< Psalms 68 >

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme or song of David. God will arise, and his enemies shalbe scattered: they also that hate him, shall flee before him.
UNkulunkulu kavuke, zihlakazeke izitha zakhe, labamzondayo babaleke phambi kwakhe.
2 As the smoke vanisheth, so shalt thou driue them away: and as waxe melteth before the fire, so shall the wicked perish at the presence of God.
Njengokuphetshethwa kwentuthu baphephethe; njengokuncibilikiswa kwengcino phambi komlilo, ababi kabachithwe phambi kukaNkulunkulu.
3 But the righteous shalbe glad, and reioyce before God: yea, they shall leape for ioye.
Kodwa abalungileyo kabajabule, bathabe phambi kukaNkulunkulu, njalo bathokoze ngentokozo.
4 Sing vnto God, and sing prayses vnto his name: exalt him that rideth vpon the heauens, in his Name Iah, and reioyce before him.
Hlabelelani kuNkulunkulu, hlabelelani indumiso ebizweni lakhe, limphakamise lowo ogade esedlula emagcekeni enkangala ngebizo lakhe uJehova, njalo thokozani phambi kwakhe.
5 He is a Father of the fatherlesse, and a Iudge of the widowes, euen God in his holy habitation.
Unguyise wezintandane lomahluleli wabafelokazi, uNkulunkulu endaweni yakhe yokuhlala engcwele.
6 God maketh the solitarie to dwell in families, and deliuereth them that were prisoners in stocks: but the rebellious shall dwell in a dry land.
UNkulunkulu uhlalisa ababodwa emulini, ukhupha ababotshiweyo ebasa empumelelweni, kodwa abalenkani bahlala elizweni elomileyo.
7 O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people: when thou wentest through the wildernesse, (Selah)
Nkulunkulu, ekuphumeni kwakho phambi kwabantu bakho, ekuhambeni kwakho enkangala; (Sela)
8 The earth shooke, and the heauens dropped at the presence of this God: euen Sinai was moued at the presence of God, euen the God of Israel.
Umhlaba wazamazama, lawo amazulu athontisa phambi kukaNkulunkulu, le iSinayi, phambi kukaNkulunkulu, uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli.
9 Thou, O God, sendest a gracious raine vpon thine inheritance, and thou didest refresh it when it was wearie.
Walinisa izulu elikhulu, Nkulunkulu; waliqinisa wena ilifa lakho selikhathele.
10 Thy Congregation dwelled therein: for thou, O God, hast of thy goodnesse prepared it for the poore.
Ibandla lakho lahlala kulo; wamlungisela ngobuhle bakho oswelayo, Nkulunkulu.
11 The Lord gaue matter to the women to tell of the great armie.
INkosi yanika ilizwi; abesifazana ababika izindaba babelixuku elikhulu.
12 Kings of the armies did flee: they did flee, and she that remained in the house, deuided the spoyle.
Amakhosi amabutho ayabaleka, ayabaleka. Owesifazana ohlezi ekhaya wayaba impango.
13 Though ye haue lien among pots, yet shall ye be as the winges of a doue that is couered with siluer, and whose fethers are like yelowe golde.
Lanxa lilala phakathi kwezibaya zezimvu, lizakuba njengempiko zejuba ezisitshekelwe ngesiliva, lezinsiba zalo ngegolide eliliganu.
14 When the Almightie scattered Kings in it, it was white as the snowe in Zalmon.
Lapho uSomandla echitha amakhosi kulo, kwaba mhlophe njengeliqhwa elikhithikileyo eZalimoni.
15 The mountaine of God is like the mountaine of Bashan: it is an high Mountaine, as mount Bashan.
Intaba yeBashani yintaba kaNkulunkulu, intaba elezingqonga, intaba yeBashani.
16 Why leape ye, ye high mountaines? as for this Mountaine, God deliteth to dwell in it: yea, the Lord will dwell in it for euer.
Likhangelelani ngomhawu, lina zintaba zezingqonga? Lintaba uNkulunkulu uyiloyisele ukuhlala kwakhe. Yebo, iNkosi izahlala kuyo kuze kube nininini.
17 The charets of God are twentie thousande thousand Angels, and the Lord is among them, as in the Sanctuarie of Sinai.
Izinqola zikaNkulunkulu ziyizinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili, izinkulungwane zezinkulungwane, iNkosi iphakathi kwazo, iSinayi endaweni engcwele.
18 Thou art gone vp on high: thou hast led captiuitie captiue, and receiued giftes for men: yea, euen the rebellious hast thou led, that the Lord God might dwell there.
Wena wenyukele phezulu, wathumba abathunjiweyo; wemukela izipho ebantwini, yebo, lakwabalenkani; ukuze uJehova uNkulunkulu ahlale khona.
19 Praysed be the Lord, euen the God of our saluation, which ladeth vs dayly with benefites. (Selah)
Kayibongwe iNkosi; isethwesa insuku ngensuku; uNkulunkulu ulusindiso lwethu. (Sela)
20 This is our God, euen the God that saueth vs: and to the Lord God belong the issues of death.
UNkulunkulu wethu unguNkulunkulu wezinsindiso; lakuJehova iNkosi kulokuphuma ekufeni.
21 Surely God will wound the head of his enemies, and the hearie pate of him that walketh in his sinnes.
Kodwa uNkulunkulu uzaphohloza ikhanda lezitha zakhe, ukhakhayi olulenwele lwalowo ohamba ezonweni zakhe.
22 The Lord hath sayde, I will bring my people againe from Bashan: I will bring them againe from the depths of the Sea:
INkosi yathi: Ngizababuyisa bevela eBashani, ngibabuyise bevela enzikini yolwandle,
23 That thy foote may bee dipped in blood, and the tongue of thy dogges in the blood of the enemies, euen in it.
ukuze inyawo zakho uzigxamuze egazini lezitha, inlimi zezinja zakho kulo.
24 They haue seene, O God, thy goings, the goings of my God, and my King, which art in the Sanctuarie.
Zibonile izindwendwe zakho, Nkulunkulu; izindwendwe zikaNkulunkulu wami, iNkosi yami, endaweni engcwele.
25 The singers went before, the players of instruments after: in the middes were the maides playing with timbrels.
Ngaphambili kuhamba abahlabelayo, ngemuva abatshayi bamachacho, phakathi izintombi zitshaya izigubhu.
26 Praise yee God in the assemblies, and the Lord, ye that are of the fountaine of Israel.
Bongani uNkulunkulu emabandleni, iNkosi, kuvela emthonjeni kaIsrayeli.
27 There was litle Beniamin with their ruler, and the princes of Iudah with their assemblie, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali.
Nango uBhenjamini omncinyane umbusi wabo, iziphathamandla zikaJuda, inkundla yazo, iziphathamandla zikaZebuluni, iziphathamandla zikaNafithali.
28 Thy God hath appointed thy strength: stablish, O God, that, which thou hast wrought in vs,
UNkulunkulu wakho ulaye amandla akho; qinisa, Nkulunkulu, lokho osenzele khona.
29 Out of thy Temple vpon Ierusalem: and Kings shall bring presents vnto thee.
Ngenxa yethempeli lakho eJerusalema amakhosi azakulethela isipho.
30 Destroy the company of the spearemen, and multitude of the mightie bulles with the calues of the people, that tread vnder feete pieces of siluer: scatter the people that delite in warre.
Sikhuze isilo somhlanga, umhlambi wezinkunzi kanye lamankonyana abantu, kuze kuthobeke kulenhlamvu zesiliva; ubahlakaze abantu abathokoza ezimpini.
31 Then shall the princes come out of Egypt: Ethiopia shall hast to stretche her hands vnto God.
Iziphathamandla zizakuza zivela eGibhithe; iEthiyophiya izakwelulela izandla zayo kuNkulunkulu ngokuphangisa.
32 Sing vnto God, O yee kingdomes of the earth: sing praise vnto the Lord, (Selah)
Mibuso yomhlaba, hlabelelani kuNkulunkulu, lihlabelele indumiso eNkosini. (Sela)
33 To him that rideth vpon ye most high heauens, which were from the beginning: beholde, he will send out by his voice a mightie sound.
Kuyo egade phezu kwamazulu amazulu awendulo; khangelani, iphumisa ilizwi layo, ilizwi elilamandla.
34 Ascribe the power to God: for his maiestie is vpon Israel, and his strength is in the cloudes.
Phanini amandla kuNkulunkulu; ubukhosi bakhe buphezu kukaIsrayeli, lamandla akhe asemayezini.
35 O God, thou art terrible out of thine holie places: the God of Israel is hee that giueth strength and power vnto the people: praised be God.
Uyesabeka, Nkulunkulu, ezindaweni zakho ezingcwele; uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli nguye onika abantu bakhe amandla lengalo. Kabongwe uNkulunkulu.

< Psalms 68 >