< Proverbs 30 >

1 THE WORDS OF AGUR THE SONNE OF JAKEH. The prophecie which ye man spake vnto Ithiel, euen to Ithiel, and Vcal.
Amazwi ka-Aguri indodana kaJakhe, amazwi ahlakaniphileyo: Umuntu lo wathi ku-Ithiyeli: “Ngikhathele, Oh Nkulunkulu, kodwa ngizophumelela.
2 Surely I am more foolish then any man, and haue not the vnderstanding of a man in me.
Angilalwazi okudlula bonke abantu; angilakho ukuzwisisa komuntu.
3 For I haue not learned wisedome, nor atteined to the knowledge of holy things.
Angikufundanga ukuhlakanipha njalo kangilalwazi ngaye oNgcwele.
4 Who hath ascended vp to heauen, and descended? Who hath gathered the winde in his fist? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the endes of the world? What is his name, and what is his sonnes name, if thou canst tell?
Ngubani oseke waya ezulwini waphinda wehla na? Ngubani oseke wafumbatha umoya ngesandla sakhe na? Ngubani oseke wagoqela amanzi ngesigqoko sakhe na? Ngubani omise yonke imikhawulo yomhlaba na? Lingubani ibizo lakhe, lebizo lendodana yakhe? Ngitshela nxa usazi!
5 Euery worde of God is pure: he is a shield to those, that trust in him.
Wonke amazwi kaNkulunkulu akalamposiso; uyisihlangu kulabo abacatsha kuye.
6 Put nothing vnto his wordes, least he reproue thee, and thou be found a lyar.
Ungengezeleli emazwini akhe, funa akukhuze akwenze umqambimanga.
7 Two things haue I required of thee: denie me them not before I die.
Zimbili izinto engizicela kuwe, Oh Thixo; ungangincitshi zona ngingakafi:
8 Remooue farre from me vanitie and lyes: giue me not pouertie, nor riches: feede me with foode conuenient for me,
Susa kimi inkohliso lamanga; ungangiphi ubuyanga loba inotho, kodwa ungiphe kuphela ukudla kwami kwansukuzonke.
9 Least I be full, and denie thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or least I be poore and steale, and take the Name of my God in vaine.
Phela ngingaba lokunengi kakhulu ngikuphike wena ngithi, ‘Ungubani uThixo?’ loba ngibengumyanga ngintshontshe; ngalokho ngiliyangise ibizo likaNkulunkulu wami.
10 Accuse not a seruant vnto his master, lest he curse thee, when thou hast offended.
Ungahlebi inceku enkosini yayo, ngoba izakuqalekisa ungene enkathazweni.
11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doeth not blesse their mother.
Bakhona abathuka oyise, abangababusisiyo onina;
12 There is a generation that are pure in their owne conceite, and yet are not washed from their filthinesse.
labo abazibona belungile ikanti kabahlambululwanga emanyaleni abo;
13 There is a generation, whose eies are hautie, and their eye liddes are lifted vp.
labo abamehlo abo ahlezi egcwele ulaka, abakhangela ngokudelela;
14 There is a generation, whose teeth are as swordes, and their chawes as kniues to eate vp the afflicted out of the earth, and the poore from among men.
labo omazinyo abo zinkemba, omihlathi yabo inanyathiselwe izingqamu ukuze baginye abayanga baphele emhlabeni, labaswelayo abaphakathi kwabantu.
15 The horse leache hath two daughters which crye, Giue, giue. There be three things that will not be satisfied: yea, foure that say not, It is ynough.
Umkhaza ulamadodakazi amabili; ayamemeza athi, ‘Siphe! Siphe!’ Zintathu izinto ezingasuthiyo, zine ezingakaze zithi, ‘Sekwanele!’:
16 The graue, and the barren wombe, the earth that cannot be satisfied with water, and the fire that sayeth not, It is ynough. (Sheol h7585)
lingcwaba yisisu senyumba, lomhlabathi ongasuthiyo amanzi, lomlilo ongezukufa wathi, ‘Sekwanele!’ (Sheol h7585)
17 The eye that mocketh his father and despiseth the instruction of his mother, let ye rauens of the valley picke it out, and the yong eagles eate it.
Ilihlo elihleka uyise, elidelela ukulalela unina, lizakotsholwa ngamawabayi asesigodini, lizadliwa ngamanqe.
18 There be three thinges hid from me: yea, foure that I knowe not,
Kukhona izinto ezintathu ezingimangalisayo kakhulu, ezine engingazizwisisiyo:
19 The way of an eagle in the aire, the way of a serpent vpon a stone, ye way of a ship in ye middes of the sea, and the way of a man with a maide.
indlela yengqungqulu emkhathini, umzila wenyoka edwaleni, indlela yomkhumbi olwandle, lendlela yejaha lentombi.
20 Such is ye way also of an adulterous woman: she eateth and wipeth her mouth, and sayth, I haue not committed iniquitie.
Le yindlela yesiphingikazi: siyadla sesule umlomo waso besesisithi, ‘Angenzanga lutho olubi.’
21 For three things the earth is moued: yea, for foure it cannot susteine it selfe:
Zintathu izinto ezizamazamisa umhlaba, zine ongeke uzithwale:
22 For a seruant when he reigneth, and a foole when he is filled with meate,
yinceku ebayinkosi, yisiwula esisuthiyo,
23 For the hatefull woman, when she is married, and for a handmaid that is heire to her mistres.
ngumfazi owendileyo ongathandwayo, lencekukazi ethathela inkosikazi indoda.
24 These be foure small things in the earth, yet they are wise and full of wisedome:
Kukhona emhlabeni izinto ezine ezincinyane, ikanti-ke zihlakaniphile kakhulu:
25 The pismires a people not strong, yet prepare they their meate in sommer:
Ubunyonyo kabulamandla anganani, kodwa buyabuthelela ukudla kwabo ehlobo;
26 The conies a people not mightie, yet make their houses in the rocke:
lezimbila ziyizidalwa ezilamandla angatsho lutho, kodwa zenza izikhundla zazo ezingoxweni zamadwala;
27 The grashopper hath no King, yet goe they forth all by bandes:
izintethe kazilankosi, kodwa zihamba ziludibi olwesabekayo;
28 The spider taketh holde with her handes, and is in Kings palaces.
umbankwa ungabanjwa ngesandla, kodwa ungena lasezigodlweni zamakhosi.
29 There be three thinges that order well their going: yea, foure are comely in going,
Kulezinto ezintathu ezihamba zinqekuza kamnandi, zine ezihamba zibeka kamnandi:
30 A lyon which is strong among beastes, and turneth not at the sight of any:
yisilwane, esilamandla esabekayo phakathi kwezilo, esingabalekeli lutho;
31 A lusty grayhound, and a goate, and a King against whom there is no rising vp.
liqhude eliditshazelayo, yimpongo, njalo lenkosi nxa ihanqwe libutho layo.
32 If thou hast bene foolish in lifting thy selfe vp, and if thou hast thought wickedly, lay thine hand vpon thy mouth.
Nxa ube yisithutha waziphakamisa, kumbe nxa wakhe amacebo okwenza okubi, vala umlomo wakho ngesandla sakho.
33 When one churneth milke, he bringeth foorth butter: and he that wringeth his nose, causeth blood to come out: so he that forceth wrath, bringeth foorth strife.
Ngoba njengokuphehla uchago kudala iphehla, lanjengoba ukugubha amakhala kubanga umungula, kunjalo ukuvusa ulaka kudala ingxabano.”

< Proverbs 30 >