
37 He shalbe established for euermore as the moone, and as a faythfull witnes in the heauen. (Selah)
Oo wuxuu weligiisba u sii jiri doonaa sida dayaxa, Iyo sida markhaatiga daacadda ah oo cirka jooga. (Selaah)
38 But thou hast reiected and abhorred, thou hast bene angry with thine Anoynted.
Laakiinse adigu waad xoortay oo waad nacday, Oo waxaad u cadhootay kaaga subkan.
39 Thou hast broken the couenant of thy seruant, and profaned his crowne, casting it on the ground.
Axdigii addoonkaaga waad nacday, Oo taajkiisiina waad nijaasaysay oo dhulka ku tuurtay.
40 Thou hast broken downe all his walles: thou hast layd his fortresses in ruine.
Deyrarkiisii oo dhan waad dumisay, Oo qalcadihiisii oo dhanna waad burburisay.
41 All that goe by the way, spoyle him: he is a rebuke vnto his neighbours.
Wax alla wixii jidka soo mara oo dhanba isagay dhacaan, Oo derisyadiisana wuxuu u noqday cay.
42 Thou hast set vp the right hand of his enemies, and made all his aduersaries to reioyce.
Waxaad kor u qaadday midigtii kuwii dulmayay, Cadaawayaashiisii oo dhanna waad ka farxisay.
43 Thou hast also turned the edge of his sworde, and hast not made him to stand in the battell.
Oo weliba afka seeftiisana dib baad u celisaa, Isagiina kama aad dhigin inuu dagaalka ku sii adkaysto.
44 Thou hast caused his dignitie to decay, and cast his throne to the ground.
Iftiinkiisii waad demisay, Carshigiisiina dhulkaad ku tuurtay.
45 The dayes of his youth hast thou shortned, and couered him with shame. (Selah)
Cimrigii dhallinyaranimadiisii waad soo gaabisay, Oo waxaad isagii ka muujisay ceeb. (Selaah)
46 Lord, howe long wilt thou hide thy selfe, for euer? shall thy wrath burne like fire?
Rabbiyow, ilaa goormaad isqarin doontaa? Ma weligaa baa? Oo ilaa goormay cadhadaadu sida dab u ololi doontaa?
47 Remember of what time I am: wherefore shouldest thou create in vaine all the children of men?
Bal xusuuso sida wakhtigaygu u gaaban yahay, Waayo, sidaad binu-aadmiga oo dhan u abuurtay micnedarnaa!
48 What man liueth, and shall not see death? shall hee deliuer his soule from the hande of the graue? (Selah) (Sheol )
Bal waa ninkee kan iska noolaan doona isagoo aan dhimasho arkin, Oo naftiisa ka samatabbixin doona xoogga She'ool? (Selaah) (Sheol )
49 Lord, where are thy former mercies, which thou swarest vnto Dauid in thy trueth?
Sayidow, meeday naxariistaadii hore, Oo aad Daa'uud aaminnimadaada ugu dhaaratay?
50 Remember, O Lord, the rebuke of thy seruants, which I beare in my bosome of all the mightie people.
Sayidow, bal soo xusuuso cayda addoommadaada, Iyo sida aan laabta ugu sido cayda dadka badan oo dhan,
51 For thine enemies haue reproched thee, O Lord, because they haue reproched the footesteps of thine Anointed.
Rabbiyow, waana tii ay cadaawayaashaadu igu caayeen, Oo waa tii ay ku caayeen tallaabooyinka kaaga subkan.
52 Praised be the Lord for euermore. So be it, euen so be it.
Mahad waxaa leh Rabbiga tan iyo weligiisba. Aamiin, iyo aamiin.