< Psalms 18 >

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid the seruant of the Lord, which spake unto the Lord the wordes of this song (in the day that the Lord delivered him for the hande of all this enemies, and form the and of saul) and sayd, I will loue thee dearely, O Lord my strength.
in finem puero Domini David quae locutus est Domino verba cantici huius in die qua eripuit eum Dominus de manu omnium inimicorum eius et de manu Saul et dixit diligam te Domine fortitudo mea
2 The Lord is my rocke, and my fortresse, and he that deliuereth me, my God and my strength: in him will I trust, my shield, the horne also of my saluation, and my refuge.
Dominus firmamentum meum et refugium meum et liberator meus Deus meus adiutor meus et sperabo in eum protector meus et cornu salutis meae et susceptor meus
3 I will call vpon the Lord, which is worthie to be praysed: so shall I be safe from mine enemies.
laudans invocabo Dominum et ab inimicis meis salvus ero
4 The sorowes of death compassed me, and the floods of wickednes made me afraide.
circumdederunt me dolores mortis et torrentes iniquitatis conturbaverunt me
5 The sorowes of the graue haue compassed me about: the snares of death ouertooke me. (Sheol h7585)
dolores inferni circumdederunt me praeoccupaverunt me laquei mortis (Sheol h7585)
6 But in my trouble did I call vpon the Lord, and cryed vnto my God: he heard my voyce out of his Temple, and my crye did come before him, euen into his eares.
cum tribularer invocavi Dominum et ad Deum meum clamavi exaudivit de templo sancto suo vocem meam et clamor meus in conspectu eius introibit in aures eius
7 Then the earth trembled, and quaked: the foundations also of the mountaines mooued and shooke, because he was angrie.
et commota est et contremuit terra et fundamenta montium conturbata sunt et commota sunt quoniam iratus est eis
8 Smoke went out at his nostrels, and a consuming fire out of his mouth: coales were kindled thereat.
ascendit fumus in ira eius et ignis a facie eius exarsit carbones succensi sunt ab eo
9 He bowed the heauens also and came downe, and darkenes was vnder his feete.
inclinavit caelos et descendit et caligo sub pedibus eius
10 And he rode vpon Cherub and did flie, and he came flying vpon the wings of the winde.
et ascendit super cherubin et volavit volavit super pinnas ventorum
11 He made darkenes his secrete place, and his pauilion round about him, euen darkenesse of waters, and cloudes of the ayre.
et posuit tenebras latibulum suum in circuitu eius tabernaculum eius tenebrosa aqua in nubibus aeris
12 At the brightnes of his presence his clouds passed, haylestones and coles of fire.
prae fulgore in conspectu eius nubes eius; transierunt grando et carbones ignis
13 The Lord also thundred in the heauen, and the Highest gaue his voyce, haylestones and coales of fire.
et intonuit de caelo Dominus et Altissimus dedit vocem suam grando et carbones ignis;
14 Then hee sent out his arrowes and scattred them, and he increased lightnings and destroyed them.
et misit sagittas et dissipavit eos et fulgora multiplicavit et conturbavit eos
15 And the chanels of waters were seene, and the foundations of the worlde were discouered at thy rebuking, O Lord, at the blasting of the breath of thy nostrels.
et apparuerunt fontes aquarum et revelata sunt fundamenta orbis terrarum ab increpatione tua Domine ab inspiratione spiritus irae tuae
16 He hath sent downe from aboue and taken mee: hee hath drawen mee out of many waters.
misit de summo et accepit me adsumpsit me de aquis multis
17 He hath deliuered mee from my strong enemie, and from them which hate me: for they were too strong for me.
eripiet me de inimicis meis fortissimis et ab his qui oderunt me quoniam confirmati sunt super me
18 They preuented me in the day of my calamitie: but the Lord was my stay.
praevenerunt me in die adflictionis meae et factus est Dominus protector meus
19 Hee brought mee foorth also into a large place: hee deliuered mee because hee fauoured me.
et eduxit me in latitudinem salvum me faciet quoniam voluit me
20 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousnes: according to the purenes of mine hands he recompensed me:
et retribuet mihi Dominus secundum iustitiam meam et secundum puritatem manuum mearum retribuet mihi
21 Because I kept the wayes of the Lord, and did not wickedly against my God.
quia custodivi vias Domini nec impie gessi a Deo meo
22 For all his Lawes were before mee, and I did not cast away his commandements from mee.
quoniam omnia iudicia eius in conspectu meo sunt et iustitias eius non reppuli a me
23 I was vpright also with him, and haue kept me from my wickednes.
et ero inmaculatus cum eo et observabo ab iniquitate mea
24 Therefore the Lord rewarded me according to my righteousnesse, and according to the purenes of mine hands in his sight.
et retribuet mihi Dominus secundum iustitiam meam et secundum puritatem manuum mearum in conspectu oculorum eius
25 With the godly thou wilt shewe thy selfe godly: with the vpright man thou wilt shew thy selfe vpright.
cum sancto sanctus eris et cum viro innocente innocens eris
26 With the pure thou wilt shewe thy selfe pure, and with the froward thou wilt shewe thy selfe froward.
et cum electo electus eris et cum perverso perverteris
27 Thus thou wilt saue the poore people, and wilt cast downe the proude lookes.
quoniam tu populum humilem salvum facies et oculos superborum humiliabis
28 Surely thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God wil lighten my darkenes.
quoniam tu inluminas lucernam meam Domine Deus meus inluminas tenebras meas
29 For by thee I haue broken through an hoste, and by my God I haue leaped ouer a wall.
quoniam in te eripiar a temptatione et in Deo meo transgrediar murum
30 The way of God is vncorrupt: the worde of the Lord is tried in the fire: he is a shield to all that trust in him.
Deus meus inpolluta via eius eloquia Domini igne examinata protector est omnium sperantium in eum
31 For who is God besides the Lord? and who is mightie saue our God?
quoniam quis deus praeter Dominum et quis deus praeter Deum nostrum
32 God girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way vpright.
Deus qui praecingit me virtute et posuit inmaculatam viam meam
33 He maketh my feete like hindes feete, and setteth me vpon mine high places.
qui perfecit pedes meos tamquam cervorum et super excelsa statuens me
34 He teacheth mine hands to fight: so that a bowe of brasse is broken with mine armes.
qui doces manus meas in proelium et posuisti arcum aereum brachia mea
35 Thou hast also giuen me the shield of thy saluation, and thy right hand hath stayed me, and thy louing kindenes hath caused me to increase.
et dedisti mihi protectionem salutis tuae et dextera tua suscepit me et disciplina tua correxit me in finem et disciplina tua ipsa me docebit
36 Thou hast enlarged my steps vnder mee, and mine heeles haue not slid.
dilatasti gressus meos subtus me et non sunt infirmata vestigia mea
37 I haue pursued mine enemies, and taken them, and haue not turned againe till I had consumed them.
persequar inimicos meos et conprehendam illos et non convertar donec deficiant
38 I haue wounded them, that they were not able to rise: they are fallen vnder my feete.
confringam illos nec poterunt stare cadent subtus pedes meos
39 For thou hast girded me with strength to battell: them, that rose against me, thou hast subdued vnder me.
et praecinxisti me virtute ad bellum subplantasti insurgentes in me subtus me
40 And thou hast giuen me the neckes of mine enemies, that I might destroy them that hate me.
et inimicos meos dedisti mihi dorsum et odientes me disperdisti
41 They cryed but there was none to saue them, euen vnto the Lord, but hee answered them not.
clamaverunt nec erat qui salvos faceret ad Dominum nec exaudivit eos
42 Then I did beate them small as the dust before the winde: I did treade them flat as the clay in the streetes.
et comminuam illos ut pulverem ante faciem venti ut lutum platearum delebo eos
43 Thou hast deliuered me from the contentions of the people: thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people, whom I haue not knowen, shall serue me.
eripe me de contradictionibus populi constitues me in caput gentium
44 As soone as they heare, they shall obey me: the strangers shall be in subiection to me.
populus quem non cognovi servivit mihi in auditu auris oboedivit mihi
45 Strangers shall shrinke away, and feare in their priuie chambers.
filii alieni mentiti sunt mihi filii alieni inveterati sunt et claudicaverunt a semitis suis
46 Let the Lord liue, and blessed be my strength, and the God of my saluation be exalted.
vivit Dominus et benedictus Deus meus et exaltetur Deus salutis meae
47 It is God that giueth me power to auenge me, and subdueth the people vnder me.
Deus qui dat vindictas mihi et subdidit populos sub me liberator meus de gentibus iracundis
48 O my deliuerer from mine enemies, euen thou hast set mee vp from them, that rose against me: thou hast deliuered mee from the cruell man.
et ab insurgentibus in me exaltabis me a viro iniquo eripies me
49 Therefore I will prayse thee, O Lord, among the nations, and wil sing vnto thy Name.
propterea confitebor tibi in nationibus Domine et psalmum dicam nomini tuo
50 Great deliuerances giueth hee vnto his King, and sheweth mercie to his anoynted, euen to Dauid, and to his seede for euer.
magnificans salutes regis eius et faciens misericordiam christo suo David et semini eius usque in saeculum

< Psalms 18 >