< Psalms 28 >

1 A Psalme of David. Unto thee, O Lord, doe I crie: O my strength, be not deafe toward mee, lest, if thou answere me not, I be like them that goe downe into the pit.
Ta Dawuda. A gare ka nake kira, ya Ubangiji Dutsena; kada ka yi mini kunnen ƙashi. Gama in ka yi shiru, zan zama kamar waɗanda suka gangara rami.
2 Heare the voyce of my petitions, when I crie vnto thee, when I holde vp mine handes towarde thine holy Oracle.
Ka ji kukata ta neman jinƙai yayinda nake kira ka don neman taimako, yayinda nake daga hannuwana wajen Wurinka Mafi Tsarki.
3 Drawe mee not away with the wicked, and with the woorkers of iniquitie: which speake friendly to their neighbours, when malice is in their hearts.
Kada ka ja ni tare da mugaye, tare da masu yin mugunta, masu magana kamar ta alheri ce da maƙwabtansu amma suna riƙe da su a zukatansu.
4 Reward them according to their deedes, and according to the wickednes of their inuentions: recompense them after the woorke of their handes: render them their reward.
Ka sāka musu da ayyukansu da kuma don mugun aikinsu; ka sāka musu saboda abin da hannuwansu suka yi ka kuma mayar musu abin da ya dace da su.
5 For they regarde not the woorkes of the Lord, nor the operation of his handes: therefore breake them downe, and builde them not vp.
Da yake ba su kula da ayyukan Ubangiji da abin da hannuwansa suka yi ba, zai rushe su ba kuwa zai ƙara gina su ba.
6 Praised be the Lord, for he hath heard the voyce of my petitions.
Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji, gama ya ji kukata na neman jinƙai.
7 The Lord is my strength and my shielde: mine heart trusted in him, and I was helped: therfore mine heart shall reioyce, and with my song will I praise him.
Ubangiji shi ne ƙarfina da garkuwata; zuciyata ta amince da shi, kuma na sami taimako. Zuciyata ta yi tsalle don farin ciki zan kuwa yi godiya gare shi cikin waƙa.
8 The Lord is their strength, and he is the strength of the deliuerances of his anointed.
Ubangiji shi ne ƙarfin mutanensa, kagarar ceto domin shafaffensa.
9 Saue thy people, and blesse thine inheritance: feede them also, and exalt them for euer.
Ka cece mutanenka ka kuma albarkace gādonka; ka zama mai kiwonsu ka kuma riƙe su har abada.

< Psalms 28 >