< Psalms 71 >
1 In thee, O Lord, I trust: let me neuer be ashamed.
Kuwe Thixo, sengithole isiphephelo; mangingayangiswa lanini.
2 Rescue mee and deliuer me in thy righteousnes: incline thine eare vnto me and saue me.
Ngihlenga ungikhulule ngokulunga kwakho; ngilalela, woza ngokuphangisa ungisindise.
3 Be thou my strong rocke, whereunto I may alway resort: thou hast giuen commandement to saue me: for thou art my rocke, and my fortresse.
Woba lidwala lami lokuphephela, lapho engingaya khona loba nini; tshono umlayo wokuba ngisindiswe, ngoba ulidwala lami lenqaba yami.
4 Deliuer mee, O my God, out of the hande of the wicked: out of the hande of the euill and cruell man.
Ngikhulula, Oh Nkulunkulu, esandleni sababi, emandleni abantu ababi abalochuku.
5 For thou art mine hope, O Lord God, euen my trust from my youth.
Ngoba ube ulithemba lami, Oh Thixo Wobukhosi, ithemba lami kusukela ebutsheni bami.
6 Vpon thee haue I beene stayed from the wombe: thou art he that tooke me out of my mothers bowels: my praise shalbe alwaies of thee.
Kusukela ekuzalweni kwami ngahle ngeyama kuwe; nguwe owangikhuphayo esiswini sikamama. Ngizakudumisa njalonjalo.
7 I am become as it were a monster vnto many: but thou art my sure trust.
Senginjengomhlolo kwabanengi, kodwa wena uyisiphephelo sami esiqinileyo.
8 Let my mouth be filled with thy praise, and with thy glory euery day.
Umlomo wami ugcwele udumo lwakho, umemezela inkazimulo yakho ilanga lonke.
9 Cast mee not off in the time of age: forsake me not when my strength faileth.
Ungangilahleli kude nxa sengiluphele; ungangifulatheli lapho amandla ami esephelile.
10 For mine enemies speake of mee, and they that lay waite for my soule, take their counsell together,
Ngoba izitha zami zikhuluma kubi ngami; labo abalindele ukungibulala bahlangana ngami.
11 Saying, God hath forsaken him: pursue and take him, for there is none to deliuer him.
Bathi, “UNkulunkulu usemlahlile; xotshanani laye limbambe, ngoba kakho ozamlamulela.”
12 Goe not farre from me, O God: my God, haste thee to helpe me.
Ungabi khatshana kwami, Oh Nkulunkulu; woza masinyane, Oh Nkulunkulu wami, uzongisiza.
13 Let them be confounded and consumed that are against my soule: let them be couered with reproofe and confusion, that seeke mine hurt.
Sengathi labo abangethesa amacala bangabhubha beyangekile; sengathi labo abafuna ukungilimaza bangabhixwa ngehlazo lokuyangeka.
14 But I will waite continually, and will praise thee more and more.
Kodwa mina ngizahlala ngithembile; ngizakudumisa kakhulu.
15 My mouth shall daily rehearse thy righteousnesse, and thy saluation: for I knowe not the nomber.
Umlomo wami uzafakaza ngokulunga kwakho, langensindiso yakho ilanga lonke, lokuba ngingasazi isilinganiso sayo.
16 I will goe forwarde in the strength of the Lord God, and will make mention of thy righteousnesse, euen of thine onely.
Ngizakuza ngifakaze ngemisebenzi yakho emikhulu, Oh Thixo Wobukhosi; ngizafakaza ngokulunga kwakho, okwakho wedwa.
17 O God, thou hast taught me from my youth euen vntill nowe: therefore will I tell of thy wonderous workes,
Kusukela ebutsheni bami, Oh Nkulunkulu, wangifundisa, kuze kube lamuhla ngimemezela imisebenzi yakho emangalisayo.
18 Yea, euen vnto mine olde age and graie head, O God: forsake me not, vntill I haue declared thine arme vnto this generation, and thy power to all them, that shall come.
Lokuba sengiluphele sengiyimpunga ungangideli, Oh Nkulunkulu, ngize ngifakaze ngamandla akho esizukulwaneni esizayo, amandla akho kubo bonke abalandelayo.
19 And thy righteousnes, O God, I wil exalt on high: for thou hast done great thinges: O God, who is like vnto thee!
Ukulunga kwakho kufika emkhathini, Oh Nkulunkulu, wena osuwenze izinto ezinkulu. Ngubani, Oh Nkulunkulu, onjengawe?
20 Which hast shewed me great troubles and aduersities, but thou wilt returne, and reuiue me, and wilt come againe, and take mee vp from the depth of the earth.
Loba usungenze ngabona inhlupheko ezinengi lezibuhlungu, uzangenyula njalo ekujuleni komhlabathi.
21 Thou wilt increase mine honour, and returne and comfort me.
Uzalwandisa udumo lwami ungiduduze futhi njalo.
22 Therefore will I praise thee for thy faithfulnesse, O God, vpon instrument and viole: vnto thee will I sing vpon the harpe, O Holy one of Israel.
Ngizakudumisa ngechacho ngenxa yokuthembeka kwakho, Nkulunkulu wami; ngizahlabelela indumiso kuwe ngomqangala, wena oNgcwele ka-Israyeli.
23 My lippes will reioyce when I sing vnto thee, and my soule, which thou hast deliuered.
Izindebe zami zizamemeza ngentokozo lapho ngihlabelela indumiso kuwe mina ongisindisileyo.
24 My tongue also shall talke of thy righteousnesse daily: for they are confounded and brought vnto shame, that seeke mine hurt.
Ulimi lwami luzatshona lukhuluma ngokulunga kwakho ilanga lonke, ngoba labo abafuna ukungilimaza sebeyangisiwe basanganiswa.