< Psalms 76 >
1 To him that excelleth on Neginoth. A Psalme or song committed to Asaph. God is knowen in Iudah: his Name is great in Israel.
KOT me indand mau ren Iuda, o mar a me linan ren men Ijrael.
2 For in Shalem is his Tabernacle, and his dwelling in Zion.
Tanpaj a im pwal mi nan Jalem, o tanpaj a mi Jion.
3 There brake he the arrowes of the bowe, the shielde and the sword and the battell. (Selah)
I waja a kotin katip pajan ia kananan kajik katieu, o pere, o kodlaj, O tatan mauin.
4 Thou art more bright and puissant, then the mountaines of pray.
Komui me linan o manaman jan dol en mauin kan.
5 The stout hearted are spoyled: they haue slept their sleepe, and all the men of strength haue not found their hands.
Me aklapalap akan lodier on men kul akan o mela, o jaunpei komad karoj en kidi pa arail.
6 At thy rebuke, O God of Iaakob, both the chariot and horse are cast a sleepe.
Main Kot en Iakop oj o war kin pupekidi omui majan akan.
7 Thou, euen thou art to be feared: and who shall stand in thy sight, when thou art angrie!
Komui meid kamajapwek. Ij me kak u mo’mui ni omui onion?
8 Thou didest cause thy iudgement to bee heard from heauen: therefore the earth feared and was still,
Ni omui kotin kajaledar omui kadeik jan nanlan, jappa ap majapwekadar o nenenlar,
9 When thou, O God, arose to iudgement, to helpe all the meeke of the earth. (Selah)
Ni en Kot a kotidar, pwen kadeik, o jauaja me luet akan karoj nin jappa.
10 Surely the rage of man shall turne to thy praise: the remnant of the rage shalt thou restrayne.
Pwe makar en aramaj kin kalinanada komui, o ma re pan pur on moromoron, luan omui onion pan itar on irail.
11 Vowe and performe vnto the Lord your God, all ye that be rounde about him: let them bring presents vnto him that ought to be feared.
Komail inau on Ieowa omail Kot o kapwaiada. Komail karoj, me mi impa, wa don ren me kalom omail kijakij akan.
12 He shall cut off the spirit of princes: he is terrible to the Kings of the earth.
I me pan atia jan jaupeidi kan ar komad, a meid kalom on nanmarki en jappa kan.