< Psalms 22 >
1 To him that excelleth upon Aiieleth Hasshahar. A Psalme of Dauid. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me, and art so farre from mine health, and from the wordes of my roaring?
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Airete Hahara. He himene na Rawiri. E toku Atua, e toku Atua, he aha koe i whakarere ai i ahau? he aha koe i matara atu ai ki te whakaora i ahau i nga kupu hoki o taku hamama?
2 O my God, I crie by day, but thou hearest not, and by night, but haue no audience.
E toku Atua, e karanga nei ahau i te awatea, heoi kahore koe e rongo, i te po ano kahore ahau e wahangu.
3 But thou art holy, and doest inhabite the prayses of Israel.
Otiia he tapu koe, kei nga whakamoemiti a Iharaira tou nohoanga.
4 Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didest deliuer them.
I whakawhirinaki o matou matua ki a koe, i whakawhirinaki, a whakaorangia ana e koe.
5 They called vpon thee, and were deliuered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.
I karanga ratou ki a koe, a kua ora; i whakawhirinaki ki a koe, a kihai i whakama.
6 But I am a worme, and not a man: a shame of men, and the contempt of the people.
Ko ahau ia he toke, ehara i te tangata: e tawaia ana e te tangata, e whakahaweatia ana e te iwi.
7 All they that see me, haue me in derision: they make a mowe and nod the head, saying,
Kataina iho ahau e te hunga katoa e kite ana i ahau, ko ana o ratou ngutu, ruru ana o ratou matenga, e ki mai ana,
8 He trusted in the Lord, let him deliuer him: let him saue him, seeing he loueth him.
Tukua atu koe ki a Ihowa, mana ia e whakaora: mana ia e whakaora, e pai ana hoki ia ki a ia.
9 But thou didest draw me out of ye wombe: thou gauest me hope, euen at my mothers breasts.
Nau ia ahau i whakawhanau mai i roto i te kopu, i mea hoki kia tumanako, i ahau i nga u o toku whaea.
10 I was cast vpon thee, euen from ye wombe: thou art my God from my mothers belly.
He mea whakarere atu ahau ki runga ki a koe no te kopu mai; ko koe toku Atua no te kopu mai ano o toku whaea.
11 Be not farre from me, because trouble is neere: for there is none to helpe me.
Kei mamao atu i ahau, e tata ana hoki te he, kahore hoki he kaiawhina.
12 Many yong bulles haue compassed me: mightie bulles of Bashan haue closed me about.
He tini nga puru e karapoti nei i ahau: e whakapaea ana ahau e nga mea kaha o Pahana.
13 They gape vpon me with their mouthes, as a ramping and roaring lyon.
E hamama ana o ratou mangai ki ahau, ano he raiona e haehae ana, e hamama ana.
14 I am like water powred out, and all my bones are out of ioynt: mine heart is like waxe: it is molten in the middes of my bowels.
Kua ringihia ahau, ano he wai, kua takoki katoa oku iwi; me te ware pi toku ngakau, e rewa ana i waenganui i oku whekau.
15 My strength is dryed vp like a potsheard, and my tongue cleaueth to my iawes, and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
Kua maroke toku kaha, ano he maramara rihi, piri tonu toku arero ki oku kauae; kua whakatakotoria ano ahau e koe ki te puehu o te mate.
16 For dogges haue compassed me, and the assemblie of the wicked haue inclosed me: they perced mine hands and my feete.
Kua karapotia nei hoki ahau e te kirehe, kua muia e te whakaminenga o nga tangata hara: kua pokaia e ratou oku ringa me oku waewae.
17 I may tell all my bones: yet they beholde, and looke vpon me.
E taea e ahau te tatau oku iwi katoa: e titiro mai ana ratou, e matakitaki ana ki ahau.
18 They part my garments among them, and cast lottes vpon my vesture.
E wehewehea ana oku kakahu mo ratou, e maka rota ana mo toku weruweru.
19 But be thou not farre off, O Lord, my strength: hasten to helpe me.
Kaua ra ia koe e matara atu, e Ihowa; e toku kaha, hohoro mai hei awhina moku.
20 Deliuer my soule from the sword: my desolate soule from the power of the dogge.
Whakaorangia toku wairua i te hoari, taku hoki e matenui nei i te kuri.
21 Saue me from the lyons mouth, and answere me in sauing me from the hornes of the vnicornes.
Whakaorangia ahau i te mangai o te raiona: ae, i nga haona o nga kau maka kua whakahokia mai e koe he kupu ki ahau.
22 I wil declare thy Name vnto my brethren: in the middes of the Congregation will I praise thee, saying,
Ka korerotia e ahau tou ingoa ki oku teina, ka whakamoemititia koe e ahau i waenganui i te whakaminenga.
23 Prayse the Lord, ye that feare him: magnifie ye him, all the seede of Iaakob, and feare ye him, all the seede of Israel.
E te hunga e wehi ana ki a Ihowa, whakamoemiti ki a ia; whakakororiatia ia, e te uri katoa o Hakopa, kia wehi hoki ki a ia, e te uri katoa o Iharaira.
24 For he hath not despised nor abhorred ye affliction of the poore: neither hath he hid his face from him, but when he called vnto him, he heard.
Kihai hoki ia i whakahawea, kihai i whakarihariha ki te aue o te ngakau mamae; kihai ano i huna i tona mata ki a ia, engari i tana karangatanga ki a ia i whakarongo ia.
25 My prayse shalbe of thee in the great Congregation: my vowes will I perfourme before them that feare him.
Ko koe taku e whakamoemiti ai i waenganui o te whakaminenga nui, ka whakamana e ahau aku kupu taurangi ki te aroaro o te hunga e wehi ana ki a ia.
26 The poore shall eate and be satisfied: they that seeke after the Lord, shall prayse him: your heart shall liue for euer.
Ka kai te hunga mahaki, a ka makona: ka whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa te hunga e rapu ana ki a ia; kia ora tonu o koutou ngakau, ake, ake.
27 All the endes of the worlde shall remember themselues, and turne to the Lord: and all the kinreds of the nations shall worship before thee.
E mahara nga pito katoa o te whenua, a ka tahuri ki a Ihowa: ka koropiko ano nga hapu katoa o nga iwi ki tou aroaro.
28 For the kingdome is the Lords, and he ruleth among the nations.
No Ihowa hokite rangatiratanga, ko ia ano te kawana i waenganui o nga iwi.
29 All they that be fat in the earth, shall eate and worship: all they that go downe into the dust, shall bowe before him, euen he that cannot quicken his owne soule.
Ka kai, a ka koropiko nga tangata tetere katoa o te whenua: ka tuohu ki tona aroaro te hunga katoa e heke ana ki te puehu; tae no ki te tangata kahore e ora i a ia tona wairua.
30 Their seede shall serue him: it shalbe counted vnto the Lord for a generation.
Tera e mahi tetahi uri ki a ia; ka waiho ki te Ariki hei whakatupuranga.
31 They shall come, and shall declare his righteousnesse vnto a people that shall be borne, because he hath done it.
E haere mai ratou, e kauwhau i tona tika ki te iwi e whanau a mua, he meatanga tenei nana.