< Psalms 17 >
1 The prayer of Dauid. Heare the right, O Lord, consider my crye: hearken vnto my prayer of lips vnfained.
Oye, o! Jehová, la justicia; está atento a mi clamor: escucha mi oración, hecha sin labios de engaño.
2 Let my sentence come forth from thy presence, and let thine eyes beholde equitie.
De delante de tu rostro salga mi juicio: vean tus ojos la rectitud.
3 Thou hast prooued and visited mine heart in the night: thou hast tryed me, and foundest nothing: for I was purposed that my mouth should not offend.
Tú has probado mi corazón; me has visitado de noche; refinásteme, y no hallaste: lo que pensé no pasó mi boca.
4 Concerning the workes of men, by the wordes of thy lips I kept mee from the paths of the cruell man.
Para las obras humanas, por la palabra de tus labios yo observé los caminos del violento.
5 Stay my steps in thy paths, that my feete doe not slide.
Sustenta mis pasos en tus caminos, porque mis pies no resbalen.
6 I haue called vpon thee: surely thou wilt heare me, O God: incline thine eare to me, and hearken vnto my wordes.
Yo te he invocado, por cuanto tú me oyes, o! Dios; inclina a mí tu oreja, oye mi palabra.
7 Shewe thy marueilous mercies, thou that art the Sauiour of them that trust in thee, from such as resist thy right hand.
Haz maravillosas tus misericordias, salvador de los que en ti confían, de los que se levantan contra tu diestra.
8 Keepe me as the apple of the eye: hide me vnder the shadowe of thy wings,
Guárdame como a lo negro de la niñeta del ojo, escóndeme con la sombra de tus alas.
9 From the wicked that oppresse mee, from mine enemies, which compasse me round about for my soule.
De delante de los malos que me oprimieron: de mis enemigos que me cercan por la vida.
10 They are inclosed in their owne fat, and they haue spoken proudely with their mouth.
Cerrados con su grosura: con su boca hablan soberbiamente.
11 They haue compassed vs now in our steps: they haue set their eyes to bring downe to the ground:
Nuestros pasos nos han cercado ahora: ponen sus ojos para tender nos a tierra;
12 Like as a lyon that is greedy of pray, and as it were a lyons whelp lurking in secret places.
Parecen al león que desea hacer presa: y al leoncillo que está escondido.
13 Vp Lord, disappoint him: cast him downe: deliuer my soule from the wicked with thy sworde,
Levántate, o! Jehová; anticipa su rostro: póstrale: escapa mi alma del malo con tu espada;
14 From men by thine hand, O Lord, from men of the world, who haue their portion in this life, whose bellies thou fillest with thine hid treasure: their children haue ynough, and leaue the rest of their substance for their children.
De los varones con tu mano, o! Jehová: de los varones de mundo cuya parte es en esta vida: cuyo vientre hinches de tu tesoro: hartan sus hijos, y dejan la resta a sus chiquitos.
15 But I will beholde thy face in righteousnes, and when I awake, I shalbe satisfied with thine image.
Yo en justicia veré tu rostro: hartarme he cuando despertare a tu semejanza.