< Psalms 27 >

1 A Psalme of David. The Lord is my light and my saluation, whom shall I feare? the Lord is the strength of my life, of whome shall I be afraide?
Bawipa taw ka maihchoei ingkaw ka hulnaak na awm hy - u nu kak kqih bai kaw? Bawipa taw ka hqingnaak vawngcak na awm hy - u nu kak kqih re bai kaw?
2 When the wicked, euen mine enemies and my foes came vpon mee to eate vp my flesh; they stumbled and fell.
Ka sa daih aham thlak chekhqi ing ni pan unawh ka qaalkhqi ingkaw ka thunkhakhqi ing amim tu awh ce bah kawm usaw tlu kawm uh.
3 Though an hoste pitched against me, mine heart should not be afraide: though warre be raised against me, I will trust in this.
Qalkap ing nik chung khoep seiawm, kak kawlung am thyn qoe tikaw; tangboek ing ni boeng qoe seiawm kak kawlung yp khak kaw.
4 One thing haue I desired of the Lord, that I will require, euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life, to beholde the beautie of the Lord, and to visite his Temple.
Bawipa venawh ik-oeih pynoet doeng thoeh nyng, ka thoeh taw veni; ka hqing khui pyt Bawipa im awh awm aham ingkaw Bawipa a myi daw soeih ce toek doena a bawkim khuiawh amah sui ve doeng ni.
5 For in the time of trouble hee shall hide mee in his Tabernacle: in the secrete place of his pauillion shall he hide me, and set me vp vpon a rocke.
Ikawtih kyinaak ka um awh ce a awmnaak hun awh kai ce ngaihding cana ni awm sak kaw; a hizan im awmnaak khuiawh ni thuh kawmsaw lungnu awh ce ak sang na nim hawih kaw.
6 And nowe shall hee lift vp mine head aboue mine enemies rounde about mee: therefore wil I offer in his Tabernacle sacrifices of ioy: I wil sing and praise the Lord.
Cawhtaw kai anik chung khoep ka qaalkhqik khanawh ka luu ve zoeksang kaw; a hizan im awh zeel doena khy nawh lucik nawn nyng saw; Bawipa kyihcah ing laa sa hawh kawng nyng.
7 Hearken vnto my voyce, O Lord, when I crie: haue mercie also vpon mee and heare mee.
Aw Bawipa, ka nik khy awh ce kak awi ngai law lah; nim qeen nawhtaw nim hlat lah.
8 When thou saidest, Seeke ye my face, mine heart answered vnto thee, O Lord, I will seeke thy face.
Kak kawlung ing “A haai sui lah!” ni tina hy. Bawipa nang haai ni ka sui hly.
9 Hide not therefore thy face from mee, nor cast thy seruat away in displeasure: thou hast bene my succour: leaue me not, neither forsake mee, O God of my saluation.
Na haai ce koeh thuh valh nawh, na tyihzawih ve koeh mang taak; nang taw kai anik bawmkung ni. Aw Khawsa ka hulkung, koeh ni qoeng nawhtaw koeh ni cen taak.
10 Though my father and my mother shoulde forsake me, yet the Lord will gather me vp.
Ka pa ingkaw ka nu ing ni cehta seiawm, Bawipa ing ni do ngai kaw.
11 Teache mee thy way, O Lord, and leade me in a right path, because of mine enemies.
Aw Bawipa, na lam ce ni cawng sak nawh; kai anik thekhanaakkhqi awh na lap dyng awh ni sawi lah.
12 Giue me not vnto the lust of mine aduersaries: for there are false witnesses risen vp against me, and such as speake cruelly.
Ka qaalkhqi ngaihnaak awh kai ce koeh ni pe, amak thym dyihthingkhqi ing ni thawh sih unawh, amak leek ben awi ce amik kqawn a dawngawh.
13 I should haue fainted, except I had beleeued to see the goodnes of the Lord in the land of the liuing.
Ka hqingnaak qam awh ve Bawipa a leeknaak hu ngai kawng tinawh yp qu na mang kang nyng.
14 Hope in the Lord: be strong, and he shall comfort thine heart, and trust in the Lord.
Bawipa mah qeh lah; kawlung cak doena nak tha awm sak nawh, Bawipa mah qeh lah.

< Psalms 27 >