< Psalms 144 >

1 A Psalme of David. Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth mine hands to fight, and my fingers to battell.
Atukuzwe Yahwe, mwamba wangu, anifundishaye mikono yangu vita na vidole vyangu kupigana.
2 He is my goodnes and my fortresse, my towre and my deliuerer, my shield, and in him I trust, which subdueth my people vnder me.
Wewe ni uaminifu wa agano langu na ngome yangu, mnara wangu mrefu na uniokoaye, ngao yangu na yule ambaye katika yeye napata kimbilio, uyatiishaye mataifa chini yangu.
3 Lord, what is man that thou regardest him! or the sonne of man that thou thinkest vpon him!
Ee Yahwe, mtu ni kitu gani hata umtazame au mwana wa mtu hata umfikirie?
4 Man is like to vanitie: his dayes are like a shadow, that vanisheth.
Mtu ni kama pumzi, siku zake ni kama uvuli upitao.
5 Bow thine heauens, O Lord, and come downe: touch the mountaines and they shall smoke.
Ee Yahwe uziinamishe mbingu na ushuke chini, uiguse milima na uifanye kutoa moshi.
6 Cast forth the lightning and scatter them: shoote out thine arrowes, and consume them.
Utume umeme uwatawanye adui zangu; upige mishale yako na uwavuruge.
7 Send thine hand from aboue: deliuer me, and take me out of the great waters, and from the hand of strangers,
Nyosha mkono wako toka juu; uniokoe kutoka katika maji mengi, na kutoka katika mkono wa wageni.
8 Whose mouth talketh vanitie, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
vinywa vyao hunena uongo, na mkono wao wa kuume ni mkono wa uongo.
9 I wil sing a new song vnto thee, O God, and sing vnto thee vpon a viole, and an instrument of ten strings.
Nitakuimbia wimbo mpya, Mungu; kwa kinanda cha nyuzi kumi nitakuimbia sifa wewe,
10 It is he that giueth deliuerance vnto Kings, and rescueth Dauid his seruant from the hurtfull sworde.
uwapaye wafalme wokovu, uliye muokoa Daudi mtumishi wako dhidi ya upanga wa uovu.
11 Rescue me, and deliuer me from the hand of strangers, whose mouth talketh vanitie, and their right hand is a right hand of falshood:
Uniokoe na unitoe mkononi mwa wageni. Midomo yao huongea uongo, na mkono wao wa kuume ni mkono wa uongo.
12 That our sonnes may be as the plantes growing vp in their youth, and our daughters as the corner stones, grauen after the similitude of a palace:
Wana wetu na wawe kama mimea ikuayo kwa ukumbwa timilifu katika ujana wao na binti zetu kama nguzo za pembeni, zilizonakishiwa kwa kupamba jumba la kifahari.
13 That our corners may be full, and abounding with diuers sorts, and that our sheepe may bring forth thousands and ten thousand in our streetes:
Ghala zetu na zijae akiba ya kila aina ya mazao, na kondoo wetu wazae elfu na makumi elfu mashambani mwetu.
14 That our oxen may be strong to labour: that there be none inuasion, nor going out, nor no crying in our streetes.
Kisha ng'ombe wetu watakuwa na nddama wengi. Hakuna atakayevunja kuta zetu; hakutakuwa na uhamisho wala kilio mitaani mwetu.
15 Blessed are the people, that be so, yea, blessed are the people, whose God is the Lord.
Wamebarikiwa watu wenye baraka hizo; furaha ina watu ambao Mungu wao ni Yahwe.

< Psalms 144 >