< Psalms 36 >

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid, the servant of the Lord. Wickedness sayeth to the wicked man, euen in mine heart, that there is no feare of God before his eyes.
Don mai bi da kaɗe-kaɗe. Ta Dawuda bawan Ubangiji. Akwai magana a cikin zuciyata game da zunubin mugu. Babu tsoron Allah a idanunsa.
2 For hee flattereth himselfe in his owne eyes, while his iniquitie is foud worthy to be hated.
Gama a idanunsa yana ganin kansa wani abu ne wanda ya sha ƙarfi a gane ko ya ƙi zunubinsa.
3 The wordes of his mouth are iniquitie and deceit: hee hath left off to vnderstand and to doe good.
Kalmomin bakinsa mugaye ne da kuma ruɗu; ya daina zama mai hikima da yin alheri.
4 Hee imagineth mischiefe vpon his bed: he setteth himselfe vpon a way, that is not good, and doeth not abhorre euill.
Ko a kan gadonsa ma yana shirya mugunta; yakan sa kansa ga aikata zunubi kuma ba ya ƙin abin da ba shi da kyau.
5 Thy mercy, O Lord, reacheth vnto the heauens, and thy faithfulnesse vnto the cloudes.
Ƙaunarka, ya Ubangiji, kan kai sammai, amincinka har sararin sammai.
6 Thy righteousnesse is like the mightie moutaines: thy iudgements are like a great deepe: thou, Lord, doest saue man and beast.
Adalcinka yana kama da manyan duwatsu, hukuncinka kamar zurfi mai girma. Ya Ubangiji, kana lura da mutum da dabba.
7 How excellent is thy mercy, O God! therefore the children of men trust vnder the shadowe of thy wings.
Ina misalin ƙaunarka marar ƙarewa! Mutane manya da ƙanana kan sami mafaka cikin inuwar fikafikanka.
8 They shall be satisfied with the fatnesse of thine house, and thou shalt giue them drinke out of the riuer of thy pleasures.
Suna biki a yalwar gidanka; kakan ba su sha daga rafin farin cikinka.
9 For with thee is the well of life, and in thy light shall we see light.
Gama a gare ka akwai maɓulɓular rai cikin haskenka mukan ga haske.
10 Extend thy louing kindnes vnto them that knowe thee, and thy righteousnesse vnto them that are vpright in heart.
Ka ci gaba da ƙaunarka ga waɗanda suka san ka, adalcinka ga masu gaskiyar zuciya.
11 Let not ye foote of pride come against me, and let not the hand of ye wicked men moue me.
Kada ka bari ƙafar mai girman kai yă fāɗa mini, ko hannun mugu ya kore ni.
12 There they are fallen that worke iniquity: they are cast downe, and shall not be able to rise.
Dubi yadda masu aikata zunubi suka fāɗi, a zube, ba za su kuwa iya tashi ba!

< Psalms 36 >