< Psalms 144 >

1 A Psalme of David. Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth mine hands to fight, and my fingers to battell.
Mar Daudi. Pak obed ni Jehova Nyasaye ma en Lwandana, pakeuru en motego lwetena ne lweny, kendo en momiyo lith lwetena bedo mongʼith e kedo.
2 He is my goodnes and my fortresse, my towre and my deliuerer, my shield, and in him I trust, which subdueth my people vnder me.
En Nyasacha ma jahera kendo en ohingana, bende en kar pondona kendo en jakonyna. En okumbana ma agengʼorago, kendo en ema oloyona joma ni e bwoya.
3 Lord, what is man that thou regardest him! or the sonne of man that thou thinkest vpon him!
Dhano to en angʼo, yaye Jehova Nyasaye, momiyo iketo chunyi kuome, koso wuod dhano to en angʼo, momiyo isiko ipare?
4 Man is like to vanitie: his dayes are like a shadow, that vanisheth.
Dhano chalo gi muya nono kendo ndalone chalo gi tipo makadho piyo.
5 Bow thine heauens, O Lord, and come downe: touch the mountaines and they shall smoke.
Wuogi e polo, yaye Jehova Nyasaye, wuogi mondo ilor piny; lor piny imul gode, mondo gidhuol iro.
6 Cast forth the lightning and scatter them: shoote out thine arrowes, and consume them.
Or mil polo, mondo ike wasigu; dir aserni magi, mondo itiekgi.
7 Send thine hand from aboue: deliuer me, and take me out of the great waters, and from the hand of strangers,
Rie lweti koa e polo nyaka piny, mondo ikonya, kendo igola, e pige ma tekregi ngʼeny, kendo e lwet jopinje mamoko,
8 Whose mouth talketh vanitie, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
ma dhogi opongʼ gi miriambo kendo ma lwetgi ma korachwich opongʼ gi wuondruok.
9 I wil sing a new song vnto thee, O God, and sing vnto thee vpon a viole, and an instrument of ten strings.
Abiro weroni wer manyien, yaye Nyasaye; abiro weroni wer mamit ka agoyoni thum man-gi tonde apar,
10 It is he that giueth deliuerance vnto Kings, and rescueth Dauid his seruant from the hurtfull sworde.
abiro werne Jal mamiyo ruodhi locho, kendo makonyo Daudi jatichne e dho ligangla mager.
11 Rescue me, and deliuer me from the hand of strangers, whose mouth talketh vanitie, and their right hand is a right hand of falshood:
Konya kendo gola e lwet jopinje mamoko, ma dhogi opongʼ gi miriambo kendo ma lwetgi ma korachwich opongʼ gi wuondruok.
12 That our sonnes may be as the plantes growing vp in their youth, and our daughters as the corner stones, grauen after the similitude of a palace:
Eka yawuotwa biro chalo gi yiende mayudo pi maber, kendo nyiwa biro chalo gi sirni modol maber mondo olich dala ruoth.
13 That our corners may be full, and abounding with diuers sorts, and that our sheepe may bring forth thousands and ten thousand in our streetes:
Dechewa biro pongʼ gi kit mwandu duto. Rombewa biro medore gana gi gana, ee, gibiro bedo gana mathoth e lek magwa,
14 That our oxen may be strong to labour: that there be none inuasion, nor going out, nor no crying in our streetes.
kendo rwedhi magwa biro ywayo misike mapek. Jokwoge ok nodonj e kundewa, bende ok noterwa e twech, kendo yoreyore ok nogo e gwengʼwa.
15 Blessed are the people, that be so, yea, blessed are the people, whose God is the Lord.
Ogwedh joma gigi gin adier kuomgi; kendo ogwedh jogo ma Nyasachgi en Jehova Nyasaye.

< Psalms 144 >