< Psalms 87 >
1 A Psalme or song committed to the sonnes of Korah. God layde his foundations among the holy mountaines.
Af Koras Sønner. En Salme. En Sang. Sin Stad, grundfæstet paa hellige Bjerge, har HERREN kær,
2 The Lord loueth the gates of Zion aboue all the habitations of Iaakob.
Zions Porte fremfor alle Jakobs Boliger.
3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O citie of God. (Selah)
Der siges herlige Ting om dig, du Guds Stad. (Sela)
4 I will make mention of Rahab and Babel among them that knowe me: beholde Palestina and Tyrus with Ethiopia, There is he borne.
Jeg nævner Rahab og Babel blandt dem, der kender HERREN, Filisterland, Tyrus og Kusj: en fødtes her, en anden der.
5 And of Zion it shall be sayde, Many are borne in her: and he, euen the most High shall stablish her.
Men Zion kalder man Moder, der fødtes enhver, den Højeste holder det selv ved Magt.
6 The Lord shall count, when hee writeth the people, He was borne there. (Selah)
HERREN tæller efter i Folkeslagenes Liste, en fødtes her, en anden der. (Sela)
7 Aswell the singers as the players on instruments shall prayse thee: all my springs are in thee.
Syngende og dansende siger de: »Alle mine Kilder er i dig!«