< Proverbs 19 >
1 Better is the poore that walketh in his vprightnes, then he that abuseth his lips, and is a foole.
Tsara ny malahelo mandeha tsy misy tsiny Noho izay mandainga amin’ ny molony sady adala.
2 For without knowledge the minde is not good, and he that hasteth with his feete, sinneth.
Tsy tsara raha tsy manam-pahalalana ny fanahy; Ary izay miezaka mosalahy dia ho diso lalana.
3 The foolishnesse of a man peruerteth his way, and his heart freateth against the Lord.
Ny fahadalan’ ny olona no mahasimba ny alehany, Ka amin’ i Jehovah no sosotra ny fony.
4 Riches gather many friends: but the poore is separated from his neighbour.
Ny harena mahamaro sakaiza; Fa ny malahelo afoin’ ny sakaizany.
5 A false witnes shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes, shall not escape.
Ny vavolombelona mandainga tsy ho afa-tsiny, Ary izay mamoaka lainga tsy ho afa-miala.
6 Many reuerence the face of the prince, and euery man is friend to him that giueth giftes.
Maro no mandambolambo andriana; Ary ny olona rehetra samy misakaiza amin’ izay mpanome zavatra.
7 All the brethren of the poore doe hate him: howe much more will his friends depart farre from him? though hee be instant with wordes, yet they will not.
Ny malahelo dia halan’ ny rahalahiny rehetra, Koa mainka fa ny sakaizany tsy hanalavitra azy va? Manandrandra amin’ ny teny tsy misy izy.
8 He that possesseth vnderstanding, loueth his owne soule, and keepeth wisdome to finde goodnesse.
Izay mihary fahendrena no tia ny tenany, Ary izay mitandrina fahalalana hahita soa.
9 A false witnes shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes, shall perish.
Ny vavolombelona mandainga tsy maintsy hampijalina, Ary ny miteny lainga ho very.
10 Pleasure is not comely for a foole, much lesse for a seruant to haue rule ouer princes.
Ny ho velona amin’ ny fahafinaretana dia tsy tandrifiny ho an’ ny adala, Koa mainka izay hanapahan’ ny mpanompo ny zanak’ andriana.
11 The discretion of man deferreth his anger: and his glory is to passe by an offence.
Ny fahendren’ ny olona manindry ny fahatezerany, Ary voninahitra ho azy ny tsy mamaly fahadisoana.
12 The Kings wrath is like the roaring of a lyon: but his fauour is like the dewe vpon ye grasse.
Ny fahatezeran’ ny mpanjaka dia toy ny fieron’ ny liona tanora: Fa ny fitiany kosa toy ny ando amin’ ny ahitra.
13 A foolish sonne is the calamitie of his father, and the contentions of a wife are like a continuall dropping.
Ny zanaka adala mahabe fahoriana ny rainy; Ary ny ady ataon’ ny vehivavy dia toy ny rano mitete mandrakariva.
14 House and riches are the inheritance of the fathers: but a prudent wife commeth of the Lord.
Trano sy harena no lova avy amin’ ny ray; Fa ny vady hendry kosa dia avy amin’ i Jehovah.
15 Slouthfulnes causeth to fall asleepe, and a deceitfull person shall be affamished.
Ny hakamoana mahasondrian-tory, Ary ho mosarena ny olona malaina.
16 He that keepeth the commandement, keepeth his owne soule: but hee that despiseth his wayes, shall dye.
Izay mitandrina ny didy mitandrina ny ainy; Fa izay tsy mihevitra ny alehany dia ho faty.
17 He that hath mercy vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and the Lord will recompense him that which he hath giuen.
Izay miantra ny malahelo dia mampisambotra an’ i Jehovah, Ary izay nomeny dia honerany kosa.
18 Chasten thy sonne while there is hope, and let not thy soule spare for his murmuring.
Faizo ny zanakao, fa mbola misy azo antenaina ihany, Nefa aza dia entim-po loatra, fandrao mahafaty azy.
19 A man of much anger shall suffer punishment: and though thou deliuer him, yet wil his anger come againe.
Ny lozabe tsy maintsy hampijalina; Ary na dia vonjenao aza izy, dia mbola hanahirana anao ihany indray.
20 Heare counsell and receiue instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter ende.
Henoy ny saina atolotra, ary raiso ny fananarana, Mba ho hendry ianao amin’ izay hiafaranao.
21 Many deuises are in a mans heart: but the counsell of the Lord shall stand.
Maro ny hevitra ao am-pon’ ny olona; Fa ny fisainan’ i Jehovah no haharitra.
22 That that is to be desired of a man, is his goodnes, and a poore man is better then a lyer.
Fifaliana amin’ ny olona ny manisy soa; Ary aleo ho malahelo toy izay ho mpandainga.
23 The feare of the Lord leadeth to life: and he that is filled therewith, shall continue, and shall not be visited with euill.
Ny fahatahorana an’ i Jehovah no ahazoana fiainana; Izay manana izany tsy mba handry fotsy sady tsy hiharan-doza.
24 The slouthfull hideth his hand in his bosome, and wil not put it to his mouth againe.
Ny malaina dia mangarona ny eo an-dovia amin’ ny tànany, Nefa ny mampakatra azy ho amin’ ny vavany dia tsy zakany.
25 Smite a scorner, and the foolish wil beware: and reproue the prudent, and he wil vnderstand knowledge.
Kapohy ny mpaniratsira, dia ho hendry ny kely saina; Ary anaro ny manan-tsaina, dia hahalala fahendrena izy.
26 He that destroyeth his father, or chaseth away his mother, is a lewde and shamefull childe.
Izay mitohatoha amin-drainy sy mandroaka ny reniny Dia zanaka mahamenatra sy mahafa-baraka.
27 My sonne, heare no more the instruction, that causeth to erre from ye words of knowledge.
Anaka, mitsahara tsy hihaino anatra Izay mampanalavitra anao ny tenin’ ny fahalalana.
28 A wicked witnes mocketh at iudgement, and the mouth of ye wicked swalloweth vp iniquitie.
Ny vavolombelona ratsy maniratsira ny fitsarana; Ary ny vavan’ ny ratsy fanahy mitelina ny ratsy.
29 But iudgements are prepared for the scorners, and stripes for the backe of the fooles.
Vonona ho amin’ ny mpaniratsira ny fanamelohana, Ary ny kapoka ho amin’ ny lamosin’ ny adala.