< Psalms 72 >

1 A Psalme of Salomon. Give thy iudgements to the King, O God, and thy righteousnesse to the Kings sonne.
Sulayman üchün: — I Xuda, padishahqa hökümliringni tapshurghaysen; Padishahning oghligha Öz heqqaniyliqingni bergeysen.
2 Then shall he iudge thy people in righteousnesse, and thy poore with equitie.
Shundaq bolghanda u Öz xelqing üchün heqqaniyliq bilen, Sanga tewe ézilgen möminler üchün adilliq bilen höküm chiqiridu;
3 The mountaines and the hilles shall bring peace to the people by iustice.
Taghlar xelqqe tinch-amanliq élip kélidu, Édirliqlarmu heqqaniyliq bilen shundaq qilidu.
4 He shall iudge the poore of the people: he shall saue the children of the needie, and shall subdue the oppressor.
Padishah xelq arisidiki ézilgenlerge adil hökümlerni chiqiridu; U namratlarning balilirini qutquzidu, Zalimlarni bitchit qilidu.
5 They shall feare thee as long as the sunne and moone endureth, from generatio to generation.
Shundaq bolghanda kün we ay yoq bolup ketmisila, Ewladtin-ewladqa xelq Sendin eyminidu.
6 He shall come downe like the rayne vpon the mowen grasse, and as the showres that water the earth.
U bolsa goya yéngidin orghan otlaqqa yaghqan yamghurdek, Yer sughiridighan höl-yéghinlardek chüshidu.
7 In his dayes shall the righteous florish, and abundance of peace shalbe so long as the moone endureth.
Uning künliride heqqaniylar ronaq tapidu; Ay yoq bolghuche tinch-amanliq téship turidu.
8 His dominion shall be also from sea to sea, and from the Riuer vnto the endes of the land.
U déngizdin-déngizlarghiche, [Efrat] deryasidin yer yüzining chetlirigiche höküm süridu.
9 They that dwell in ye wildernes, shall kneele before him, and his enemies shall licke the dust.
Chöl-bayawanda yashawatqanlar uning aldida bash qoyidu; Uning düshmenliri topilarni yalaydu.
10 The Kings of Tarshish and of the yles shall bring presents: the Kings of Sheba and Seba shall bring giftes.
Tarshishning we arallarning padishahliri uninggha hediyeler teqdim qilidu, Shéba we Sébaning padishahlirimu sowghatlar sunidu.
11 Yea, all Kings shall worship him: all nations shall serue him.
Derweqe, barliq padishahlar uning aldida sejde qilidu; Pütkül eller uning xizmitide bolidu;
12 For he shall deliuer the poore when he cryeth: the needie also, and him that hath no helper.
Chünki u peryad kötürgen yoqsullarni, Panahsiz ézilgenlerni qutulduridu;
13 He shalbe mercifull to the poore and needie, and shall preserue the soules of the poore.
U yoqsul-ajizlargha ichini aghritidu, Yoqsullarning jénini qutquzidu;
14 He shall redeeme their soules from deceite and violence, and deare shall their blood be in his sight.
Ularning jénini zulum-zomigerliktin hörlükke chiqiridu, Ularning qéni uning neziride qimmetliktur.
15 Yea, he shall liue, and vnto him shall they giue of the golde of Sheba: they shall also pray for him continually, and dayly blesse him.
[Padishah] yashisun! Shébaning altunliridin uninggha sunulidu; Uning üchün dua toxtawsiz qilinidu; Uninggha kün boyi bext tilinidu;
16 An handfull of corne shall be sowen in the earth, euen in the toppe of the mountaines, and the fruite thereof shall shake like the trees of Lebanon: and the children shall florish out of the citie like the grasse of the earth.
Yer yüzidiki hosul mol bolidu, Hetta tagh choqqiliridimu shundaq bolidu. [Migh-migh] chüshken méwiler Liwandiki ormanlardek tewrinidu; Sheherdikiler bolsa daladiki ot-yéshilliqtek güllinidu;
17 His name shall be for euer: his name shall indure as long as the sunne: all nations shall blesse him, and be blessed in him.
Uning nami menggüge öchmeydu, Uning nami quyash yoqalghuche turidu; Ademler uning bilen özlirige bext tileydu, Barliq eller uni bextlik dep atishidu.
18 Blessed be the Lord God, euen the God of Israel, which onely doeth wonderous things.
Israilning Xudasi, Perwerdigar Xudagha teshekkür-medhiye bolghay! Karamet ishlarni Yaratquchi yalghuz Udur!
19 And blessed be his glorious Name for euer: and let all the earth be filled with his glorie. So be it, euen so be it.
Uning shereplik namigha menggüge teshekkür-medhiye oqulsun! Uning shan-shöhriti pütkül dunyani qaplighay! Amin! We amin!
20 HERE END THE prayers of Dauid, the sonne of Ishai.
Yessening oghli Dawutning dualiri shuning bilen tamam boldi.

< Psalms 72 >