< Psalms 124 >

1 A song of degrees, or Psalme of David. If the Lord had not bene on our side, (may Israel now say)
canticum graduum huic David nisi quia Dominus erat in nobis dicat nunc Israhel
2 If the Lord had not bene on our side, when men rose vp against vs,
nisi quia Dominus erat in nobis cum exsurgerent in nos homines
3 They had then swallowed vs vp quicke, when their wrath was kindled against vs.
forte vivos degluttissent nos cum irasceretur furor eorum in nos
4 Then the waters had drowned vs, and the streame had gone ouer our soule:
forsitan aqua absorbuisset nos
5 Then had the swelling waters gone ouer our soule.
torrentem pertransivit anima nostra forsitan pertransisset anima nostra aquam intolerabilem
6 Praysed be the Lord, which hath not giuen vs as a praye vnto their teeth.
benedictus Dominus qui non dedit nos in captionem dentibus eorum
7 Our soule is escaped, euen as a bird out of the snare of the foulers: the snare is broken, and we are deliuered.
anima nostra sicut passer erepta est de laqueo venantium laqueus contritus est et nos liberati sumus
8 Our helpe is in the Name of the Lord, which hath made heauen and earth.
adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini qui fecit caelum et terram

< Psalms 124 >