< Psalms 107 >

1 Praise the Lord, because he is good: for his mercie endureth for euer.
Andriañeñe t’Iehovà, amy te Ie ro soa; nainai’e ty fiferenaiña’e.
2 Let them, which haue bene redeemed of the Lord, shewe how he hath deliuered them from the hand of the oppressour,
Ano izay ry jineba’ Iehovà— ry nijebañe’e am-pitàn-drafelahy,
3 And gathered them out of the lands, from the East and from the West, from the North and from the South.
vaho hinoloholo’e hirik’ amo taneo, boak’atiñanañe naho ­ahandrefañ’ añe, boak’ avaratse vaho hirik’ amy riakey.
4 When they wandered in the desert and wildernesse out of the waie, and founde no citie to dwell in,
Nirererere ambabangoañ’ añe iereo, an-dratraratra ao, tsy nahaonin-drova fimoneñañe.
5 Both hungrie and thirstie, their soule fainted in them.
Nisalikoeñe naho taliñiereñe, nitoirañe añ’ova ao ty fiai’ iareo.
6 Then they cried vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he deliuered them from their distresse,
Le nitoreo am’ Iehovà an-kaloviloviañe naho hinaha’e amo hasotria’iareoo,
7 And led them forth by the right way, that they might goe to a citie of habitation.
Nindese’e mb’an-dalam-bantam-beo higodañe mb’an-drova fimoneñañe añe.
8 Let them therefore confesse before ye Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men.
Handriañe’ iereo t’Iehovà ty amy fiferenaiña’ey naho o fitoloña’e fanjaka amo ana’ondatioo,
9 For he satisfied the thirstie soule, and filled the hungrie soule with goodnesse.
fa nieneñe’e ty fiaiñe taliñiereñe, nanjañe’e raha soa ty troke nilimpoa.
10 They that dwell in darkenesse and in the shadowe of death, being bounde in miserie and yron,
Teo ty nitozòke añ’ieñe ao naho an-talinjon-kavilasy ao, rinohy an-kasotriañe naho vý,
11 Because they rebelled against the wordes of the Lord, and despised the counsell of the most High,
amy t’ie niody amo fepèn’Añahareo, vaho nañovok’ i famerea’ i Andindimoneñey.
12 When he humbled their heart with heauines, then they fell downe and there was no helper.
Aa le nampibokohe’e ty arofo’ iareo am-pitromahañe, nampidaleandaleañe tsy amam-pañimba.
13 Then they cried vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he deliuered them from their distresse.
Le nitoreo am’ Iehovà t’ie niankoheke, le rinomba’e amo fikoretañeo;
14 He brought them out of darkenes, and out of the shadowe of death, and brake their bandes asunder.
naaka’e boak’ añ’ieñe naho an-talinjon-kavilasy ao, vaho nipoñafe’e o silisilio.
15 Let them therefore cofesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men.
Handriañe’ iareo t’i Iehovà ty amy fiferenaiña’ey naho o halatsañe nanoe’e amo ana’ ondatioo,
16 For hee hath broken the gates of brasse, and brast the barres of yron asunder.
amy te pinaratsà’e o lalam-bey torisìkeo naho pinozapoza’e o doda viñeo.
17 Fooles by reason of their transgression, and because of their iniquities are afflicted.
Nampisotriañe o seretseo ty amo fiolà’eo, naho o tahi’eo.
18 Their soule abhorreth al meat, and they are brought to deaths doore.
Nampangori’ ty fiai’ iareo ze atao hàneñe, ie nitotoke o lalam-bein-kavilasio.
19 Then they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he deliuereth them from their distresse.
Le nitoreo am’ Iehovà t’ie niampoheke, vaho rinomba’e amo haemberañeo.
20 He sendeth his worde and healeth them, and deliuereth them from their graues.
Nahitri’e i tsara’ey nahajangañe iareo vaho navotso’e amy kiboriy.
21 Let them therefore cofesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderful workes before the sonnes of men,
Andriañe’ iereo t’Iehovà ty amy fiferenaiña’ey naho o halatsañe fanoe’e amo ana’ondatioo,
22 And let them offer sacrifices of praise, and declare his workes with reioycing.
Ee t’ie hibanabana sorom- pañandriañañe naho hitalily o fitoloña’eo an-drebeke;
23 They that goe downe to the sea in ships, and occupie by the great waters,
Ao ty mizotso mb’an-tsambo an-driake ey; o mpanao balibalik’ an-drano mieneneo,
24 They see the woorkes of the Lord, and his wonders in the deepe.
Fa niisa’ iareo o sata’ Iehovào, o halatsàñe fanoe’e an-dalekeo.
25 For he commaundeth and raiseth the stormie winde, and it lifteth vp the waues thereof.
Amy tsara’ey, nitroatse ty tio-bey, nampitoabotse o alon-driakeo.
26 They mount vp to the heauen, and descend to ye deepe, so that their soule melteth for trouble.
Nionjomb’an-dindimb’eo iereo, vaho nizotso mb’an-dalek’ ao; nitranak’ ami’ty hekoheko’e ty fiai’iareo.
27 They are tossed to and from, and stagger like a drunken man, and all their cunning is gone.
Nivembeñe, nisiotsiotse hoe jike; fonga nilesa ty hihi’ iareo.
28 Then they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresse.
Nitoreove’ iareo t’Iehovà an-kasosorañe, vaho natsoa’e an-kasotriañe.
29 He turneth the storme to calme, so that the waues thereof are still.
Nampipendreñe’e i tio-beiy, le nitsiñe o onjan-driakeo.
30 When they are quieted, they are glad, and hee bringeth them vnto the hauen, where they would be.
Niehake iereo te nibànatse, vaho nitehafe’e mb’amy fipalirañe nisalalaeñey.
31 Let them therfore confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men.
Handriañe’ iereo t’Iehovà ty amy fiferenaiña’ey, naho o halatsañe fanoe’e amo ana’ ondatioo.
32 And let them exalt him in the Congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the Elders.
Ee t’ie honjone’ iareo am-pivori’ ondatio vaho handrenge Aze ami’ty fiambesa’ o androanavio.
33 He turneth the floodes into a wildernesse, and the springs of waters into drinesse,
Afote’e ho ratraratra o sakao, naho ho tane kankañe o torahañeo;
34 And a fruitfull land into barrennes for the wickednes of them that dwell therein.
ho fatran-tsira ty tane kobokara, ty ami’ty tsihavokara’ o mpitobok’ ama’eo.
35 Againe hee turneth the wildernesse into pooles of water, and the drie lande into water springs.
Ampanginakinahe’e o tane mihedatseo, vaho ampanganahanae’e o kirikintañeo;
36 And there he placeth the hungrie, and they builde a citie to dwell in,
hampitobea’e o limpoañeo, hañoreña’iareo rova fimoneñañe.
37 And sowe the fieldes, and plant vineyardes, which bring foorth fruitfull increase.
Handrarake an-teteke ao iereo, naho hambole tetem-bahe, vaho hanonton-tsabo vokatse;
38 For he blesseth them, and they multiplie exceedingly, and he diminisheth not their cattell.
Tahie’e ka iereo hanaranàha’e maro, le tsy apo’e hiha-rìtse o añombe’eo.
39 Againe men are diminished, and brought lowe by oppression, euill and sorowe.
Ie nitaketrake iereo, ninìke ami’ty famorekekeañe, naho fanilofañe, vaho anahelo;
40 He powreth contempt vpon princes, and causeth them to erre in desert places out of the way.
ampidoaña’e ìnje o roandriañeo, ampiriorioe’e am-bangý tsy aman-dalañe añe,
41 Yet he raiseth vp the poore out of miserie, and maketh him families like a flocke of sheepe.
toe aonjo’e ambone’ o hasotriañeo i rarakey, vaho anoe hoe lia-raike o hasavereña’eo.
42 The righteous shall see it, and reioyce, and all iniquitie shall stoppe her mouth.
Isa’ o vantañeo izay le mifale, fonga mamìm-bava ka ty hatsivokarañe.
43 Who is wise that hee may obserue these things? for they shall vnderstand the louing kindnesse of the Lord.
Ia ty mahihitse, hiharaharà’e? ie ro mahafohiñe ty fiferenaiña’ Iehovà.

< Psalms 107 >