< Psalms 25 >

1 A Psalme of David. Unto thee, O Lord, lift I vp my soule.
psalmus David ad te Domine levavi animam meam
2 My God, I trust in thee: let me not be confounded: let not mine enemies reioyce ouer mee.
Deus meus in te confido non erubescam
3 So all that hope in thee, shall not be ashamed: but let them be confounded, that transgresse without cause.
neque inrideant me inimici mei etenim universi qui sustinent te non confundentur
4 Shew me thy waies, O Lord, and teache me thy paths.
confundantur omnes iniqua agentes supervacue vias tuas Domine demonstra mihi et semitas tuas doce me
5 Leade me foorth in thy trueth, and teache me: for thou art the God of my saluation: in thee doe I trust all the day.
dirige me in veritatem tuam et doce me quoniam tu es Deus salvator meus et te sustinui tota die
6 Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies, and thy louing kindnesse: for they haue beene for euer.
reminiscere miserationum tuarum Domine et misericordiarum tuarum quia a saeculo sunt
7 Remember not the sinnes of my youth, nor my rebellions, but according to thy kindenesse remember thou me, euen for thy goodnesse sake, O Lord.
delicta iuventutis meae et ignorantias meas ne memineris secundum misericordiam tuam memento mei tu; propter bonitatem tuam Domine
8 Gracious and righteous is the Lord: therefore will he teache sinners in the way.
dulcis et rectus Dominus propter hoc legem dabit delinquentibus in via
9 Them that be meeke, will hee guide in iudgement, and teach the humble his way.
diriget mansuetos in iudicio docebit mites vias suas
10 All the pathes of the Lord are mercie and trueth vnto such as keepe his couenant and his testimonies.
universae viae Domini misericordia et veritas requirentibus testamentum eius et testimonia eius
11 For thy Names sake, O Lord, be merciful vnto mine iniquitie, for it is great.
propter nomen tuum Domine et propitiaberis peccato meo multum est enim
12 What man is he that feareth the Lord? him wil he teache the way that hee shall chuse.
quis est homo qui timet Dominum legem statuet ei in via quam elegit
13 His soule shall dwell at ease, and his seede shall inherite the land.
anima eius in bonis demorabitur et semen ipsius hereditabit terram
14 The secrete of the Lord is reueiled to them, that feare him: and his couenant to giue them vnderstanding.
firmamentum est Dominus timentibus eum et testamentum ipsius ut manifestetur illis
15 Mine eyes are euer towarde the Lord: for he will bring my feete out of the net.
oculi mei semper ad Dominum quoniam ipse evellet de laqueo pedes meos
16 Turne thy face vnto mee, and haue mercie vpon me: for I am desolate and poore.
respice in me et miserere mei quia unicus et pauper sum ego
17 The sorowes of mine heart are enlarged: drawe me out of my troubles.
tribulationes cordis mei multiplicatae sunt de necessitatibus meis erue me
18 Looke vpon mine affliction and my trauel, and forgiue all my sinnes.
vide humilitatem meam et laborem meum et dimitte universa delicta mea
19 Beholde mine enemies, for they are manie, and they hate me with cruell hatred.
respice inimicos meos quoniam multiplicati sunt et odio iniquo oderunt me
20 Keepe my soule, and deliuer me: let me not be confounded, for I trust in thee.
custodi animam meam et erue me non erubescam quoniam speravi in te
21 Let mine vprightnes and equitie preserue me: for mine hope is in thee.
innocentes et recti adheserunt mihi quia sustinui te
22 Deliuer Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.
libera Deus Israhel ex omnibus tribulationibus suis

< Psalms 25 >