< Proverbs 12 >
1 He that loueth instruction, loueth knowledge: but he that hateth correction, is a foole.
[one who] loves Discipline [is] loving knowledge and [one who] hates rebuke [is] stupid.
2 A good man getteth fauour of the Lord: but the man of wicked immaginations will hee condemne.
A good [person] he obtains favor from Yahweh and a person of evil devices he condemns as guilty.
3 A man cannot be established by wickednesse: but the roote of the righteous shall not be mooued.
Not he is established anyone by wickedness and [the] root of righteous [people] not it is moved.
4 A vertuous woman is the crowne of her husband: but she that maketh him ashamed, is as corruption in his bones.
A wife of ability [is] [the] crown of husband her and [is] like rottenness in bones his a [woman who] acts shamefully.
5 The thoughtes of the iust are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceitfull.
[the] plans of Righteous [people] [are] justice [the] counsel of wicked [people] [are] deceit.
6 The talking of the wicked is to lye in waite for blood: but the mouth of the righteous will deliuer them.
[the] words of Wicked [people] [are] to lie in wait for blood and [the] mouth of upright [people] it delivers them.
7 God ouerthroweth the wicked, and they are not: but the house of the righteous shall stand.
[someone] overthrows Wicked [people] and there not [are] they and [the] household of righteous [people] it endures.
8 A man shall be commended for his wisedome: but the froward of heart shalbe despised.
To [the] mouth of prudence his he is praised a person and a [person] perverted of heart he will become contempt.
9 He that is despised, and is his owne seruant, is better then he that boasteth himselfe and lacketh bread.
[is] good A lightly esteemed [person] and a servant [belongs] to him more than [one who] honors himself and [one] lacking of food.
10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the mercies of the wicked are cruell.
[is] knowing A righteous [person] [the] life of animals his and [the] compassion of wicked [people] [is] cruel.
11 He that tilleth his lande, shalbe satisfied with bread: but he that followeth the idle, is destitute of vnderstanding.
[one who] works Land his he will be satisfied food and [one who] pursues worthless things [is] lacking of heart.
12 The wicked desireth the net of euils: but the roote of the righteous giueth fruite.
He covets a wicked [person] a net of evil [things] and [the] root of righteous [people] it yields produce.
13 The euill man is snared by the wickednesse of his lips, but the iust shall come out of aduersitie.
[is] in [the] transgression of Lips a snare evil and he came out from trouble a righteous [person].
14 A man shalbe satiate with good things by the fruite of his mouth, and the recompence of a mans hands shall God giue vnto him.
From [the] fruit of [the] mouth of a person he will be satisfied good thing[s] and [the] dealing of [the] hands of a person (he will repay *Q(K)*) to him.
15 The way of a foole is right in his owne eyes: but he that heareth counsell, is wise.
[the] way of A fool [is] right in own eyes his and [one who] listens to advice [is] wise.
16 A foole in a day shall be knowen by his anger: but he that couereth shame, is wise.
A fool on the day it is known anger his and [one who] conceals shame [is] sensible.
17 He that speaketh trueth, will shewe righteousnes: but a false witnes vseth deceite.
He breathes out faithfulness he declares righteousness and a witness of lies deceit.
18 There is that speaketh wordes like the prickings of a sworde: but the tongue of wise men is health.
There [is one who] speaks rashly like thrusts of a sword and [the] tongue of wise [people] [is] healing.
19 The lip of trueth shall be stable for euer: but a lying tongue varieth incontinently.
A lip of reliability it will be established for ever and until I will grant rest a tongue of falsehood.
20 Deceite is in the heart of them that imagine euill: but to the counsellers of peace shall be ioye.
Deceit [is] in [the] heart of devisers of evil and [belongs] to counselors of peace joy.
21 There shall none iniquitie come to the iust: but the wicked are full of euill.
Not it happens to the righteous any trouble and wicked [people] they are full distress.
22 The lying lips are an abomination to the Lord: but they that deale truely are his delite.
[are] [the] abomination of Yahweh lips of falsehood and doers of faithfulness [are] delight his.
23 A wise man concealeth knowledge: but the heart of the fooles publisheth foolishnes.
A person sensible [is] concealing knowledge and [the] heart of fools it proclaims foolishness.
24 The hand of the diligent shall beare rule: but the idle shalbe vnder tribute.
[the] hand of Diligent [people] it will rule (and idleness *L(bah)*) it will become forced labor.
25 Heauines in the heart of man doeth bring it downe: but a good worde reioyceth it.
Anxiety in [the] heart of a person it bows down it and a word good it makes glad it.
26 The righteous is more excellent then his neighbour: but the way of the wicked will deceiue them.
He makes a search from friend his a righteous [person] and [the] way of wicked [people] it misleads them.
27 The deceitfull man rosteth not, that hee tooke in hunting: but the riches of the diligent man are precious.
Not he roasts idleness game his and [the] wealth of a person precious diligent.
28 Life is in the way of righteousnesse, and in that path way there is no death.
[is] in [the] path of Righteousness life and [the] direction of a pathway may not [it be to] death.