< Proverbs 21 >

1 The Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the riuers of waters: he turneth it whithersoeuer it pleaseth him.
Kei roto te ngakau o te kingi i te ringa o Ihowa ano he awa rerenga wai; e whakaangahia ana e ia ki nga wahi katoa e pai ai ia.
2 Euery way of a man is right in his owne eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts.
Ko nga ara katoa o te tangata, tika kau ki ona kanohi ake: ko Ihowa ia hei pauna i nga ngakau.
3 To doe iustice and iudgement is more acceptable to the Lord then sacrifice.
Ko te mahi i te tika, i te whakawa, ki ta Ihowa, pai atu i te patunga tapu.
4 A hautie looke, and a proude heart, which is the light of the wicked, is sinne.
He kanohi whakakake, he ngakau whakapehapeha, a ko te rama hoki o te hunga kino, he hara kau.
5 The thoughtes of the diligent doe surely bring abundance: but whosoeuer is hastie, commeth surely to pouertie.
Ko nga whakaaro o te tangata uaua e ahu anake ana ki te hua o te taonga: ko te hunga takare katoa ia e whawhai kau ana ki te muhore.
6 The gathering of treasures by a deceitfull tongue is vanitie tossed to and from of them that seeke death.
E rite ana ta te arero teka ami i te taonga ki te mamaoa e aia noatia ana; ko te hunga e rapu ana i era e rapu ana i te mate.
7 The robberie of the wicked shall destroy them: for they haue refused to execute iudgement.
Ma te pahua a te hunga kino e tahi atu ratou; mo ratou kahore e pai ki te whakawa.
8 The way of some is peruerted and strange: but of the pure man, his worke is right.
He ara tino kopikopiko to te tangata e waha ana i te hara: tena ko te tangata ma, he tika tana mahi.
9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the house top, then with a contentious woman in a wide house.
He pai ke te noho i te kokonga o te tuanui, i te noho tahi me te wahine ngangare i roto i te whare mahorahora.
10 The soule of the wicked wisheth euill: and his neighbour hath no fauour in his eyes.
Ko ta te wairua o te tangata kino he hiahia ki te kino; e kore ona kanohi e manako ki tona hoa.
11 When the scorner is punished, the foolish is wise: and when one instructeth the wise, he wil receiue knowledge.
Ki te whiua te tangata whakahi, ka whai whakaaro te kuware: a, ki te whakaakona te tangata whakaaro nui, ka whiwhi ia ki te matauranga.
12 The righteous teacheth the house of the wicked: but God ouerthroweth the wicked for their euill.
Ka ata whakaaroa e te tangata tika te whare o te tangata kino; te peheatanga e whakataka ai te hunga kino ki te mate mo ratou.
13 He that stoppeth his eare at the crying of the poore, he shall also cry and not be heard.
Ko te tangata e puru ana i ona taringa ki te karanga a te rawakore, tera hoki ia e karanga, heoi e kore e whakarangona.
14 A gift in secret pacifieth anger, and a gift in the bosome great wrath.
Ma te mea homai puku ka marie ai te riri, ma te moni whakapati hoki i roto i te uma ka marie ai te aritarita kaha.
15 It is ioye to the iust to doe iudgement: but destruction shalbe to the workers of iniquitie.
He mahi koa na te tangata tika te whakawa; mo nga kaimahi ia i te kino, ko te whakangaromanga.
16 A man that wandreth out of the way of wisdome, shall remaine in the congregation of the dead.
Ko te tangata e kotiti ke ana i te huarahi o te mahara, ka noho ia i te whakaminenga o nga tupapaku.
17 Hee that loueth pastime, shalbe a poore man: and he that loueth wine and oyle, shall not be riche.
Ko te tangata matenui ki nga ahuareka, ka rawakore: a, ko te tangata e matenui ana ki te waina, ki te hinu, e kore e whai taonga.
18 The wicked shalbe a ransome for the iust, and the transgressour for the righteous.
Hei utu te tangata kino mo te tangata tika; a ka haere mai te tangata kopeka hei whakakapi mo te tangata tu tika.
19 It is better to dwell in the wildernesse, then with a contentious and angry woman.
He pai ke te noho i te koraha, i te noho tahi me te wahine tohetohe, wahine pukukino.
20 In the house of the wise is a pleasant treasure and oyle: but a foolish man deuoureth it.
Kei te nohoanga o te tangata whakaaro nui te taonga momohanga me te hinu; heoi maumauria ake e te wairangi.
21 He that followeth after righteousnes and mercy, shall finde life, righteousnes, and glory.
Ko te tangata e whai ana i te tika, i te atawhai, ka whiwhi ki te ora, ki te tika, ki te honore.
22 A wise man goeth vp into the citie of the mightie, and casteth downe the strength of the confidence thereof.
Ka pikitia e te tangata whakaaro nui te pa o nga marohirohi, ka taka hoki i a ia te kaha i whakawhirinaki ai ratou.
23 He that keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soule from afflictions.
Ko te tangata e tiaki ana i tona mangai, i tona arero, e tiaki ana i tona wairua kei raru.
24 Proude, hautie and scornefull is his name that worketh in his arrogancie wrath.
Ko te tangata whakakake, whakapehapeha, ko te tangata whakahi tona ingoa, e mahi ana ia i runga i te whakahirahira o tona whakamanamana.
25 The desire of the slouthfull slayeth him: for his hands refuse to worke.
Ka mate te tangata mangere i tona hiahia ano; e kore hoki ona ringa e pai ki te mahi.
26 He coueteth euermore greedily, but the righteous giueth and spareth not.
Tera te hanga he kaiapo tonu a pau noa te ra: ko ta te tangata tika ia he homai, kahore hoki ana kaiponu.
27 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination: how much more when he bringeth it with a wicked minde?
He mea whakarihariha te whakahere a te tangata kino; tera noa ake ina he te whakaaro i kawea mai ai e ia.
28 A false witnes shall perish: but hee that heareth, speaketh continually.
Ka mate te kaiwhakaatu teka; na, ko te tangata whakarongo, ka korero, kahore he kaiwhakahe.
29 A wicked man hardeneth his face: but the iust, he will direct his way.
Ka whakamaro te tangata kino i tona mata: tena ko te tangata tika, ka whakapai i ona ara.
30 There is no wisedome, neither vnderstanding, nor counsell against the Lord.
I to Ihowa aroaro kahore he whakaaro nui, kahore he matauranga, kahore he kupu mohio, e tu.
31 The horse is prepared against the day of battell: but saluation is of the Lord.
Kua rite noa ake he hoiho mo te ra o te whawhai; kei a Ihowa ia te whakaoranga.

< Proverbs 21 >