< Psalms 59 >

1 To him that excelleth. Destroy not. A Psalme of David on Michtam. When Saul sent and they did watch the house to kill him. O my God, deliuer mee from mine enemies: defend me from them that rise vp against me.
わが神よねがはくは我をわが仇よりたすけいだし われを高處におきて我にさからひ起立つものより脱かれしめたまへ
2 Deliuer me from the wicked doers, and saue me from the bloody men.
3 For loe, they haue layd waite for my soule: the mightie men are gathered against me, not for mine offence, nor for my sinne, O Lord.
視よかれらは潜みかくれてわが霊魂をうかがひ猛者むれつどひて我をせむ ヱホバよ此はわれに愆あるにあらず われに罪あるにあらず
4 They runne and prepare themselues without a fault on my part: arise therefore to assist me, and beholde.
かれら趨りまはりて過失なきに我をそこなはんとて備をなす ねがはくは我をたすくるために目をさまして見たまへ
5 Euen thou, O Lord God of hostes, O God of Israel awake to visit all the heathen, and be not merciful vnto all that transgresse maliciously. (Selah)
なんぢヱホバ萬軍の神イスラエルの神よ ねがはくは目をさましてもろもろの國にのぞみたまへ あしき罪人にあはれみを加へたまふなかれ (セラ)
6 They goe to and from in the euening: they barke like dogs, and goe about the citie.
7 Behold, they brag in their talke, and swords are in their lips: for, Who, say they, doeth heare?
視よかれらは口より惡をはく そのくちびるに劍あり かれらおもへらく誰ありてこの言をきかんやと
8 But thou, O Lord, shalt haue them in derision, and thou shalt laugh at all the heathen.
されどヱホバよ汝はかれらをわらひ もろもろの國をあざわらひたまはん
9 He is strong: but I will waite vpon thee: for God is my defence.
わが力よわれ汝をまちのぞまん 神はわがたかき櫓なり
10 My mercifull God will preuent me: God wil let me see my desire vpon mine enemies.
憐憫をたまふ神はわれを迎へたまはん 神はわが仇につきての願望をわれに見させたまはん
11 Slay them not, least my people forget it: but scatter them abroad by thy power, and put them downe, O Lord our shield,
願くはかれらを殺したまふなかれ わが民つひに忘れやはせん 主われらの盾よ 大能をもてかれらを散し また卑したまへ
12 For the sinne of their mouth, and the words of their lips: and let them be taken in their pride, euen for their periurie and lies, that they speake.
かれらがくちびるの言はその口のつみなり かれらは詛と虚偽とをいひいづるによりてその傲慢のためにとらへられしめたまへ
13 Consume them in thy wrath: consume them that they be no more: and let them knowe that God ruleth in Iaakob, euen vnto the ends of the world. (Selah)
忿恚をもてかれらをほろぼしたまへ 再びながらふることなきまでに彼等をほろぼしたまへ ヤコブのなかに神いまして統治めたまふことをかれらに知しめて地の極にまでおよぼしたまへ (セラ)
14 And in the euening they shall go to and from, and barke like dogs, and go about the citie.
15 They shall runne here and there for meate: and surely they shall not be satisfied, though they tary all night.
かれらはゆききして食物をあさり もし飽ことなくば終夜とどまれり
16 But I wil sing of thy power, and will prayse thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast bene my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.
されど我はなんぢの大能をうたひ清晨にこゑをあげてなんぢの憐憫をうたひまつらん なんぢわが迫りくるしみたる日にたかき櫓となり わが避所となりたまひたればなり
17 Vnto thee, O my Strength, wil I sing: for God is my defence, and my mercifull God.
わがちからよ我なんぢにむかひて頌辭をうたひまつらん 神はわがたかき櫓われにあはれみをたまふ神なればなり

< Psalms 59 >