< Proverbs 25 >

1 THESE ARE ALSO PARABLES of Salomon, which the men of Hezekiah King of Iudah copied out.
Magi e ngeche mamoko mag Solomon, mane jo-Hezekia ruodh Juda ondiko.
2 The glorie of God is to conceale a thing secret: but the Kings honour is to search out a thing.
Wamiyo Nyasaye duongʼ kuom gik ma opando; to lero tiend weche en duongʼ ni ruodhi.
3 The heaues in height, and the earth in deepenes, and the Kings heart can no man search out.
Mana kaka polo bor kendo piny tut, e kaka chuny ruodhi ngʼeyo tek.
4 Take the drosse from the siluer, and there shall proceede a vessell for the finer.
Ka ogol chilo kuom fedha, to jatheth koro nigi gimoro mar theth;
5 Take away the wicked from the King, and his throne shall be stablished in righteousnes.
ka ogol ngʼat marach e nyim ruoth, eka kom ruodhe ibiro guro motegno e tim makare.
6 Boast not thy selfe before the King, and stand not in the place of great men.
Kik imiri duongʼ iwuon e nyim ruoth, kata bedo kar jomadongo,
7 For it is better, that it be saide vnto thee, Come vp hither, then thou to be put lower in the presece of the prince whom thine eyes haue seene.
nimar ber moloyo owachni niya, “Bi ka,” moloyo ka igoli e nyim jomadongo.
8 Goe not foorth hastily to strife, least thou know not what to doe in the ende thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame.
Gima wangʼi oseneno kik ikel mapiyo kirikni e nyim od bura; nimar ibiro timo angʼo achien ka jabuti oketi e wichkuot?
9 Debate thy matter with thy neighbour, and discouer not the secret to another,
Ka iloso wach manie kindi gi jabuti, to kik idhi ihul wach malingʼ-lingʼ mar ngʼato;
10 Least he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamie doe not cease.
nono to ngʼat moro mowinji biro keti e wichkuot; mi huma mari marach ok nogiki.
11 A word spoken in his place, is like apples of golde with pictures of siluer.
Wach mowach e kinde mowinjore, chalo gi olemo mar dhahabu moketie tawo molos gi fedha.
12 He that reprooueth the wise, and the obedient eare, is as a golden earering and an ornament of fine golde.
Mana kaka tere mar dhahabu kata tigo mar dhahabu maber e kaka siem mar ngʼat mariek mokwerogo ngʼat machiko ite.
13 As the colde of the snowe in the time of haruest, so is a faithfull messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soule of his masters.
Mana kaka ngʼich mar pe e kinde mar keyo, e kaka jaote ma ja-adiera chalo ne ngʼat moore, omoro chuny ruodhe.
14 A man that boasteth of false liberalitie, is like cloudes and winde without raine.
Kaka boche polo gi yamo maonge koth, e kaka ngʼat mawuorore gi mich ma ok dochiw.
15 A Prince is pacified by staying of anger, and a soft tongue breaketh the bones.
Horuok mos nyalo loko chuny ruoth, to lep mamuol nyalo toyo chogo.
16 If thou haue found hony, eate that is sufficient for thee, least thou be ouerfull, and vomit it.
Ka iyudo mor kich, to cham mana moromo, mathoth ahinya, nyalo miyo ingʼogi.
17 Withdrawe thy foote from thy neighbours house, least he be weary of thee, and hate thee.
Kik iter tiendi pile e od jabuti, dhiyo kuno pile, biro miyo ochayi.
18 A man that beareth false witnes against his neighbour, is like an hammer and a sword, and a sharpe arrowe.
Mana kaka arungu kata ligangla; kata asere mabith, e kaka ngʼatno machiwo neno ma ok adiera kuom ngʼat ma gidakgo machiegni.
19 Confidence in an vnfaythfull man in time of trouble, is like a broken tooth and a sliding foote.
Mana kaka lak marach kata tielo mongʼol e kaka keto geno kuom jogo ma ok jo-adiera e kinde mag chandruok.
20 Hee that taketh away the garment in the colde season, is like vineger powred vpon nitre, or like him that singeth songs to an heauy heart.
Mana ka ngʼat ma lonyo law midongʼ duk e ndalo ngʼich, kata kaka olo chumbi e adhola, e kaka ngʼat ma wero wende ne chuny mool.
21 If hee that hateth thee be hungry, giue him bread to eate, and if he be thirstie, giue him water to drinke.
Ka jasiki odenyo, to miye chiemo ocham; ka riyo oloye, miye pi omodhi.
22 For thou shalt lay coles vpon his head, and the Lord shall recompense thee.
Ka itimo kamano, ibiro choko chuk mach maliel e wiye, kendo Jehova Nyasaye biro miyi pok.
23 As the Northwinde driueth away the raine, so doeth an angry countenance the slandering tongue.
Kaka yamb nyandwat kelo koth, e kaka lep mafuongʼo wach kelo miero.
24 It is better to dwell in a corner of the house top, then with a contentious woman in a wide house.
Ber dak e kona mar wi ot moloyo dak gi dhako maralep.
25 As are the colde waters to a weary soule, so is good newes from a farre countery.
Mana kaka pi mangʼich chalo ne chuny mool, e kaka wach maber moa e piny mabor chalo.
26 A righteous man falling downe before the wicked, is like a troubled well, and a corrupt spring.
Mana kaka soko motimo chwodho kata aora moduwore chalo e kaka ngʼat makare machiwo thuolo ne jaricho.
27 It is not good to eate much hony: so to search their owne glory is not glory.
Ok ber chamo mor kich mathoth, kata ok en gima longʼo mondo ngʼato odwar luor monego miye owuon.
28 A man that refraineth not his appetite, is like a citie which is broken downe and without walles.
Mana kaka dala maduongʼ ma ohingane omukore mogore piny e kaka ngʼatno ma ok nyal ritore owuon.

< Proverbs 25 >