< Psalms 17 >

1 The prayer of Dauid. Heare the right, O Lord, consider my crye: hearken vnto my prayer of lips vnfained.
Munyengetero waDhavhidhi. Inzwai, imi Jehovha, mukumbiro wangu wakarurama; inzwai kuchema kwangu. Rerekerai nzeve yenyu kumunyengetero wangu, usingabvi pamiromo inonyengera.
2 Let my sentence come forth from thy presence, and let thine eyes beholde equitie.
Kururamiswa kwangu ngakubve kwamuri; meso enyu ngaaone zvakarurama.
3 Thou hast prooued and visited mine heart in the night: thou hast tryed me, and foundest nothing: for I was purposed that my mouth should not offend.
Kunyange mukaedza mwoyo wangu uye mukandiongorora usiku, kunyange mukandiedza, hamungawani chinhu; ndakazvisunga kuti muromo wangu urege kutadza.
4 Concerning the workes of men, by the wordes of thy lips I kept mee from the paths of the cruell man.
Kana ari mabasa avanhu, neshoko remiromo yenyu, ndakanzvenga nzira dzouyo anoita nechisimba.
5 Stay my steps in thy paths, that my feete doe not slide.
Nhambwe dzangu dzakarambira panzira dzenyu; tsoka dzangu hadzina kutedzemuka.
6 I haue called vpon thee: surely thou wilt heare me, O God: incline thine eare to me, and hearken vnto my wordes.
Haiwa Mwari, ndinodana kwamuri, nokuti muchandipindura; rerekerai nzeve yenyu kwandiri, munzwe munyengetero wangu.
7 Shewe thy marueilous mercies, thou that art the Sauiour of them that trust in thee, from such as resist thy right hand.
Ratidzai kushamisa kworudo rwenyu rukuru, imi munoponesa noruoko rwenyu rworudyi, avo vanovanda vavengi vavo mamuri.
8 Keepe me as the apple of the eye: hide me vnder the shadowe of thy wings,
Ndichengetei semboni yeziso renyu; ndivanzei pasi pomumvuri wamapapiro enyu,
9 From the wicked that oppresse mee, from mine enemies, which compasse me round about for my soule.
kubva kuno wakaipa anondirwisa, kubva kuvavengi vangu, vanoda kundiuraya, vakandikomberedza.
10 They are inclosed in their owne fat, and they haue spoken proudely with their mouth.
Vanodzivira mwoyo yavo yakavangarara, uye miromo yavo inotaura nokuzvikudza.
11 They haue compassed vs now in our steps: they haue set their eyes to bring downe to the ground:
Vakandironda, zvino vandikomba, vanocherechedza nameso avo kuti vandiwisire pasi.
12 Like as a lyon that is greedy of pray, and as it were a lyons whelp lurking in secret places.
Vakaita seshumba ine nzara yechokudya, seshumba huru yakavandira pakavanda.
13 Vp Lord, disappoint him: cast him downe: deliuer my soule from the wicked with thy sworde,
Haiwa, Jehovha, simukai, mirai pamberi pavo, vawisirei pasi; ndirwirei nomunondo wenyu pano wakaipa.
14 From men by thine hand, O Lord, from men of the world, who haue their portion in this life, whose bellies thou fillest with thine hid treasure: their children haue ynough, and leaue the rest of their substance for their children.
Haiwa, Jehovha, ndiponesei noruoko rwenyu kubva kuvanhu vakadai, kubva kuvanhu venyika ino vano mubayiro uri muupenyu huno. Munopedza nzara yaavo vamunoda; vanakomana vavo vane zvakawanda, uye vanounganidzira vana vavo pfuma.
15 But I will beholde thy face in righteousnes, and when I awake, I shalbe satisfied with thine image.
Zvino ini mukururama, ndichaona chiso chenyu; pandinomuka, ndichagutswa nokuona mufananidzo wenyu.

< Psalms 17 >