< Psalms 74 >

1 A Psalme to give instruction, committed to Asaph. O God, why hast thou put vs away for euer? why is thy wrath kindled against the sheepe of thy pasture?
intellectus Asaph ut quid Deus reppulisti in finem iratus est furor tuus super oves pascuae tuae
2 Thinke vpon thy Congregation, which thou hast possessed of olde, and on the rod of thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed, and on this mount Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt.
memor esto congregationis tuae quam possedisti ab initio redemisti virgam hereditatis tuae mons Sion in quo habitasti in eo
3 Lift vp thy strokes, that thou mayest for euer destroy euery enemie that doeth euill to the Sanctuarie.
leva manus tuas in superbias eorum in finem quanta malignatus est inimicus in sancto
4 Thine aduersaries roare in the middes of thy Congregation, and set vp their banners for signes.
et gloriati sunt qui oderunt te in medio sollemnitatis tuae posuerunt signa sua signa
5 He that lifted the axes vpon the thicke trees, was renowmed, as one, that brought a thing to perfection:
et non cognoverunt sicut in exitu super summum quasi in silva lignorum securibus
6 But nowe they breake downe the carued worke thereof with axes and hammers.
exciderunt ianuas eius in id ipsum in securi et ascia deiecerunt eam
7 They haue cast thy Sanctuarie into the fire, and rased it to the grounde, and haue defiled the dwelling place of thy Name.
incenderunt igni sanctuarium tuum in terra polluerunt tabernaculum nominis tui
8 They saide in their hearts, Let vs destroy them altogether: they haue burnt all the Synagogues of God in the land.
dixerunt in corde suo cognatio eorum simul quiescere faciamus omnes dies festos Dei a terra
9 We see not our signes: there is not one Prophet more, nor any with vs that knoweth howe long.
signa nostra non vidimus iam non est propheta et nos non cognoscet amplius
10 O God, howe long shall the aduersarie reproche thee? shall the enemie blaspheme thy Name for euer?
usquequo Deus inproperabit inimicus inritat adversarius nomen tuum in finem
11 Why withdrawest thou thine hand, euen thy right hand? drawe it out of thy bosome, and consume them.
ut quid avertis manum tuam et dexteram tuam de medio sinu tuo in finem
12 Euen God is my King of olde, working saluation in the middes of the earth.
Deus autem rex noster ante saeculum operatus est salutes in medio terrae
13 Thou didest deuide the sea by thy power: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters.
tu confirmasti in virtute tua mare contribulasti capita draconum in aquis
14 Thou brakest the head of Liuiathan in pieces, and gauest him to be meate for the people in wildernesse.
tu confregisti capita draconis dedisti eum escam populis Aethiopum
15 Thou brakest vp the fountaine and riuer: thou dryedst vp mightie riuers.
tu disrupisti fontem et torrentes tu siccasti fluvios Aetham;
16 The day is thine, and the night is thine: thou hast prepared the light and the sunne.
tuus est dies et tua est nox tu fabricatus es auroram et solem
17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter.
tu fecisti omnes terminos terrae aestatem et ver tu plasmasti ea
18 Remember this, that the enemie hath reproched the Lord, and the foolish people hath blasphemed thy Name.
memor esto huius inimicus inproperavit Dominum et populus insipiens incitavit nomen tuum
19 Giue not the soule of thy turtle doue vnto the beast, and forget not the Congregation of thy poore for euer.
ne tradas bestiis animam confitentem tibi animas pauperum tuorum ne obliviscaris in finem
20 Consider thy couenant: for the darke places of the earth are full of the habitations of the cruell.
respice in testamentum tuum quia repleti sunt qui obscurati sunt terrae domibus iniquitatum
21 Oh let not the oppressed returne ashamed, but let the poore and needie prayse thy Name.
ne avertatur humilis factus confusus pauper et inops laudabunt nomen tuum
22 Arise, O God: mainteine thine owne cause: remember thy dayly reproche by the foolish man.
exsurge Deus iudica causam tuam memor esto inproperiorum tuorum eorum qui ab insipiente sunt tota die
23 Forget not the voyce of thine enemies: for the tumult of them, that rise against thee, ascendeth continually.
ne obliviscaris voces inimicorum tuorum superbia eorum qui te oderunt ascendit semper

< Psalms 74 >