< Psalms 65 >

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme or song of David. O God, praise waiteth for thee in Zion, and vnto thee shall the vowe be perfourmed.
Kwako wewe, Mungu katika Sayuni, sifa zetu za kungoja; viapo vyetu vitaletwa kwako.
2 Because thou hearest the prayer, vnto thee shall all flesh come.
Wewe usikiaye maombi yetu, miili yote itakuja kwako.
3 Wicked deedes haue preuailed against me: but thou wilt be mercifull vnto our transgressions.
Maovu yanatutawala sisi; kama yalivyo makosa yetu, wewe utayasamehe.
4 Blessed is he, whom thou chusest and causest to come to thee: he shall dwell in thy courtes, and we shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thine House, euen of thine holy Temple.
Amebarikiwa mtu yule ambaye wewe huchagua kumsogeza karibu yako ili kwamba aishi hekaluni mwako. Tutatoshelezwa kwa uzuri wa nyumba yako, hekalu lako takatifu.
5 O God of our saluation, thou wilt answere vs with fearefull signes in thy righteousnes, O thou the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are farre off in the sea.
Katika haki wewe utatujibu sisi kwa kufanya mambo ya ajabu, Mungu wa wokovu wetu; wewe ambaye ni ujasiri wa mwisho wote wa nchi na wa wale walio mbali toka pande za bahari.
6 He stablisheth the mountaines by his power: and is girded about with strength.
Kwa manaa ni wewe ndiye uliyeifanya milima imara, wewe ambaye umefungwa mkanda wa uweza.
7 He appeaseth the noyse of the seas and the noyse of the waues thereof, and the tumults of the people.
Ni wewe unyamazishaye ngurumo za baharini; ngurumo za mawimbi yake, na vurugu za watu.
8 They also, that dwell in the vttermost parts of the earth, shalbe afraide of thy signes: thou shalt make the East and the West to reioyce.
Wale wanaoishi sehemu za mwisho kabisa wa nchi wanaogopa ushahidi wa matendo yako; wewe hufanya mashariki na magharibi kushangilia.
9 Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it: thou makest it very riche: the Riuer of God is full of water: thou preparest them corne: for so thou appointest it.
Wewe huja kuisaidia nchi; unainyeshea inchi; wewe unaiimarisha nchi vizuri; mto wa Mungu umejaa maji; wewe humpa mwanadamu nafaka unapokuwa umekwisha iandaa nchi.
10 Thou waterest abundantly the furrowes thereof: thou causest the raine to descende into the valleies thereof: thou makest it soft with showres, and blessest the bud thereof.
Wewe huyajaza matuta maji ya kutosha; wapasawazisha palipoinuka; wailainisha nchi kwa manyunyu ya mvua; waibariki mimea kati yao.
11 Thou crownest ye yeere with thy goodnesse, and thy steppes droppe fatnesse.
Umeuvika mwaka taji ya wema wako; mvumo wa mapito yako hudondosha unono katika nchi.
12 They drop vpon the pastures of the wildernesse: and the hils shalbe compassed with gladnes.
Majani ya nyikani hudondosha umande, na vilima vimevikwa furaha.
13 The pastures are clad with sheepe: the valleis also shalbe couered with corne: therefore they shoute for ioye, and sing.
Malisho yamevishwa mifugo; mabonde pia yamefunikwa na nafaka; yanapiga kelele za shangwe, nayo yanaimba.

< Psalms 65 >