< Psalms 141 >

1 A Psalme of David. O Lord, I call vpon thee: haste thee vnto me: heare my voyce, when I cry vnto thee.
E IEHOVA, ke kahea aku nei au ia oe, E wikiwiki mai oe ia'u, E hooloho hoi i ka leo o ko'u kahea ana aku ia oe.
2 Let my prayer be directed in thy sight as incense, and the lifting vp of mine hands as an euening sacrifice.
E hooliloia ka'u pule i mohai ala imua ou; A o ka hapai ana hoi o ko'u mau lima i mohai ahiahi.
3 Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, and keepe the doore of my lips.
E hoonoho mai oe, e Iehova, i mea kiai ma kuu waha, A e malama mai hoi oe i ke pani o ko'u mau lehelehe.
4 Incline not mine heart to euill, that I should commit wicked workes with men that worke iniquitie: and let me not eate of their delicates.
Mai hoohuli ae oe i ko'u naau i kekahi mea hewa, E hana i ka hana o ka poe lawelawe, Me ka poe hana kolohe; Aole hoi au e ai i ko lakou mea ono.
5 Let the righteous smite me: for that is a benefite: and let him reprooue me, and it shalbe a precious oyle, that shall not breake mine head: for within a while I shall euen pray in their miseries.
Na ka poe pono e hahau mai ia'u, he aloha ia: E ao mai oia ia'u he mea hamo maikai ia, A olo ia e wahi ai i kuu poo; No ka mea, e mau ana no ka'u pule no lakou, iloko o ko lakou pilikia.
6 When their iudges shall be cast downe in stonie places, they shall heare my wordes, for they are sweete.
Ua haule ko lakou lunakanawai ma na wahi pohaku, Ua lohe mai nae lakou i ka'u pule, no ka mea, he oluolu ia.
7 Our bones lye scattered at the graues mouth, as he that heweth wood or diggeth in the earth. (Sheol h7585)
E like me ka mea kohi a hoauauwaha i ka honua, Pela i hooheleleiia'i ko makou iwi ma ke kae o ka lua kupapau. (Sheol h7585)
8 But mine eyes looke vnto thee, O Lord God: in thee is my trust: leaue not my soule destitute.
Aia no ia oe ko'u mau maka, o Iehova ka Haku, Ia oe no wau e hilinai aku ai; Mai waiho pu mai oe i ko'u uhane me ko ka poe nele.
9 Keepe me from the snare, which they haue layde for me, and from the grennes of the workers of iniquitie.
E malama mai oe ia'u i ka hei a lakou i kaukau ai no'u, A me ka upena o ka poe hana hewa.
10 Let the wicked fall into his nettes together, whiles I escape.
E haule ka poe hewa iloko o ko lakou hei iho, A e pakele wale aku no wau.

< Psalms 141 >