< Psalms 57 >

1 To him that excelleth. Destroy not. A Psalme of David on Michtam. When he fled from Saul in the cave. Have mercie vpon me, O God, haue mercie vpon me: for my soule trusteth in thee, and in the shadowe of thy wings wil I trust, till these afflictions ouerpasse.
Načelniku godbe: "Ne pogubi", Davidova pesem odlična, ko je bežal pred Savlom v brlog. Milosten mi bodi, Bog, milosten mi bodi; ker k tebi je pribežala duša moja, in v senco peroti tvojih hočem pribežati, dokler ne minejo težave.
2 I will call vnto the most high God, euen to the God, that performeth his promise toward me.
Klical bodem Boga najvišjega, mogočnega, ki zvršuje za me.
3 He will send from heauen, and saue me from the reproofe of him that would swallowe me. (Selah) God wil send his mercy, and his trueth.
Poslal bode z nebes rešit me, osramotil bode njega, ki me rohneč preganja silovito. Poslal bode Bog milost svojo in resnico svojo.
4 My soule is among lions: I lie among the children of men, that are set on fire: whose teeth are speares and arrowes, and their tongue a sharpe sworde.
Jaz sem med levi groznimi, med požigalci ležim, med ljudmi, katerih zobje so sulice in pušice, in jezik njih je oster meč.
5 Exalt thy selfe, O God, aboue the heauen, and let thy glory be vpon all the earth.
Povišaj se nad nebesa, o Bog; nad vso zemljo v slavi svoji.
6 They haue layd a net for my steps: my soule is pressed downe: they haue digged a pit before me, and are fallen into the mids of it. (Selah)
Mrežo so bili nastavili stopinjam mojim; potlačil je bil dušo mojo; jamo so bili skopali pred menoj, vanjo padajo silno.
7 Mine heart is prepared, O God, mine heart is prepared: I will sing and giue prayse.
S povzdignenim srcem svojim, o Bog, s povzdignenim srcem bodem pel in prepeval:
8 Awake my tongue, awake viole and harpe: I wil awake early.
Vstani, slava moja, vstanite brenklje in strune, budil bodem sè zarijo;
9 I will prayse thee, O Lord, among the people, and I wil sing vnto thee among the nations.
Slavil te bodem med ljudstvi, Gospod; prepeval med narodi;
10 For thy mercie is great vnto the heauens, and thy trueth vnto the cloudes.
Velika je do nebés milost tvoja, in noter do gornjih oblakov resnica tvoja.
11 Exalt thy selfe, O God, aboue the heauens, and let thy glory be vpon all the earth.
Povišaj se nad nebesa, o Bog; nad vso zemljo v slavi svoji.

< Psalms 57 >