< Psalms 5 >

1 To him that excelleth upon Nehiloth. A Psalme of Dauid. Heare my wordes, O Lord: vnderstande my (meditation)
Psalmus David, pro ea, quae hereditatem accepit. Verba mea auribus percipe Domine, intellige clamorem meum.
2 Hearken vnto the voyce of my crie, my King and my God: for vnto thee doe I pray.
Intende voci orationis meae, rex meus et Deus meus.
3 Heare my voyce in the morning, O Lord: for in the morning will I direct me vnto thee, and I will waite.
Quoniam ad te orabo: Domine mane exaudies vocem meam.
4 For thou art not a God that loueth wickednes: neither shall euill dwell with thee.
Mane astabo tibi et videbo: quoniam non Deus volens iniquitatem tu es.
5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: for thou hatest all them that worke iniquitie.
Neque habitabit iuxta te malignus: neque permanebunt iniusti ante oculos tuos.
6 Thou shalt destroy them that speake lyes: the Lord will abhorre the bloodie man and deceitfull.
Odisti omnes, qui operantur iniquitatem: perdes omnes, qui loquuntur mendacium. Virum sanguinum et dolosum abominabitur Dominus:
7 But I wil come into thine house in the multitude of thy mercie: and in thy feare will I worship toward thine holy Temple.
ego autem in multitudine misericordiae tuae. Introibo in domum tuam: adorabo ad templum sanctum tuum in timore tuo.
8 Leade me, O Lord, in thy righteousnes, because of mine enemies: make thy way plaine before my face.
Domine deduc me in iustitia tua: propter inimicos meos dirige in conspectu tuo viam meam.
9 For no constancie is in their mouth: within, they are very corruption: their throte is an open sepulchre, and they flatter with their tongue.
Quoniam non est in ore eorum veritas: cor eorum vanum est.
10 Destroy them, O God: let them fall from their counsels: cast them out for the multitude of their iniquities, because they haue rebelled against thee.
Sepulchrum patens est guttur eorum, linguis suis dolose agebant, iudica illos Deus. Decidant a cogitationibus suis, secundum multitudinem impietatum eorum expelle eos, quoniam irritaverunt te Domine.
11 And let all them that trust in thee, reioyce and triumph for euer, and couer thou them: and let them, that loue thy Name, reioyce in thee.
Et laetentur omnes, qui sperant in te, in aeternum exultabunt: et habitabis in eis. Et gloriabuntur in te omnes, qui diligunt nomen tuum,
12 For thou Lord wilt blesse the righteous, and with fauour wilt compasse him, as with a shielde.
quoniam tu benedices iusto. Domine, ut scuto bonae voluntatis tuae coronasti nos.

< Psalms 5 >