< Psalms 43 >

1 Judge me, O God, and defend my cause against the vnmercifull people: deliuer mee from the deceitfull and wicked man.
Tiesā mani, Dievs, un iztiesā manu tiesu pret tiem nesvētiem ļaudīm, izglāb mani no tiem viltīgiem un netaisniem.
2 For thou art the God of my strength: why hast thou put me away? why goe I so mourning, when the enemie oppresseth me?
Jo Tu esi mans stiprais Dievs, kāpēc Tu mani atstūmi? Kāpēc man būs staigāt noskumušam, kad ienaidnieks spaida?
3 Sende thy light and thy trueth: let them leade mee: let them bring mee vnto thine holy Mountaine and to thy Tabernacles.
Sūti Savu gaišumu un Savu patiesību, ka tie mani vada un noved uz Tavu svēto kalnu un Tavā dzīvoklī;
4 Then wil I go vnto the altar of God, euen vnto the God of my ioy and gladnes: and vpon the harpe wil I giue thanks vnto thee, O God, my God.
Ka es ieeju pie Dieva altāra, pie tā stiprā Dieva, kas man par prieku un līksmību, un Tev uz koklēm pateicos, ak Dievs, mans Dievs!
5 Why art thou cast downe, my soule? and why art thou disquieted within mee? waite on God: for I will yet giue him thankes, he is my present helpe, and my God.
Ko tu bēdājies, mana dvēsele, un esi tik nemierīga iekš manis? Cerē uz Dievu, jo es Viņam vēl pateikšos, ka tas manam vaigam par pestīšanu un mans Dievs.

< Psalms 43 >