< Psalms 123 >

1 A song of degrees. I lift vp mine eyes to thee, that dwellest in the heauens.
canticum graduum ad te levavi oculos meos qui habitas in caelo
2 Behold, as the eyes of seruants looke vnto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a mayden vnto the hand of her mistres: so our eyes waite vpon the Lord our God vntil he haue mercie vpon vs.
ecce sicut oculi servorum in manibus dominorum suorum sicut oculi ancillae in manibus dominae eius ita oculi nostri ad Dominum Deum nostrum donec misereatur nostri
3 Haue mercie vpon vs, O Lord, haue mercie vpon vs: for we haue suffered too much contempt.
miserere nostri Domine miserere nostri quia multum repleti sumus despectione
4 Our soule is filled too full of ye mocking of the wealthy, and of the despitefulnes of the proude.
quia multum repleta est anima nostra obprobrium abundantibus et despectio superbis

< Psalms 123 >