< Psalms 138 >
1 A Psalme of David. I will praise thee with my whole heart: euen before the gods will I praise thee.
[Psalm lal David] Nga sot kulo nu sum, LEUM GOD, ke insiuk nufon, Nga on kaksakin kom ye mutun god uh.
2 I will worship toward thine holy Temple and praise thy Name, because of thy louing kindenesse and for thy trueth: for thou hast magnified thy Name aboue all things by thy word.
Nga forla nu ke Tempul mutal sum, Ac pasrla, ac kaksakin Inem Ke sripen lungse kawil ac pwaye lom, Oayapa ke kom akkalemye lah Inem, ac sap lom, fulat liki ma nukewa.
3 When I called, then thou heardest me, and hast encreased strength in my soule.
Kom topukyu ke nga tuh pang nu sum; Ke ku lom, kom tuh akkeyeyu.
4 All the Kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord: for they haue heard the wordes of thy mouth.
Tokosra nukewa fin faclu elos fah kaksakin kom, LEUM GOD, Mweyen elos lohng wulela lom.
5 And they shall sing of the wayes of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord is great.
Elos ac fah onkakin orekma lom Ac ke wolana yohk lom.
6 For the Lord is high: yet he beholdeth the lowly, but the proude he knoweth afarre off.
Kom finne muta yen fulat, A kom nunku kaclos su pusisel, Ac kom suiya mwet filang yen loesla me.
7 Though I walke in the middes of trouble, yet wilt thou reuiue me: thou wilt stretch foorth thine hand vpon the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall saue me.
Ke pacl mwe lokoalok rauniyula Kom karingyume. Kom lain kasrkusrak lun mwet lokoalok luk Ac kom moliyula ke po ku lom.
8 The Lord will performe his worke toward me: O Lord, thy mercie endureth for euer: forsake not the workes of thine handes.
Kom fah oru ma nukewa ma kom wulela kac; LEUM GOD, lungse lom oan ma pahtpat. Aksafyela orekma su kom mutawauk oru.