< Proverbs 13 >

1 A wise sonne will obey the instruction of his father: but a scorner will heare no rebuke.
Ny zanaka hendry mihaino ny fananaran-drainy; Fa ny mpaniratsira tsy mety mihaino, na dia anarina mafy aza.
2 A man shall eate good things by the fruite of his mouth: but the soule of the trespassers shall suffer violence.
Ny vokatry ny vavan’ ny olona no ahazoany soa; Fa ny hampidi-doza no mahafaly ny mpivadika.
3 Hee that keepeth his mouth, keepeth his life: but he that openeth his lips, destruction shall be to him.
Izay mahambim-bava no miaro ny ainy; Fa izay vavàna dia haringana.
4 The sluggard lusteth, but his soule hath nought: but the soule of the diligent shall haue plentie.
Ny fanahin’ ny kamo maniry, fa tsy mba mahazo; Fa ny fanahin’ ny mazoto hohatavezina.
5 A righteous man hateth lying wordes: but the wicked causeth slander and shame.
Ny lainga dia halan’ ny marina; Fa ny ratsy fanahy manao izay maharikoriko sy mahamenatra.
6 Righteousnesse preserueth the vpright of life: but wickednes ouerthroweth the sinner.
Ny fahamarinana miaro izay mandeha tsy misy tsiny; Fa ny haratsiana mamotraka ny mpanota.
7 There is that maketh himselfe riche, and hath nothing, and that maketh himselfe poore, hauing great riches.
Misy mihambo ho manan-karena, nefa tsy manana na inona na inona; Misy kosa mody malahelo, nefa manana harena be.
8 A man will giue his riches for the ransome of his life: but the poore cannot heare ye reproch.
Ny haren’ ny olona dia avotry ny ainy; Fa ny levilevy tsy mampiraika ny malahelo akory.
9 The light of the righteous reioyceth: but the candle of the wicked shall be put out.
Ny fahazavan’ ny marina dia tsara firehitra; Fa ny jiron’ ny ratsy fanahy ho faty.
10 Onely by pride doeth man make contention: but with the well aduised is wisdome.
Fifandirana ihany no vokatry ny fiavonavonana; Fa ao amin’ ny mino anatra no misy fahendrena.
11 The riches of vanitie shall diminish: but he that gathereth with the hand, shall increase them.
Ny harena azoazo foana dia mihena lalandava; Fa izay mahavatra mitsimpona no mampitombo.
12 The hope that is deferred, is the fainting of the heart: but when the desire commeth, it is as a tree of life.
Ny fanantenana tsy azo vetivety dia mankarary am-bavafo; Fa hazon’ aina ny faniriana tanteraka.
13 He that despiseth the worde, hee shall be destroyed: but hee that feareth the commandement he shalbe rewarded.
Izay manamavo ny teny ho voasingony; Fa izay matahotra ny didy no hahazo valim-pitia.
14 The instruction of a wise man is as the welspring of life, to turne away from the snares of death.
Ny fampianaran’ ny hendry dia loharanon’ aina Ka mampivily tsy ho ao amin’ ny fandriky ny fahafatesana.
15 Good vnderstanding maketh acceptable: but the way of the disobedient is hated.
Ny fahendrena tsara dia ahazoam-pitia; Fa sarotra ny lalan’ ny mpivadika.
16 Euery wise man will worke by knowledge: but a foole will spread abroade folly.
Ny mahira-tsaina, rehetra miasa amin’ ny fahalalana; Fa ny adala kosa mampiseho hadalana;
17 A wicked messenger falleth into euill: but a faithfull ambassadour is preseruation.
Ny iraka ratsy fanahy idiran-doza; Fa ny iraka mahatoky dia famelombelomana.
18 Pouertie and shame is to him that refuseth instruction: but hee that regardeth correction, shalbe honoured.
Fahalahelovana sy henatra no ho an’ izay mandà famaizana; Fa izay manaiky anatra no homem-boninahitra.
19 A desire accomplished deliteth ye soule: but it is an abomination to fooles to depart from euil.
Mamin’ ny fo ny faniriana tanteraka; Fa fahavetavetana eo imason’ ny adala ny hiala amin’ ny ratsy.
20 He that walketh with the wise, shalbe wise: but a companion of fooles shalbe afflicted.
Izay miara-dia amin’ ny hendry dia ho hendry; Fa izay misakaiza amin’ ny adala dia hidiran-doza.
21 Affliction followeth sinners: but vnto the righteous God will recompense good.
Ny mpanota dia enjehin’ ny loza: Fa hovalian-tsoa ny marina.
22 The good man shall giue inheritance vnto his childrens children: and the riches of the sinner is layde vp for the iust.
Ny tsara fanahy mahenina lova ny zafiny, Fa ny haren’ ny mpanota kosa voatahiry ho an’ ny marina.
23 Much foode is in the fielde of the poore: but the fielde is destroyed without discretion.
Ny tanin’ ny malahelo izay voasa dia ahazoana hanina be; Fa maro no ringana noho ny fanaovan’ izay tsy rariny.
24 He that spareth his rodde, hateth his sonne: but he that loueth him, chasteneth him betime.
Izay mitsitsy ny tsorakazony dia tsy tia ny zanany; Fa izay tia zanaka dia manafay azy, raha mbola kely.
25 The righteous eateth to the contentation of his minde: but the belly of the wicked shall want.
Ny marina mihinana ka voky tsara; Fa noana ny kibon’ ny ratsy fanahy.

< Proverbs 13 >