< Proverbs 28 >

1 The wicked flee when none pursueth: but the righteous are bolde as a lyon.
Halang tah a hloem pawt akhaw rhaelrham khing. Tedae aka dueng tah sathueng bangla amah pangtung uh.
2 For the transgression of the land there are many princes thereof: but by a man of vnderstanding and knowledge a realme likewise endureth long.
Khohmuen kah boekoek dongah mangpa la yet dae, aka yakming hlang long tah a ming dongah a ram a pai sak.
3 A poore man, if he oppresse the poore, is like a raging raine, that leaueth no foode.
Hlang he khodaeng loh tattloel patoeng a hnaemtaek he khaw, khotlan loh bet a kawt tih buh a om pawt bangla om.
4 They that forsake the Law, prayse the wicked: but they that keepe the Law, set themselues against them.
Olkhueng aka hnoo rhoek loh halang te a thangthen uh. Tedae olkhueng aka tuem long tah amih te a huek.
5 Wicked men vnderstand not iudgemnt: but they that seeke the Lord vnderstand all things.
Hlang thae rhoek loh tiktamnah te yakming uh pawt dae, BOEIPA aka tlap rhoek loh boeih a yakming uh.
6 Better is the poore that walketh in his vprightnesse, then hee that peruerteth his wayes, though he be riche.
A thincaknah neh aka pongpa khodaeng he, longpuei kawnvoi dongkah hlanglen lakah then.
7 He that keepeth the Law, is a childe of vnderstanding: but hee that feedeth the gluttons, shameth his father.
Olkhueng aka kueinah capa long tah a yakming dae, carhut neh aka luem loh a napa kah hmai a thae sak.
8 He that increaseth his riches by vsurie and interest, gathereth them for him that will be mercifull vnto the poore.
A casai a puehkan neh a boeirhaeng aka tom long khaw, tattloel aka rhen ham ni a puehkan la a coi pah coeng.
9 He that turneth away his eare from hearing the Law, euen his prayer shalbe abominable.
Olkhueng a yaak lalah a hna tlap tlap aka khong tah, a thangthuinah khaw tueilaehkoi la om.
10 He that causeth the righteous to go astray by an euill way, shall fall into his owne pit, and the vpright shall inherite good things.
Aka thuem te longpuei thae la aka palang sak tah cakhom ah amah lah cungku ni. Tedae cuemthuek rhoek long tah hnothen a pang uh ni.
11 The riche man is wise in his owne conceite: but the poore that hath vnderstanding, can trie him.
Hlanglen pa he a mikhmuh ah amah aka cueih koek la ngai uh dae, tattloel long khaw aka yakming long tah anih te a khe.
12 When righteous men reioyce, there is great glory: but when the wicked come vp, the man is tried.
Aka dueng rhoek a sundaep vaengah muep boeimang tangloeng dae, halang rhoek a thoh vaengah tah hlang loh a thuh tak.
13 He that hideth his sinnes, shall not prosper: but he that confesseth, and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.
A boekoek aka phah he a thaihtak moenih. Tedae aka phoe tih aka hnoo tah a haidam.
14 Blessed is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart, shall fall into euill.
Aka rhih yoeyah hlang tah a yoethen dae, a lungbuei aka mangkhak loh boethae khuila cungku.
15 As a roaring lyon, and an hungry beare, so is a wicked ruler ouer the poore people.
Halang loh a taemrhai vaengah pilnam tattloel te sathueng bangla a nguel thil tih vom bangla cu.
16 A prince destitute of vnderstanding, is also a great oppressour: but hee that hateth couetousnes, shall prolong his dayes.
A lungcuei aka talh rhaengsang tah tlungalnah yet. Mueluemnah aka hmuhuet la aka hmuhuet tah a hinglung vang ni.
17 A man that doeth violence against the blood of a person, shall flee vnto the graue, and they shall not stay him.
Hinglu kah thii neh hlang aka hnaemtaek hlang tah vaam khuila rhaelrham cakhaw, anih te duel mahpawh.
18 He that walketh vprightly, shalbe saued: but he that is froward in his wayes, shall once fall.
Cuemthuek la aka pongpa tah daem tih, longpuei aka kawn sak tah vaikhat lam ni a cungku eh.
19 He that tilleth his land, shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth the idle, shall be filled with pouertie.
Amah khohmuen aka tawn tah caak khaw kum ni. Tedae a hoenghoep bueng aka hloem tah khodaeng la hah ni.
20 A faythfull man shall abound in blessings, and he that maketh haste to be riche, shall not be innocent.
Uepomnah hlang kah yoethennah tah yet. Tedae boei hamla aka tanolh khaw hmil mahpawh.
21 To haue respect of persons is not good: for that man will transgresse for a piece of bread.
Maelhmai a loha khaw then pawh. Tedae buh kamat dongah ni hlang loh boe a koek.
22 A man with a wicked eye hasteth to riches, and knoweth not, that pouertie shall come vpon him.
Hlang moeithae loh boeirhaeng dongah ngawn tah hlawt let dae, vaitahnah loh anih a thoeng thil te ming pawh.
23 He that rebuketh a man, shall finde more fauour at length, then he that flattereth with his tongue.
Hlang aka tluung he a hnukah tah a lai aka hnal lakah, mikdaithen la om.
24 Hee that robbeth his father and mother, and sayth, It is no transgression, is the companion of a man that destroyeth.
A manu neh a napa a rheth lalah boekoek pawt la aka thui tah, kut aka yook ham hlang kah a pueipo la om.
25 He that is of a proude heart, stirreth vp strife: but he that trusteth in the Lord, shall be fatte.
Mungkung kah hinglu long tah olpungkacan a huek. Tedae BOEIPA dongah aka pangtung ni a hoeikhang eh.
26 Hee that trusteth in his owne heart, is a foole: but he that walketh in wisdome, shall be deliuered.
Amah kah lungbuei dongah aka pangtung tah amah te ang coeng. Tedae cueihnah dongah aka pongpa tah amah khaw hlawt uh.
27 He that giueth vnto the poore, shall not lacke: but he that hideth his eyes, shall haue many curses.
Khodaeng taengah aka pae tah a tloelnah om pawh. Tedae a mik aka him tah tapvoepnah muep kum.
28 When the wicked rise vp, men hide them selues: but when they perish, ye righteous increase.
Halang rhoek a thoh vaengah hlang loh a thuh tak. Tedae a milh vaengah aka dueng rhoek khaw pul.

< Proverbs 28 >