< Psalms 29 >
1 A Psalme of David. Give vnto the Lord, ye sonnes of the mightie: giue vnto the Lord glorie and strength.
なんぢら神の子らよ ヱホバに獻げまつれ榮と能とをヱホバにささげまつれ
2 Giue vnto the Lord glorie due vnto his Name: worship the Lord in the glorious Sanctuarie.
その名にふさはしき榮光をヱホバにささげ奉れ きよき衣をつけてヱホバを拝みまつれ
3 The voyce of the Lord is vpon the waters: the God of glorie maketh it to thunder: the Lord is vpon the great waters.
ヱホバのみこゑは水のうへにあり えいくわうの神は雷をとどろかせたまふ ヱホバは大水のうへにいませり
4 The voyce of the Lord is mightie: the voyce of the Lord is glorious.
ヱホバの聲はちからあり ヱホバのみこゑは稜威あり
5 The voyce of the Lord breaketh the cedars: yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon.
ヱホバのみこゑは香柏ををりくだく ヱホバ、レバノンのかうはくを折くだきたまふ
6 He maketh them also to leape like a calfe: Lebanon also and Shirion like a yong vnicorne.
7 The voice of the Lord deuideth the flames of sire.
8 The voice of the Lord maketh the wildernes to tremble: the Lord maketh the wildernes of Kadesh to tremble.
9 The voice of the Lord maketh the hindes to calue, and discouereth the forests: therefore in his Temple doth euery man speake of his glory.
ヱホバのみこゑは鹿に子をうませ また林木をはだかにす その宮にあるすべてのもの呼はりて榮光なるかなといふ
10 The Lord sitteth vpon the flood, and the Lord doeth remaine King for euer.
ヱホバは洪水のうへに坐したまへり ヱホバは寳座にざして永遠に王なり
11 The Lord shall giue strength vnto his people: the Lord shall blesse his people with peace.
ヱホバはその民にちからをあたへたまふ 平安をもてその民をさきはひたまはん