< Psalms 11 >
1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid. In the Lord put I my trust: howe say yee then to my soule, Flee to your mountaine as a birde?
Ni kwako Yahweh ninapata usalama; ni kwa namna gani utasema na mimi, “Ruka kama ndege hadi mlimani”?
2 For loe, the wicked bende their bowe, and make readie their arrowes vpon the string, that they may secretly shoote at them, which are vpright in heart.
Tazama! Waovu wana andaa pinde zao. Wana tayarisha gizani mishale yao kwenye kamba ili kufyatua mioyo ya wenye haki.
3 For the foundations are cast downe: what hath the righteous done?
Ikiwa misingi imeharibiwa, mwenye haki atafanya nini?
4 The Lord is in his holy palace: the Lordes throne is in the heauen: his eyes wil consider: his eye lids will try the children of men.
Yahweh yuko katika hekalu takatifu; macho yake yanatazama, yakiuchunguza ubinadamu.
5 The Lord will try the righteous: but the wicked and him that loueth iniquitie, doeth his soule hate.
Yahweh huwachunguza wote wenye haki na waovu, bali huwachukia wapendao kuwaumiza wengine.
6 Vpon the wicked he shall raine snares, fire, and brimstone, and stormie tempest: this is the porcion of their cup.
Yeye huwanyeshea waovu makaa ya mawe na moto wa jehanamu; upepo uunguzao utakuwa ni sehemu yao kutoka katika kikombe chake!
7 For the righteous Lord loueth righteousnes: his countenance doeth beholde the iust.
Kwa kuwa Yahweh ni mwenye haki, Naye hupenda haki; wenye haki watauona uso wake.