< Psalms 44 >

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme to give instruction, committed to the sonnes of Korah. We haue heard with our eares, O God: our fathers haue tolde vs the workes, that thou hast done in their dayes, in the olde time:
To the chief music-maker. Of the sons of Korah Maschil. It has come to our ears, O God, our fathers have given us the story, of the works which you did in their days, in the old times,
2 Howe thou hast driuen out the heathen with thine hand, and planted them: how thou hast destroyed the people, and caused them to grow.
Uprooting the nations with your hand, and planting our fathers in their place; cutting down the nations, but increasing the growth of your people.
3 For they inherited not the lande by their owne sworde, neither did their owne arme saue them: but thy right hand, and thine arme and the light of thy countenance, because thou didest fauour them.
For they did not make the land theirs by their swords, and it was not their arms which kept them safe; but your right hand, and your arm, and the light of your face, because you had pleasure in them.
4 Thou art my King, O God: send helpe vnto Iaakob.
You are my King and my God; ordering salvation for Jacob.
5 Through thee haue we thrust backe our aduersaries: by thy Name haue we troden downe them that rose vp against vs.
Through you will we overcome our haters; by your name will they be crushed under our feet who are violent against us.
6 For I do not trust in my bowe, neither can my sworde saue me.
I will not put faith in my bow, my sword will not be my salvation.
7 But thou hast saued vs from our aduersaries, and hast put them to confusion that hate vs.
But it is you who have been our saviour from those who were against us, and have put to shame those who had hate for us.
8 Therefore will wee praise God continually, and will confesse thy Name for euer. (Selah)
Our pride is in God at all times, to his name we give praise for ever. (Selah)
9 But now thou art farre off, and puttest vs to confusion, and goest not forth with our armies.
But now you have sent us away from you, and put us to shame; you do not go out with our armies.
10 Thou makest vs to turne backe from the aduersary, and they, which hate vs, spoile for theselues.
Because of this we are turned back by the attacker: those who have hate for us take our goods for themselves.
11 Thou giuest vs as sheepe to bee eaten, and doest scatter vs among the nations.
You have made us like sheep which are taken for meat; we are put to flight among the nations.
12 Thou sellest thy people without gaine, and doest not increase their price.
You let your people go for nothing; your wealth is not increased by their price.
13 Thou makest vs a reproche to our neighbours, a iest and a laughing stocke to them that are round about vs.
You have made us to be looked down on by our neighbours, we are laughed at and shamed by those who are round about us.
14 Thou makest vs a prouerbe among the nations, and a nodding of the head among the people.
Our name is a word of shame among the nations, a sign for the shaking of heads among the peoples.
15 My confusion is dayly before me, and the shame of my face hath couered me,
My downfall is ever before me, and I am covered with the shame of my face;
16 For the voyce of the slaunderer and rebuker, for the enemie and auenger.
Because of the voice of him who says sharp and bitter words; because of the hater and him who is the instrument of punishment.
17 All this is come vpon vs, yet doe wee not forget thee, neither deale wee falsly concerning thy couenant.
All this has come on us, but still we have kept you in our memory; and we have not been false to your word.
18 Our heart is not turned backe: neither our steps gone out of thy paths,
Our hearts have not gone back, and our steps have not been turned out of your way;
19 Albeit thou hast smitten vs downe into the place of dragons, and couered vs with the shadow of death.
Though you have let us be crushed in the place of jackals, though we are covered with darkest shade.
20 If wee haue forgotten the Name of our God, and holden vp our hands to a strange god,
If the name of our God has gone out of our minds, or if our hands have been stretched out to a strange god,
21 Shall not God searche this out? for hee knoweth the secrets of the heart.
Will not God make search for it? for he sees the secrets of the heart.
22 Surely for thy sake are we slaine continually, and are counted as sheepe for the slaughter.
Truly, because of you we are put to death every day; we are numbered like sheep for destruction.
23 Vp, why sleepest thou, O Lord? awake, be not farre off for euer.
Why are you sleeping, O Lord? awake! and come to our help, do not give us up for ever.
24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face? and forgettest our miserie and our affliction?
Why is your face covered, and why do you give no thought to our trouble and our cruel fate?
25 For our soule is beaten downe vnto the dust: our belly cleaueth vnto the ground.
For our souls are crushed down to the dust: our bodies are stretched out on the earth.
26 Rise vp for our succour, and redeeme vs for thy mercies sake.
Up! and come to our help, and give us salvation because of your mercy.

< Psalms 44 >