< Proverbs 26 >
1 As the snowe in the sommer, and as the raine in the haruest are not meete, so is honour vnseemely for a foole.
Som Sne om Somren og Regn om Høsten saa lidt hører Ære sig til for en Taabe.
2 As the sparowe by flying, and the swallow by flying escape, so the curse that is causeles, shall not come.
Som en Spurv i Fart, som en Svale i Flugt saa rammer ej Banden mod sagesløs Mand.
3 Vnto the horse belongeth a whip, to the asse a bridle, and a rod to the fooles backe.
Svøbe for Hest, Bidsel for Æsel og Ris for Taabers Ryg.
4 Answer not a foole according to his foolishnes, least thou also be like him.
Svar ej Taaben efter hans Daarskab, at ikke du selv skal blive som han.
5 Answere a foole according to his foolishnes, least he be wise in his owne conceite.
Svar Taaben efter hans Daarskab, at han ikke skal tykkes sig viis.
6 He that sendeth a message by the hand of a foole, is as he that cutteth off the feete, and drinketh iniquitie.
Den afhugger Fødderne og inddrikker Vold, som sender Bud ved en Taabe.
7 As they that lift vp the legs of the lame, so is a parable in a fooles mouth.
Slappe som den lammes Ben er Ordsprog i Taabers Mund.
8 As the closing vp of a precious stone in an heape of stones, so is he that giueth glory to a foole.
Som en, der binder Stenen fast i Slyngen, er den, der hædrer en Taabe.
9 As a thorne standing vp in the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fooles.
Som en Tornekæp, der falder den drukne i Hænde, er Ordsprog i Taabers Mund.
10 The excellent that formed all things, both rewardeth the foole and rewardeth the transgressers.
Som en Skytte, der saarer enhver, som kommer, er den, der lejer en Taabe og en drukken.
11 As a dog turneth againe to his owne vomit, so a foole turneth to his foolishnes.
Som en Hund, der vender sig om til sit Spy, er en Taabe, der gentager Daarskab.
12 Seest thou a man wise in his owne conceite? more hope is of a foole then of him.
Ser du en Mand, der tykkes sig viis, for en Taabe er der mere Haab end for ham.
13 The slouthfull man sayth, A lyon is in the way: a lyon is in the streetes.
Den lade siger: »Et Rovdyr paa Vejen, en Løve ude paa Torvene!«
14 As the doore turneth vpon his hinges, so doeth the slouthfull man vpon his bed.
Døren drejer sig paa sit Hængsel, den lade paa sit Leje.
15 The slouthfull hideth his hand in his bosome, and it grieueth him to put it againe to his mouth.
Den lade rækker til Fadet, men gider ikke føre Haanden til Munden.
16 The sluggard is wiser in his owne conceite, then seuen men that can render a reason.
Den lade tykkes sig større Vismand end syv, der har kloge Svar.
17 He that passeth by and medleth with the strife that belongeth not vnto him, is as one that taketh a dog by the eares.
Den griber en Hund i Øret, som blander sig i uvedkommende Strid.
18 As he that faineth himselfe mad, casteth fire brands, arrowes, and mortall things,
Som en vanvittig Mand, der udslynger Gløder, Pile og Død,
19 So dealeth the deceitfull man with his friend and sayth, Am not I in sport?
er den, der sviger sin Næste og siger: »Jeg spøger jo kun.«
20 Without wood the fire is quenched, and without a talebearer strife ceaseth.
Er der intet Brænde, gaar Ilden ud, er der ingen Bagtaler, stilles Trætte.
21 As ye cole maketh burning coles, and wood a fire, so the contentious man is apt to kindle strife.
Trækul til Gløder og Brænde til Ild og trættekær Mand til at optænde Kiv.
22 The wordes of a tale bearer are as flatterings, and they goe downe into the bowels of the belly.
Bagtalerens Ord er som Lækkerbidskener, de synker dybt i Legemets Kamre.
23 As siluer drosse ouerlayde vpon a potsheard, so are burning lips, and an euill heart.
Som Sølvovertræk paa et Lerkar er ondsindet Hjerte bag glatte Læber.
24 He that hateth, will counterfaite with his lips, but in his heart he layeth vp deceite.
Avindsmand hykler med Læben, i sit Indre huser han Svig;
25 Though he speake fauourably, beleeue him not: for there are seuen abominations in his heart.
gør han Røsten venlig, tro ham dog ikke, thi i hans Hjerte er syvfold Gru.
26 Hatred may be couered by deceite: but the malice thereof shall be discouered in the congregation.
Den, der dølger sit Had med Svig, hans Ondskab kommer frem i Folkets Forsamling.
27 He that diggeth a pit shall fall therein, and he that rolleth a stone, it shall returne vnto him.
I Graven, man graver, falder man selv, af Stenen, man vælter, rammes man selv.
28 A false tongue hateth the afflicted, and a flattering mouth causeth ruine.
Løgnetunge giver mange Hug, hyklersk Mund volder Fald.