< Proverbs 6 >

1 My sonne, if thou be surety for thy neighbour, and hast striken hands with the stranger,
Wen nutik, ya kom wulela in akfalye soemoul lun siena mwet?
2 Thou art snared with the wordes of thy mouth: thou art euen taken with the woordes of thine owne mouth.
Ya kom sremla ke kas lom sifacna, ac sruhu ke wulela lom sifacna?
3 Doe this nowe, my sonne, and deliuer thy selfe: seeing thou art come into the hande of thy neighbour, goe, and humble thy selfe, and sollicite thy friends.
Ke ouinge, wen nutik, kom muta ye ku lun mwet sacn, tusruktu pa inge inkanek se ma ac ku in tulekomla liki uh: sulaklak nu yorol ac kwafe elan tulekomla.
4 Giue no sleepe to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.
Nimet motulla ku mongla nwe ke na kom orala.
5 Deliuer thy selfe as a doe from the hande of the hunter, and as a birde from the hande of the fouler.
Srola liki kwasrip sacn oana sie won, ku soko deer ma kaingla liki sie mwet sruh kosro.
6 Goe to the pismire, O sluggarde: beholde her waies, and be wise.
Mwet alsrangesr uh enenu in lutlut ke ouiyen moul lun mak uh.
7 For shee hauing no guide, gouernour, nor ruler,
Wangin mwet kol, mwet fulat, ku mwet leum lalos,
8 Prepareth her meat in the sommer, and gathereth her foode in haruest.
a elos etu in elosak mwe mongo nalos ke pacl fol, in akola nu ke pacl mihsrisr.
9 Howe long wilt thou sleepe, O sluggarde? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleepe?
Mwet alsrangesr se ac oan nwe ngac? El ac tukakek ngac?
10 Yet a litle sleepe, a litle slumber, a litle folding of the hands to sleepe.
El fahk, “Nga ac motullana kutu srisrik. Nga ac elongak pouk ac monglana kitin pacl.”
11 Therefore thy pouertie commeth as one that trauaileth by the way, and thy necessitie like an armed man.
A ke el motul, ma lal nukewa ac wanginla, oana in pisrapasrla sin sie mwet sulallal.
12 The vnthriftie man and the wicked man walketh with a froward mouth.
Mwet lusrongten ac mwet koluk elos forfor ac kinauk kas kikiap.
13 He maketh a signe with his eyes: he signifieth with his feete: he instructeth with his fingers.
Elos kotmwet ac oru mwe akul ke lumahlos in kiapwekom,
14 Lewde things are in his heart: he imagineth euill at all times, and raiseth vp contentions.
ac pacl se na elos oru ma inge uh elos akoo in oru pwapa sulallal ma oan selos. Elos pirakak ma koluk yen nukewa.
15 Therefore shall his destruction come speedily: hee shall be destroyed suddenly without recouerie.
Ke ma inge mwe ongoiya ac fah sikyak nu selos tia suiyak pah, ac elos fah kunausyukla ac wangin kasru ku in orek nu selos.
16 These sixe things doeth the Lord hate: yea, his soule abhorreth seuen:
Oasr ma onkosr su LEUM GOD El srunga; aok, itkosr mwe srungayuk nu sel su El tia ku in muteng pa inge:
17 The hautie eyes, a lying tongue, and the hands that shed innocent blood,
Ngetnget filang, Loh kikiap, Po su aksororye srahn mwet wangin mwata,
18 An heart that imagineth wicked enterprises, feete that be swift in running to mischiefe,
Sie inse su kinauk pwapa koluk, Ne su sa in kasrusr nu ke ma koluk,
19 A false witnesse that speaketh lyes, and him that rayseth vp contentions among brethren.
Sie mwet orek loh kikiap, Ac sie mwet su pirakak mwe sraclik in masrlon sou.
20 My sonne, keepe thy fathers commandement, and forsake not thy mothers instruction.
Wen nutik, oru ma papa tomom el fahk nu sum, ac nik kom mulkunla ma nina kiom el luti kom kac.
21 Binde them alway vpon thine heart, and tye them about thy necke.
Sruokya kas lalos in oanna insiom pacl nukewa.
22 It shall leade thee, when thou walkest: it shall watch for thee, when thou sleepest, and when thou wakest, it shall talke with thee.
Mwe luti lalos uh ac kol kom ke pacl kom fufahsryesr, ac karingin kom ke fong, ac akkalemye ma kom in oru ke len.
23 For the commandement is a lanterne, and instruction a light: and corrections for instruction are the way of life,
Mwe luti lalos uh sie kalem nu sum, ac kas in kai lalos ac fah luti kom ke ouiyen moul.
24 To keepe thee from the wicked woman, and from ye flatterie of ye tongue of a strange woman.
Ku in sruokkomi liki mutan koluk, ac liki kas in akmunas lun mutan kien kutena mukul saya.
25 Desire not her beautie in thine heart, neither let her take thee with her eye lids.
Nimet sruhfla ke oasku lalos, nimet sremla ke elos kotmwet nu sum uh.
26 For because of the whorish woman a man is brought to a morsell of bread, and a woman wil hunt for the precious life of a man.
Sie mukul ku in sang na molin lof in bread se in moli sie mutan kosro su eis molin kosro lal, tuh el fin orek kosro nu sin mutan kien siena mukul, ma lal nukewa ac fah wanginla.
27 Can a man take fire in his bosome, and his clothes not be burnt?
Ya kom ku in us e iniwom ac nuknuk lom tia firiryak?
28 Or can a man go vpon coales, and his feete not be burnt?
Ya kom ku in fahsr fin mulut fol ac niom tia folla?
29 So he that goeth in to his neighbours wife, shall not be innocent, whosoeuer toucheth her.
Sensen ke ma inge oapana ke kom utyak nu yurin mutan kien siena mukul. Kutena mwet su oru ouinge uh ac sun keok.
30 Men do not despise a thiefe, when he stealeth, to satisfie his soule, because he is hungrie.
Mwet uh tia arulana srunga mwet pusr el fin pisrapasr in akkihpyal ke el masrinsral;
31 But if he be founde, he shall restore seuen folde, or he shall giue all the substance of his house.
a el fin koneyukyak, el enenu in akfalye pacl itkosr — el enenu in sang ma lal nukewa.
32 But he that committeth adulterie with a woman, he is destitute of vnderstanding: he that doeth it, destroyeth his owne soule.
Tusruktu sie mukul su orek kosro nu sin mutan kien siena mukul, wangin etauk lal. El sifacna oru ma ac kunausulla.
33 He shall finde a wounde and dishonour, and his reproch shall neuer be put away.
Ac fah akkolukyeyuk el, anwuk el, ac mwekin lal ac fah tiana wanginla nwe tok.
34 For ielousie is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
Wangin kasrkusrak lun sie mukul payuk ku in oana kasrkusrak lal ke el lemta; ac fah wangin nunak munas lal nu sin mukul sac ke pacl se el ac orek foloksak kac.
35 He cannot beare the sight of any raunsome: neither will he consent, though thou augment the giftes.
El ac fah tia eis kutena mwe moul in akfalye; wangin kutena mwe kite ku in akwoyela kasrkusrak lal uh.

< Proverbs 6 >