< Psalms 64 >
1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of David. Heare my voyce, O God, in my prayer: preserue my life from feare of the enemie.
Kumutungamiri wokuimba. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Ndinzweiwo, imi Mwari, pandinotaura chichemo changu; dzivirirai upenyu hwangu pakutyisidzira kwavavengi.
2 Hide me from the conspiracie of the wicked, and from the rage of the workers of iniquitie.
Ndivanzei pakurangana kwavakaipa, ndibve pazhowezhowe yeungano yavaiti vezvakaipa.
3 Which haue whette their tongue like a sword, and shot for their arrowes bitter wordes.
Vanorodza ndimi dzavo seminondo, uye vanonanga namashoko avo semiseve inouraya.
4 To shoote at the vpright in secrete: they shoote at him suddenly, and feare not.
Vanopfura vari pakavanda munhu asina mhosva; vanomupfura pakarepo, vasingatyi.
5 They encourage themselues in a wicked purpose: they commune together to lay snares priuilie, and say, Who shall see them?
Vanokurudzira mumwe nomumwe wavo pakufunga zvakaipa, vanotaura pamusoro pokuteya misungo yavo, uye vanoti, “Ndianiko achaiona?”
6 They haue sought out iniquities, and haue accomplished that which they sought out, euen euery one his secret thoughtes, and the depth of his heart.
Vanorangana kusaruramisira vachiti, “Tafunga zano rakakwana!” Zvirokwazvo mwoyo nomurangariro womunhu zvinonyengera.
7 But God will shoote an arrowe at them suddenly: their strokes shalbe at once.
Asi Mwari achavapfura nemiseve; pakarepo vachawira pasi.
8 They shall cause their owne tongue to fall vpon them: and whosoeuer shall see them, shall flee away.
Achaita kuti ndimi dzavo dzivashandukire, uye achavaisa pakuparadzwa; vose vanovaona vachavadzungudzira misoro vachivaseka.
9 And all men shall see it, and declare the worke of God, and they shall vnderstand, what he hath wrought.
Marudzi ose avanhu achatya; achaparidza mabasa aMwari, uye achafungisisa zvaakaita.
10 But the righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and trust in him: and all that are vpright of heart, shall reioyce.
Vakarurama ngavafare muna Jehovha uye vavande maari; vose vakarurama mumwoyo ngavamurumbidze!