< Proverbs 19 >

1 Better is the poore that walketh in his vprightnes, then he that abuseth his lips, and is a foole.
行為純正的貧窮人 勝過乖謬愚妄的富足人。
2 For without knowledge the minde is not good, and he that hasteth with his feete, sinneth.
心無知識的,乃為不善; 腳步急快的,難免犯罪。
3 The foolishnesse of a man peruerteth his way, and his heart freateth against the Lord.
人的愚昧傾敗他的道; 他的心也抱怨耶和華。
4 Riches gather many friends: but the poore is separated from his neighbour.
財物使朋友增多; 但窮人朋友遠離。
5 A false witnes shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes, shall not escape.
作假見證的,必不免受罰; 吐出謊言的,終不能逃脫。
6 Many reuerence the face of the prince, and euery man is friend to him that giueth giftes.
好施散的,有多人求他的恩情; 愛送禮的,人都為他的朋友。
7 All the brethren of the poore doe hate him: howe much more will his friends depart farre from him? though hee be instant with wordes, yet they will not.
貧窮人,弟兄都恨他; 何況他的朋友,更遠離他! 他用言語追隨,他們卻走了。
8 He that possesseth vnderstanding, loueth his owne soule, and keepeth wisdome to finde goodnesse.
得着智慧的,愛惜生命; 保守聰明的,必得好處。
9 A false witnes shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes, shall perish.
作假見證的,不免受罰; 吐出謊言的,也必滅亡。
10 Pleasure is not comely for a foole, much lesse for a seruant to haue rule ouer princes.
愚昧人宴樂度日是不合宜的; 何況僕人管轄王子呢?
11 The discretion of man deferreth his anger: and his glory is to passe by an offence.
人有見識就不輕易發怒; 寬恕人的過失便是自己的榮耀。
12 The Kings wrath is like the roaring of a lyon: but his fauour is like the dewe vpon ye grasse.
王的忿怒好像獅子吼叫; 他的恩典卻如草上的甘露。
13 A foolish sonne is the calamitie of his father, and the contentions of a wife are like a continuall dropping.
愚昧的兒子是父親的禍患; 妻子的爭吵如雨連連滴漏。
14 House and riches are the inheritance of the fathers: but a prudent wife commeth of the Lord.
房屋錢財是祖宗所遺留的; 惟有賢慧的妻是耶和華所賜的。
15 Slouthfulnes causeth to fall asleepe, and a deceitfull person shall be affamished.
懶惰使人沉睡; 懈怠的人必受飢餓。
16 He that keepeth the commandement, keepeth his owne soule: but hee that despiseth his wayes, shall dye.
謹守誡命的,保全生命; 輕忽己路的,必致死亡。
17 He that hath mercy vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and the Lord will recompense him that which he hath giuen.
憐憫貧窮的,就是借給耶和華; 他的善行,耶和華必償還。
18 Chasten thy sonne while there is hope, and let not thy soule spare for his murmuring.
趁有指望,管教你的兒子; 你的心不可任他死亡。
19 A man of much anger shall suffer punishment: and though thou deliuer him, yet wil his anger come againe.
暴怒的人必受刑罰; 你若救他,必須再救。
20 Heare counsell and receiue instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter ende.
你要聽勸教,受訓誨, 使你終久有智慧。
21 Many deuises are in a mans heart: but the counsell of the Lord shall stand.
人心多有計謀; 惟有耶和華的籌算才能立定。
22 That that is to be desired of a man, is his goodnes, and a poore man is better then a lyer.
施行仁慈的,令人愛慕; 窮人強如說謊言的。
23 The feare of the Lord leadeth to life: and he that is filled therewith, shall continue, and shall not be visited with euill.
敬畏耶和華的,得着生命; 他必恆久知足,不遭禍患。
24 The slouthfull hideth his hand in his bosome, and wil not put it to his mouth againe.
懶惰人放手在盤子裏, 就是向口撤回,他也不肯。
25 Smite a scorner, and the foolish wil beware: and reproue the prudent, and he wil vnderstand knowledge.
鞭打褻慢人,愚蒙人必長見識; 責備明哲人,他就明白知識。
26 He that destroyeth his father, or chaseth away his mother, is a lewde and shamefull childe.
虐待父親、攆出母親的, 是貽羞致辱之子。
27 My sonne, heare no more the instruction, that causeth to erre from ye words of knowledge.
我兒,不可聽了教訓 而又偏離知識的言語。
28 A wicked witnes mocketh at iudgement, and the mouth of ye wicked swalloweth vp iniquitie.
匪徒作見證戲笑公平; 惡人的口吞下罪孽。
29 But iudgements are prepared for the scorners, and stripes for the backe of the fooles.
刑罰是為褻慢人預備的; 鞭打是為愚昧人的背預備的。

< Proverbs 19 >