< Psalms 127 >

1 A song of degrees, or Psalme of Salomon. Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vaine that build it: except the Lord keepe the citie, the keeper watcheth in vaine.
ソロモンがよめる京まうでのうた ヱホバ家をたてたまふにあらずば 建るものの勤労はむなしく ヱホバ城をまもりたまふにあらずば衛士のさめをるは徒労なり
2 It is in vaine for you to rise earely, and to lie downe late, and eate the bread of sorow: but he wil surely giue rest to his beloued.
なんぢら早くおき遅くいねて辛苦の糧をくらふはむなしきなり 斯てヱホバその愛しみたまふものに寝をあたへたまふ
3 Beholde, children are the inheritance of the Lord, and the fruite of the wombe his rewarde.
みよ子輩はヱホバのあたへたまふ嗣業にして 胎の實はその報のたまものなり
4 As are the arrowes in the hand of ye strong man: so are the children of youth.
5 Blessed is the man, that hath his quiuer full of them: for they shall not be ashamed, when they speake with their enemies in the gate.
矢のみちたる箙をもつ人はさいはひなり かれら門にありて仇とものいふとき恥ることあらじ

< Psalms 127 >