< Proverbs 8 >
1 Doth not wisedome crie? and vnderstanding vtter her voyce?
Mon ikke Visdommen kalder, løfter Indsigten ikke sin Røst?
2 She standeth in the top of the high places by the way in the place of the paths.
Oppe paa Høje ved Vejen, ved Korsveje træder den frem;
3 She cryeth besides the gates before the citie at the entrie of the doores,
ved Porte, ved Byens Udgang, ved Dørenes Indgang raaber den:
4 O men, I call vnto you, and vtter my voyce to the children of men.
Jeg kalder paa eder, I Mænd, løfter min Røst til Menneskens Børn.
5 O ye foolish men, vnderstand wisedome, and ye, O fooles, be wise in heart.
I tankeløse, vind jer dog Klogskab, I Taaber, saa faa dog Forstand!
6 Giue eare, for I will speake of excellent things, and the opening of my lippes, shall teache things that be right.
Hør, thi jeg fører ædel Tale, aabner mine Læber med retvise Ord;
7 For my mouth shall speake the trueth, and my lippes abhorre wickednesse.
ja, Sandhed taler min Gane, gudløse Læber er mig en Gru.
8 All the wordes of my mouth are righteous: there is no lewdenes, nor frowardnesse in them.
Rette er alle Ord af min Mund, intet er falskt eller vrangt;
9 They are all plaine to him that will vnderstande, and streight to them that woulde finde knowledge.
de er alle ligetil for den kloge, retvise for dem der vandt Indsigt.
10 Receiue mine instruction, and not siluer, and knowledge rather then fine golde.
Tag ved Lære, tag ikke mod Sølv, tag mod Kundskab fremfor udsøgt Guld;
11 For wisdome is better then precious stones: and all pleasures are not to be compared vnto her.
thi Visdom er bedre end Perler, ingen Skatte opvejer den.
12 I wisdome dwell with prudence, and I find foorth knowledge and counsels.
Jeg, Visdom, er Klogskabs Nabo og raader over Kundskab og Kløgt.
13 The feare of the Lord is to hate euill as pride, and arrogancie, and the euill way: and a mouth that speaketh lewde things, I doe hate.
HERRENS Frygt er Had til det onde. Jeg hader Hovmod og Stolthed, den onde Vej og den falske Mund.
14 I haue counsell and wisedome: I am vnderstanding, and I haue strength.
Jeg ejer Raad og Visdom, jeg har Forstand, jeg har Styrke.
15 By me, Kings reigne, and princes decree iustice.
Ved mig kan Konger styre og Styresmænd give retfærdige Love;
16 By me princes rule and the nobles, and all the iudges of the earth.
ved mig kan Fyrster raade og Stormænd dømme Jorden.
17 I loue them that loue me: and they that seeke me earely, shall finde me.
Jeg elsker dem, der elsker mig, og de, der søger mig, finder mig.
18 Riches and honour are with me: euen durable riches and righteousnesse.
Hos mig er der Rigdom og Ære, ældgammelt Gods og Retfærd.
19 My fruite is better then golde, euen then fine golde, and my reuenues better then fine siluer.
Min Frugt er bedre end Guld og Malme, min Afgrøde bedre end kosteligt Sølv.
20 I cause to walke in the way of righteousnes, and in the middes of the paths of iudgement,
Jeg vandrer paa Retfærds Vej, midt hen ad Rettens Stier
21 That I may cause them that loue me, to inherite substance, and I will fill their treasures.
for at tildele dem, der elsker mig, Gods og fylde deres Forraadshuse.
22 The Lord hath possessed me in the beginning of his way: I was before his workes of olde.
Mig skabte HERREN først blandt sine Værker, i Urtid, førend han skabte andet;
23 I was set vp from euerlasting, from the beginning and before the earth.
jeg blev frembragt i Evigheden, i Begyndelsen, i Jordens tidligste Tider;
24 When there were no depths, was I begotten, when there were no fountaines abounding with water.
jeg fødtes, før Verdensdybet var til, før Kilderne, Vandenes Væld, var til;
25 Before the mountaines were setled: and before the hilles, was I begotten.
førend Bjergene sænkedes, før Højene fødtes jeg,
26 He had not yet made the earth, nor the open places, nor the height of the dust in the worlde.
førend han skabte Jord og Marker, det første af Jordsmonnets Støv.
27 When hee prepared the heauens, I was there, when he set the compasse vpon the deepe.
Da han grundfæsted Himlen, var jeg hos ham, da han satte Hvælv over Verdensdybet.
28 When he established the cloudes aboue, when he confirmed the fountaines of the deepe,
Da han fæstede Skyerne oventil og gav Verdensdybets Kilder deres faste Sted,
29 When he gaue his decree to the Sea, that the waters shoulde not passe his commandement: when he appointed the foundations of the earth,
da han satte Havet en Grænse, at Vandene ej skulde bryde hans Lov, da han lagde Jordens Grundvold,
30 Then was I with him as a nourisher, and I was dayly his delight reioycing alway before him,
da var jeg Fosterbarn hos ham, hans Glæde Dag efter Dag; for hans Aasyn leged jeg altid,
31 And tooke my solace in the compasse of his earth: and my delite is with the children of men.
leged paa hans vide Jord og havde min Glæde af Menneskens Børn.
32 Therefore nowe hearken, O children, vnto me: for blessed are they that keepe my wayes.
Og nu, I Sønner, hør mig! Vel den, der vogter paa mine Veje!
33 Heare instruction, and be ye wise, and refuse it not:
Hør paa Tugt og bliv vise, lad ikke haant derom!
34 blessed is the man that heareth mee, watching dayly at my gates, and giuing attendance at the postes of my doores.
Lykkelig den, der hører paa mig, saa han daglig vaager ved mine Døre og vogter paa mine Dørstolper.
35 For he that findeth me, findeth life, and shall obteine fauour of the Lord.
Thi den, der finder mig; finder Liv og opnaar Yndest hos HERREN;
36 But he that sinneth against me, hurteth his owne soule: and all that hate me, loue death.
men den, som mister mig, skader sig selv; enhver, som hader mig, elsker Døden.