< Psalms 40 >

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of David. I Waited paciently for the Lord, and he inclined vnto me, and heard my cry.
Kumutungamiri wokuimba. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Ndakamirira Jehovha nomwoyo murefu; iye akatendeukira kwandiri akanzwa kuchema kwangu.
2 Hee brought mee also out of the horrible pit, out of the myrie clay, and set my feete vpon the rocke, and ordered my goings.
Akandibudisa mugomba rakadzika, kunze kwamatope netsvina; akamisa tsoka dzangu padombo akandipa nzvimbo yakasimba kuti ndimirepo.
3 And he hath put in my mouth a new song of praise vnto our God: many shall see it and feare, and shall trust in the Lord.
Akaisa rwiyo rutsva mumuromo mangu, rwiyo rwokurumbidza Mwari wedu. Vazhinji vachaona, uye vachatya uye vachaisa ruvimbo rwavo muna Jehovha.
4 Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust, and regardeth not the proude, nor such as turne aside to lyes.
Akaropafadzwa munhu akaita Jehovha ruvimbo rwake, asingatariri kuna vanozvikudza, kuna avo vanotsaukira kuna vamwari venhema.
5 O Lord my God, thou hast made thy wonderfull workes so many, that none can count in order to thee thy thoughts toward vs: I would declare, and speake of them, but they are moe then I am able to expresse.
Haiwa Jehovha, Mwari wangu, zvizhinji zvishamiso zvamakaita. Zvinhu zvamakatitongera hakuna angazvirondedzera kwamuri; dai ndingataura nokureva pamusoro pazvo, zvaizowandisa kuzvizivisa.
6 Sacrifice and offering thou didest not desire: (for mine eares hast thou prepared) burnt offring and sinne offering hast thou not required.
Hamuna kufarira zvibayiro nezvipo, asi nzeve dzangu makadziboora; zvibayiro zvinopiswa nezvipiriso zvezvivi hamuna kuzvireva.
7 Then said I, Lo, I come: for in the rolle of the booke it is written of me,
Ipapo ndakati, “Ndiri pano hangu, ndauya, zvakanyorwa mubhuku pamusoro pangu.
8 I desired to doe thy good will, O my God: yea, thy Lawe is within mine heart.
Ndinofarira kuita kuda kwenyu, imi Mwari wangu; murayiro wenyu uri mukati momwoyo wangu.”
9 I haue declared thy righteousnesse in the great Congregation: loe, I will not refraine my lippes: O Lord, thou knowest.
Ndinoparidza kururama paungano huru; handidziviri miromo yangu, sokuziva kwenyu, imi Jehovha.
10 I haue not hidde thy righteousnesse within mine heart, but I haue declared thy trueth and thy saluation: I haue not conceiled thy mercy and thy trueth from the great Congregation.
Handivanzi kururama kwenyu mumwoyo mangu; ndinotaura nezvokutendeka kwenyu noruponeso rwenyu. Handivanzi rudo rwenyu nechokwadi chenyu paungano huru.
11 Withdrawe not thou thy tender mercie from mee, O Lord: let thy mercie and thy trueth alway preserue me.
Regai kundinyima ngoni dzenyu, imi Jehovha; rudo rwenyu nechokwadi chenyu ngazvindidzivirire nguva dzose.
12 For innumerable troubles haue compassed mee: my sinnes haue taken such holde vpon me, that I am not able to looke vp: yea, they are moe in nomber then the heares of mine head: therefore mine heart hath failed me.
Nokuti matambudziko asingaverengeki akandikomberedza; zvivi zvangu zvakandibata, uye handigoni kuona. Zvakawanda kupfuura bvudzi romumusoro mangu, uye mwoyo wangu waneta mukati mangu.
13 Let it please thee, O Lord, to deliuer mee: make haste, O Lord, to helpe me.
Haiwa Jehovha, kundiponesa ngakukufadzei; haiwa Jehovha, kurumidzai kundibatsira.
14 Let them be confounded and put to shame together, that seeke my soule to destroye it: let them be driuen backward and put to rebuke, that desire mine hurt.
Vose vanotsvaka kutora upenyu hwangu ngavanyadziswe uye vanyonganiswe; vose vanoda kuparadzwa kwangu ngavadzoserwe shure vanyadziswe.
15 Let them be destroyed for a rewarde of their shame, which say vnto me, Aha, aha.
Avo vose vanoti kwandiri, “Hekani waro! Hekani waro!” ngavavhundutswe nokuda kwenyadzi dzavo.
16 Let all them, that seeke thee, reioyce and be glad in thee: and let them, that loue thy saluation, say alway, The Lord be praysed.
Asi vose vanokutsvakai ngavafare uye vafarisise mamuri; avo vanoda ruponeso rwenyu ngavarambe vachiti, “Jehovha ngaakudzwe!”
17 Though I be poore and needie, the Lord thinketh on mee: thou art mine helper and my deliuerer: my God, make no tarying.
Asi ndiri murombo nomushayiwi; dai Ishe vandifungawo. Ndimi mubatsiri wangu nomununuri wangu; haiwa Mwari wangu, musanonoka henyu.

< Psalms 40 >