< Psalms 132 >
1 A song of degrees. Lord, remember Dauid with all his affliction.
Gospod, spomni se Davida in vseh njegovih stisk,
2 Who sware vnto the Lord, and vowed vnto the mightie God of Iaakob, saying,
kako je prisegel Gospodu in se zaobljubil mogočnemu Jakobovemu Bogu:
3 I will not enter into the tabernacle of mine house, nor come vpon my pallet or bed,
»Zagotovo ne bom prišel v šotorsko svetišče svoje hiše niti šel gor v svojo posteljo,
4 Nor suffer mine eyes to sleepe, nor mine eye lids to slumber,
svojim očem ne bom dal spanja ali dremanja svojim vekam,
5 Vntill I finde out a place for the Lord, an habitation for the mightie God of Iaakob.
dokler ne najdem kraja za Gospoda, prebivališča za mogočnega Jakobovega Boga.«
6 Lo, we heard of it in Ephrathah, and found it in the fieldes of the forest.
Glej, slišali smo o tem v Efráti, našli smo to na gozdnih poljih.
7 We will enter into his Tabernacles, and worship before his footestoole.
Šli bomo v njegova šotorska svetišča, oboževali bomo ob njegovi pručki.
8 Arise, O Lord, to come into thy rest, thou, and the Arke of thy strength.
Vstani, oh Gospod, v svoj počitek, ti in skrinja tvoje moči.
9 Let thy Priests be clothed with righteousnesse, and let thy Saints reioyce.
Naj bodo tvoji duhovniki oblečeni s pravičnostjo in tvoji sveti naj vzklikajo od veselja.
10 For thy seruant Dauids sake refuse not the face of thine Anointed.
Zaradi svojega služabnika Davida ne obrni obličja proč od svojega maziljenca.
11 The Lord hath sworne in trueth vnto Dauid, and he wil not shrinke from it, saying, Of the fruite of thy body will I set vpon thy throne.
Gospod je Davidu prisegel z resnico; ne bo se odvrnil od nje: »Od sadu tvojega telesa bom postavil na tvoj prestol.
12 If thy sonnes keepe my couenant, and my testimonies, that I shall teach them, their sonnes also shall sit vpon thy throne for euer.
Če se bodo tvoji otroci držali moje zaveze in mojega pričevanja, ki jih ga bom jaz učil, bodo tudi njihovi otroci sedeli na tvojem prestolu na vékomaj.«
13 For the Lord hath chosen Zion, and loued to dwell in it, saying,
Kajti Gospod je izbral Sion; zaželel si ga je za svoje prebivališče.
14 This is my rest for euer: here will I dwell, for I haue a delite therein.
»To je moj počitek na veke; tu bom prebival, ker sem si ga zaželel.
15 I will surely blesse her vitailes, and will satisfie her poore with bread,
Obilno bom blagoslavljal njegovo preskrbo, njegove uboge bom nasičeval s kruhom.
16 And will clothe her Priests with saluation, and her Saints shall shoute for ioye.
Prav tako bom njegove duhovnike oblekel z rešitvijo duš in njegovi sveti bodo glasno vzklikali od veselja.
17 There will I make the horne of Dauid to bud: for I haue ordeined a light for mine Anoynted.
Tam bom storil Davidovemu rogu, da vzbrsti; odredil sem svetilko za svojega maziljenca.
18 His enemies will I clothe with shame, but on him his crowne shall florish.
Njegove sovražnike bom oblekel s sramoto, toda na njem samem bo cvetela njegova krona.«