< Psalms 81 >

1 To him that excelleth upon Gittith. A Psalme committed to Asaph. Sing ioyfully vnto God our strength: sing loude vnto the God of Iaakob.
Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe. Potsata mayimbidwe a gititi. Salimo la Asafu. Imbani mwachimwemwe kwa Mulungu mphamvu yathu; Fuwulani mokweza kwa Mulungu wa Yakobo!
2 Take the song and bring forth the timbrel, the pleasant harpe with the viole.
Yambani nyimbo, imbani tambolini imbani pangwe wolira bwino ndi zeze.
3 Blowe the trumpet in the newe moone, euen in the time appointed, at our feast day.
Imbani lipenga la nyanga ya nkhosa yayimuna pa mwezi watsopano, ndi pamene mwezi waoneka wonse, pa tsiku la phwando;
4 For this is a statute for Israel, and a Law of the God of Iaakob.
ili ndi lamulo kwa Israeli, langizo la Mulungu wa Yakobo.
5 Hee set this in Ioseph for a testimonie, when hee came out of the land of Egypt, where I heard a language, that I vnderstoode not.
Iye anapereka lamulolo kwa zidzukulu za Yosefe pamene anatuluka kulimbana ndi Igupto, kumene tinamva chiyankhulo chimene sitinachidziwe.
6 I haue withdrawen his shoulder from the burden, and his handes haue left the pots.
Iye akunena kuti, “Ine ndinachotsa zolemetsa pa mapewa awo; Manja awo anamasulidwa mʼdengu.
7 Thou calledst in affliction and I deliuered thee, and answered thee in the secret of the thunder: I prooued thee at the waters of Meribah. (Selah)
Pa mavuto anu munayitana ndipo ndinakulanditsani, ndinakuyankhani kuchokera mʼmitambo ya mabingu; ndinakuyesani pa madzi a ku Meriba. (Sela)
8 Heare, O my people, and I wil protest vnto thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken vnto me,
“Imvani anthu anga, ndipo ndidzakuchenjezani ngati mungathe kumvetsera, Inu Israeli!
9 Let there bee no strange god in thee, neither worship thou any strange god.
Musadzakhale ndi mulungu wachilendo pakati panu; musadzagwadire mulungu wina.
10 For I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide and I will fill it.
Ine ndine Yehova Mulungu wanu, amene ndinakutulutsani mʼdziko la Igupto. Yasamani kukamwa kwanu ndipo ndidzakudyetsani.
11 But my people would not heare my voyce, and Israel would none of me.
“Koma anthu anga sanandimvere; Israeli sanandigonjere.
12 So I gaue them vp vnto the hardnesse of their heart, and they haue walked in their owne cousels.
Kotero ndinawasiya ndi mitima yawo yosamverayo kuti atsate zimene ankafuna.
13 Oh that my people had hearkened vnto me, and Israel had walked in my wayes.
“Anthu anga akanangondimvera, Israeli akanatsatira njira zanga,
14 I would soone haue humbled their enemies, and turned mine hand against their aduersaries.
nʼkanafulumira motani kuti ndigonjetse adani awo ndi kutembenuza mkono wanga kulimbana ndi amaliwongo!
15 The haters of the Lord should haue bene subiect vnto him, and their time should haue endured for euer.
Iwo amene amadana ndi Yehova akanakhwinyata pamaso pake, ndipo chilango chawo chinakakhala mpaka kalekale.
16 And God would haue fedde them with the fatte of wheat, and with honie out of the rocke would I haue sufficed thee.
Koma inu mukanadyetsedwa tirigu wabwino kwambiri; ndikanakukhutitsani ndi uchi wochokera pa thanthwe.”

< Psalms 81 >