< Psalms 141 >

1 A Psalme of David. O Lord, I call vpon thee: haste thee vnto me: heare my voyce, when I cry vnto thee.
Se yon sòm David. Seyè, m'ap rele ou, prese vin kote m' non! Panche zòrèy ou pou tande lè m'ap rele nan pye ou!
2 Let my prayer be directed in thy sight as incense, and the lifting vp of mine hands as an euening sacrifice.
Se pou lapriyè m' moute devan ou tankou lansan y'ap boule pou ou a! Wi, se pou lè m' leve men m' pou m' lapriyè, se tankou ofrann yo fè pou ou chak swa a.
3 Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, and keepe the doore of my lips.
Seyè, mete yon mò nan bouch mwen. Veye pawòl k'ap soti nan bouch mwen!
4 Incline not mine heart to euill, that I should commit wicked workes with men that worke iniquitie: and let me not eate of their delicates.
Pa kite move lide pran tèt mwen. Pa kite m' mete tèt ansanm ak mechan yo nan mechanste yo. Pa kite m' patisipe nan fèt yo!
5 Let the righteous smite me: for that is a benefite: and let him reprooue me, and it shalbe a precious oyle, that shall not breake mine head: for within a while I shall euen pray in their miseries.
Ou mèt kite yon moun ki mache dwat pini m'. Ou mèt kite yon moun k'ap sèvi ou rale zòrèy mwen. Men, pa kite m' patisipe nan okenn fèt mechan yo. Paske, lè m'ap lapriyè, m'ap toujou denonse sa y'ap fè ki mal.
6 When their iudges shall be cast downe in stonie places, they shall heare my wordes, for they are sweete.
Se pou yo pran chèf mechan yo, jete yo anba nan falèz. Lè sa a, y'a rekonèt pawòl mwen se verite.
7 Our bones lye scattered at the graues mouth, as he that heweth wood or diggeth in the earth. (Sheol h7585)
Tankou lè y'ap fann bwa pou fè l' fè ti moso, se konsa zosman nou yo pral gaye devan bouch twou kote mò yo ye a. (Sheol h7585)
8 But mine eyes looke vnto thee, O Lord God: in thee is my trust: leaue not my soule destitute.
Men, Seyè, Bondye, se sou ou m'ap gade. Se bò kote ou m'ap chache pwoteksyon. Tanpri, pa kite m' san sekou!
9 Keepe me from the snare, which they haue layde for me, and from the grennes of the workers of iniquitie.
Pa kite m' pran nan pèlen yo tann pou mwen, nan pèlen moun k'ap fè mal yo.
10 Let the wicked fall into his nettes together, whiles I escape.
Se pou mechan yo pran nan pèlen y'ap pare pou lòt moun, epi mwen menm, pou m' fè chemen mwen!

< Psalms 141 >