< Proverbs 11 >
1 False balances are an abomination vnto the Lord: but a perfite weight pleaseth him.
Jehovha anovenga zviero zvinonyengera, asi zviero zvakakwana zvinomufadza.
2 When pride commeth, then commeth shame: but with the lowly is wisdome.
Kana kuzvikudza kwasvika, ipapo kunyadziswa kwasvikawo, asi uchenjeri huri kune akazvininipisa.
3 The vprightnes of the iust shall guide them: but the frowardnes of the transgressers shall destroy them.
Unhu hwavakarurama hunovatungamirira, asi vasina kutendeka vanoparadzwa nokunyengera kwavo.
4 Riches auaile not in the day of wrath: but righteousnes deliuereth from death.
Pfuma haibatsiri chinhu pazuva rokutsamwa, asi kururama kunorwira parufu.
5 The righteousnes of the vpright shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall in his owne wickednes.
Kururama kwavasina chavangapomerwa kunovaruramisira nzira yavo, asi vakaipa vachaparadzwa nezvakaipa zvavo.
6 The righteousnesse of the iust shall deliuer them: but the transgressers shall be taken in their owne wickednes.
Kururama kwavakarurama kunovarwira, asi vasina kutendeka vanosungwa nezvishuvo zvavo zvakaipa.
7 When a wicked man dieth, his hope perisheth, and the hope of the vniust shall perish.
Kana munhu akaipa afa, tariro yake yaparara; zvose zvaaitarisira kubva pasimba rake zvaparadzwa.
8 The righteous escapeth out of trouble, and the wicked shall come in his steade.
Munhu akarurama anonunurwa kubva mudambudziko, uye rigoenda kuno munhu akaipa panzvimbo yake.
9 An hypocrite with his mouth hurteth his neighbour: but the righteous shall be deliuered by knowledge.
Munhu asina umwari anoparadza muvakidzani wake nomuromo wake, asi kubudikidza nezivo akarurama anopunyuka.
10 In the prosperitie of the righteous the citie reioyceth, and when the wicked perish, there is ioye.
Vakarurama pavanobudirira, guta rinofara; vakaipa pavanoparara, kupembera nomufaro zvinonzwikwa.
11 By the blessing of the righteous, the citie is exalted: but it is subuerted by the mouth of the wicked.
Kubudikidza nokuropafadzwa kwomunhu akarurama, guta rinosimudzirwa, asi nomuromo womunhu akaipa rinoparadzwa.
12 He that despiseth his neighbour, is destitute of wisedome: but a man of vnderstanding will keepe silence.
Munhu anoshayiwa uchenjeri anoseka muvakidzani wake, asi munhu anonzwisisa anodzora rurimi rwake.
13 Hee that goeth about as a slanderer, discouereth a secret: but hee that is of a faithfull heart concealeth a matter.
Guhwa rinoparadza chivimbo, asi munhu akavimbika anochengetedza zvakavanzika.
14 Where no counsell is, the people fall: but where many counsellers are, there is health.
Nokuda kwokushaya utungamiri rudzi runoparara, asi varayiri vazhinji vanoita kuti kukunda kuvepo.
15 Hee shall be sore vexed, that is suretie for a stranger, and he that hateth suretiship, is sure.
Uyo anoisira mumwe rubatso zvirokwazvo achaona nhamo, asi ani naani anoramba kumbundana maoko achiita mhiko achapona.
16 A gracious woman atteineth honour, and the strong men atteine riches.
Mukadzi ane mwoyo munyoro achakudzwa, asi varume vane utsinye vachawana pfuma chete.
17 Hee that is mercifull, rewardeth his owne soule: but he that troubleth his own flesh, is cruel.
Munhu ane tsitsi anozviitira zvakanaka iye pachake, asi munhu ane utsinye anozviunzira dambudziko.
18 The wicked worketh a deceitful worke: but hee that soweth righteousnes, shall receiue a sure rewarde.
Munhu akaipa anowana mubayiro wokunyengedzera, asi uyo anodyara kururama anokohwa mubayiro wechokwadi.
19 As righteousnes leadeth to life: so hee that followeth euill, seeketh his owne death.
Munhu akarurama zvechokwadi anowana upenyu, asi uyo anotevera zvakaipa anoenda kurufu rwake.
20 They that are of a froward heart, are abomination to the Lord: but they that are vpright in their way, are his delite.
Jehovha anovenga vanhu vane mwoyo yakaipa, asi anofarira avo vane nzira dzisina chadzingapomerwa.
21 Though hande ioyne in hande, the wicked shall not be vnpunished: but the seede of the righteous shall escape.
Zvirokwazvo akaipa acharangwa bedzi, asi vakarurama vachasunungurwa.
22 As a iewell of golde in a swines snoute: so is a faire woman, which lacketh discretion.
Sezvakaita mukaro wegoridhe mumhino dzenguruve, ndizvo zvakaitawo mukadzi akanaka pachiso asi asina njere.
23 The desire of the righteous is onely good: but the hope of the wicked is indignation.
Chishuvo cheakarurama chinoguma mune zvakanaka chete, asi tariro yeakaipa inogumira mukutsamwirwa.
24 There is that scattereth, and is more increased: but hee that spareth more then is right, surely commeth to pouertie.
Mumwe munhu anongopa pachena, asi achitowana zvimwe zvakawanda; mumwe anonyima zvaanofanira kupa, asi agova murombo.
25 The liberall person shall haue plentie: and he that watereth, shall also haue raine.
Munhu anopavhurira achabudirira; uyo anomutsiridza vamwe achamutsiridzwawo.
26 He that withdraweth the corne, the people will curse him: but blessing shalbe vpon the head of him that selleth corne.
Vanhu vanotuka munhu anounganidza zviyo vamwe vasina, asi mukomborero uchava korona youyo anofarira kutengesa.
27 He that seeketh good things, getteth fauour: but he that seeketh euill, it shall come to him.
Uyo anotsvaka zvakanaka achawana nyasha, asi zvakaipa zvinosvika kune uyo anozvitsvaka.
28 He that trusteth in his riches, shall fall: but the righteous shall florish as a leafe.
Ani naani anovimba noupfumi hwake achawa, asi akarurama achanaka seshizha nyoro.
29 He that troubleth his owne house, shall inherite the winde, and the foole shalbe seruant to the wise in heart.
Uyo anouyisa dambudziko kumhuri yake achagara nhaka yemhepo chete, uye benzi richava muranda womunhu akachenjera.
30 The fruite of the righteous is as a tree of life, and he that winneth soules, is wise.
Chibereko chokururama ndiwo muti woupenyu, uye anotungamirira mweya yavanhu kuruponeso ndiye akachenjera.
31 Beholde, the righteous shalbe recompensed in the earth: howe much more the wicked and the sinner?
Kana vakarurama vachiwana zvakavafanira panyika, ko, kuzoti akaipa nomutadzi!