< Psalms 58 >

1 To him that excelleth. Destroy not. A Psalme of David on Michtam. Is it true? O Congregation, speake ye iustly? O sonnes of men, iudge ye vprightly?
in finem ne disperdas David in tituli inscriptione si vere utique iustitiam loquimini recta iudicate filii hominum
2 Yea, rather ye imagine mischiefe in your heart: your hands execute crueltie vpon the earth.
etenim in corde iniquitates operamini in terra iniustitiam manus vestrae concinnant
3 The wicked are strangers from ye wombe: euen from the belly haue they erred, and speake lyes.
alienati sunt peccatores a vulva erraverunt ab utero locuti sunt falsa
4 Their poyson is euen like the poyson of a serpent: like ye deafe adder that stoppeth his eare.
furor illis secundum similitudinem serpentis sicut aspidis surdae et obturantis aures suas
5 Which heareth not the voyce of the inchanter, though he be most expert in charming.
quae non exaudiet vocem incantantium et venefici incantantis sapienter
6 Breake their teeth, O God, in their mouthes: breake the iawes of the yong lions, O Lord.
Deus conteret dentes eorum in ore ipsorum molas leonum confringet Dominus
7 Let them melt like the waters, let them passe away: when hee shooteth his arrowes, let them be as broken.
ad nihilum devenient tamquam aqua decurrens intendit arcum suum donec infirmentur
8 Let them consume like a snayle that melteth, and like the vntimely fruite of a woman, that hath not seene the sunne.
sicut cera quae fluit auferentur supercecidit ignis et non viderunt solem
9 As raw flesh before your pots feele the fire of thornes: so let him cary them away as with a whirlewinde in his wrath.
priusquam intellegerent spinae vestrae ramnum sicut viventes sicut in ira absorbet vos
10 The righteous shall reioyce when he seeeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feete in the blood of the wicked.
laetabitur iustus cum viderit vindictam manus suas lavabit in sanguine peccatoris
11 And men shall say, Verily there is fruite for the righteous: doutlesse there is a God that iudgeth in the earth.
et dicet homo si utique est fructus iusto utique est Deus iudicans eos in terra

< Psalms 58 >